Why do people try to change Christianity?

I think man speaks in error, and if you haven't noticed, the Bible was written, by man. Sure, it's inspired, but man is an evil breed, and our hearts aren't always in the right place. It only makes sense to take this into account when studying the Bible, imo.

I believe in free will, and God never interferes with a persons choice, imo. Why then would God interfere with the Bible, even if man got some of it wrong? Choice is our freedom, and that freedom was given in the beginning with Adam and Eve,

I'm a fan of Jesus, but since my views don't set well with the flock, I refrain from calling my self Christian. But, with your logic, one would have to agree with everything our governments do, and say to be called a citizen, or in my case, an American.

I'm just saying...

Much Love

I would say because it is the tool of christian belief? Like what if... what if someone wrote in the bible for all christian sheep to see.. Rev 21:8 "And Jesus came down upon a white steed... and had butt sex with all the little boys of the land and giggled..."

You think your god would accept that? That is clearly error... Anything that was changed from the orginal bible surley would be seen as BIG of an error as this... by his word are you not saved and learn to live how he wants you to? if people messed up his word how would it be possible....

You are a citizen of america? And if you don't like and obey by their rules... you are punished are you not...
Yes, pick was my word; I used it only because that is what other Christians say I do. What I actually do is judge the spirit behind the teaching, or what those teachings do to the believers of them, or rather how it effects them 'spiritualy'.

I don't claim I know the entire truth, I claim that the Bible has errors, and that those errors lead many away from truth as I know it, or truth as I see it, or away from God as he is defined in 1 John 4:8,16.

Much Love,

I think what you meant was discerning, not "picking and choosing."

You can only pick and choose technicalities.

But Christianity isn't about technicalities. It's about something personal and sentimental. That's what spirituality is about. Technicalities have to do with things that are quantitative and have utilitarian value. The deeply personal has to do things that are qualitative with sentimental value.

Technicalities are things you pick and choose but sentiment is something you discern. And human beings are sentient beings. We have emotions. We feel. We evaluate, explore, discover. We adjust and adapt to the greys of life. It's not all black, white, numerical and logical. Not all head and no heart. These are things we discern.

You meant discerning, not picking and choosing.:)

Listen to your heart. Follow your instincts. Trust your feelings. Use your intuition. Strive for your full potential.
Love is pure, it comforts, and leads us out of darkness. Our carnal nature is to embrace anger, fear, bitterness, violence, and hate. Love takes these away, and can give us serenity. If God is Love, then he opposes that which makes our hearts dark, and when we embrace him, he allows us to be free from these things.

Good fruit, imo...

Much Love,

I see that your have grown quite a bit in your faith, Cage. You seem to have less doubts about God than I remember several months back. Your notes seem to be hitting the right melody and it sounds beautiful. It's good to see progress in your journey. Pray that you find the fulness of God's Love in your life, friend.

Love & Peace

I would say because it is the tool of christian belief? Like what if... what if someone wrote in the bible for all christian sheep to see.. Rev 21:8 "And Jesus came down upon a white steed... and had butt sex with all the little boys of the land and giggled..."

You think your god would accept that? That is clearly error... Anything that was changed from the orginal bible surley would be seen as BIG of an error as this... by his word are you not saved and learn to live how he wants you to? if people messed up his word how would it be possible....

You are a citizen of america? And if you don't like and obey by their rules... you are punished are you not...

Hi 17th Angel, :)

I think man has put many of our own fear based values in the writ. It started way back with Adam and Eve, when our faith started as a simple oral tradition, and it continues today. Sure, the Bible has been written, and 'sealed' so to speak, but we [mankind] continue to grow, and develop.

We once accepted our 'traditions' on face value, and wouldn't dare question them. That fear is starting to vanish, as more and more are opening their eyes to God. Jesus made great strides himself, and has for many been a blessing. It is his testimony, his lfe, and his passion that fuels my own personal journey. It was he who got me to question what I believed about my creator.

As for being an American, I vote for Change when I disagree. I am disturbed at much of what my government is credited for...our policies, our big brother attitude, and our insistence on pushing our values on other cultures. Yes, I am an American, but I desperately want to change much of how my government opperates. The laws that make sense, and don't go against my values, I happily accept, but when there is a dilemma with my moral standing, I will push for a change of those laws, like all [Americans] should; I AM an American. Although, I disagree with much of what may government says, and does.

Change is innevitable, imo...

Much Love,
I think what you meant was discerning, not "picking and choosing."

