It happens because we're afraid of what people will do. Will Christians start leaving the faith if they start believing it's not 100% perfect? Will non-Christians start laughing and making fun of us and saying, "Hey I told you so!!!!!" ?
This behaviour is driven by fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear of not knowing whether to trust what the Bible says when it isn't 100% perfect!!!!
The way I see it, the Bible is just a means to an end. Its purpose was to remind us what the early Christians believed. Perfection isn't necessary. The Texts only need to say what they need to say to convey the experiences of the early Christians to us -- nothing more. The most important thing in Christianity and the Bible is Christ. If there is anything that needs to be defended and promoted in Christianity it's Christ, not the Bible itself. Nowhere does it say in the Bible, "
I am the Bible. Defend me!!! My words are true!!! My words are perfect!!! I am free from error. I have not been corrupted. Beware of the false teachers that tell you I have been corrupted. Have nothing to do with them. Those who profane me will be cast into the deepest, most scorching of fires!!!!"
Sounds a bit like the Book of Origin and the Ori in StarGate SG-1.
It sounds to me that Christianity isn't about defending the Bible. Methinks Christianity can, in theory, exist without the Bible. Christianity is about Jesus Christ. The concept of Jesus Christ is independent of any written text. The concept of Jesus Christ existed before any written text in the New Testament. What we have in the Bible is a
reminder of what Jesus Christ meant to people from earlier times. The Bible is here to
remind; it is not a magic formula for enlightenment.
The Bible itself records Jesus as saying, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. Nobody comes to the Father except through Me." The words say it all!!!
No, the Bible is not the
Book of Origin, and Jesus Christ is not one of the
Ori. This is not StarGate SG-1 here!!!
I don't require the Bible to be 100% perfect because I simply don't believe Christianity is emphasising the perfection of a Written Text. I see Christianity's purpose as conveying the message and concept of Jesus Christ. The Texts are nothing but beacons leading us to that concept.
Consider Colossians 2:20-22.
When we say that people have to believe in the 100% perfection of the Bible to be Christian, aren't we making rules? The 100% perfection of the Bible is something Christians have been influenced to believe -- by Enlightenment and Modernity -- the idea of something perfect as conveying a message from God. But isn't this like what Paul means by "the basic principles of this world," that this is what the modern world would want to believe, due to the implications of modernity, which believes in magic formulas?
The modern world is driven by industries that design, engineer and deploy products. Mathematics and science is used to achieve the aesthetic elegance, quality and utilitarian efficiency of commercial products today. The modern world could well be shaped to believe that the Bible is like a product designed, engineered and
deployed, much like modern industries work today, to
show off the wisdom and intelligence of God!!! My point? People think of the Bible as a product deployed to excite and provoke us, much like something manufactured in modern industry. The Bible is just like everything else -- something we buy and sell.

Strangely enough, though, it isn't non-Christians, but Christians that reinforce this way of thinking.
So what's the real purpose of the Bible? To explain Jesus Christ to future generations. The Bible becomes useless once this goal has been realised. Once you have discovered Jesus Christ you can throw your Bible in the trash bin because you have found God.

(Nah just joking. Human memory can be fickle.) But honestly, do we really think we'll need the Bible in the New Heaven and New Earth which God is preparing for us?
The Bible, just like everything else, perishes with use (as Paul says in Colossians 2:20-22).
So let nobody deceive you about the purpose of the Bible. It's purpose was simply to remind us of the person of Jesus Christ. It doesn't need to be 100% perfect.
If we do require the Bible to be 100% perfect, we may well have chosen to be Christian for the wrong reasons!!! So what happens if someone convinces us otherwise? Does our faith depend on the perfection/imperfection of a Written Text or the reasonableness/unreasonableness of the concept of Jesus Christ? Which one do you pursue?