You can only pick and choose technicalities.

But Christianity isn't about technicalities. It's about something personal and sentimental. That's what spirituality is about. Technicalities have to do with things that are quantitative and have utilitarian value. The deeply personal has to do things that are qualitative with sentimental value.

Technicalities are things you pick and choose but sentiment is something you discern. And human beings are sentient beings. We have emotions. We feel. We evaluate, explore, discover. We adjust and adapt to the greys of life. It's not all black, white, numerical and logical. Not all head and no heart. These are things we discern.

You meant discerning, not picking and choosing.:)

Listen to your heart. Follow your instincts. Trust your feelings. Use your intuition. Strive for your full potential.

Thank you, Saltmeister, :)

Much Love,
I see that your have grown quite a bit in your faith, Cage. You seem to have less doubts about God than I remember several months back. Your notes seem to be hitting the right melody and it sounds beautiful. It's good to see progress in your journey. Pray that you find the fulness of God's Love in your life, friend.

Love & Peace


Yes, I have grown a deal deal in my faith, Dondi...Thank you for noticing/remembering. :)

It's amazing how when you feel it, you know it. I have valued Love for a long time. You can see this by my introduction here, lol! A bit clumsy, but I believed it then. The difference now, is that I can feel it growing inside me; the fear, hate, bitterness, anger, etc I once felt is going away. Actually, it has nearly vanished all together. I feel like I know God, and I feel/know he accepts me now as I am...It's a wonderful feeling, Dondi...

to be serene.

Much Love,
Yes, I have grown a deal deal in my faith, Dondi...Thank you for noticing/remembering. :)

It's amazing how when you feel it, you know it. I have valued Love for a long time. You can see this by my introduction here, lol! A bit clumsy, but I believed it then. The difference now, is that I can feel it growing inside me; the fear, hate, bitterness, anger, etc I once felt is going away. Actually, it has nearly vanished all together. I feel like I know God, and I feel/know he accepts me now as I am...It's a wonderful feeling, Dondi...

to be serene.

Much Love,

That's why trying to change Christianity doesn't work. Because as it is, it works for people who are searching. It is an anchor in a tempest tossed sea. It is basic truth, and the rest is just dressing.

Like your new avatar Cage...;)

That's why trying to change Christianity doesn't work. Because as it is, it works for people who are searching. It is an anchor in a tempest tossed sea. It is basic truth, and the rest is just dressing.

Like your new avatar Cage...;)


I appreciate your sentiments, Quahom, but I didn't get here by accepting the status quo. I have a long way to go, as we all do, but at least now I feel I am on the right road. That road is not the traditional view...

I fought tooth and nail with both Jesus and God for years. I questioned everything, and I still do for the most part. Only, I'm done fighting now, as I have found a good measure of peace inside myself through Gods Love. Yes, God and Jesus won...they always do, don't they?

They won't let a searching heart/lost sheep stay lost forever. :)

Much Love,

btw, I like the Avatar as well. It is one already in the picks where you load it in you user CP. I guess it spoke to me, haha!
I appreciate your sentiments, Quahom, but I didn't get here by accepting the status quo. I have a long way to go, as we all do, but at least now I feel I am on the right road. That road is not the traditional view...

I fought tooth and nail with both Jesus and God for years. I questioned everything, and I still do for the most part. Only, I'm done fighting now, as I have found a good measure of peace inside myself through Gods Love. Yes, God and Jesus won...they always do, don't they?

They won't let a searching heart/lost sheep stay lost forever. :)

Much Love,

btw, I like the Avatar as well. It is one already in the picks where you load it in you user CP. I guess it spoke to me, haha!

Who ever said Jesus was traditional? lol:D
Yes, I have grown a deal deal in my faith, Dondi...Thank you for noticing/remembering. :)

It's amazing how when you feel it, you know it. I have valued Love for a long time. You can see this by my introduction here, lol! A bit clumsy, but I believed it then. The difference now, is that I can feel it growing inside me; the fear, hate, bitterness, anger, etc I once felt is going away. Actually, it has nearly vanished all together. I feel like I know God, and I feel/know he accepts me now as I am...It's a wonderful feeling, Dondi...

to be serene.

Much Love,

Boy, don't I know it, Cage. It's the difference between having a religion and having a relationship. :eek:
Love is pure, it comforts, and leads us out of darkness. Our carnal nature is to embrace anger, fear, bitterness, violence, and hate. Love takes these away, and can give us serenity. If God is Love, then he opposes that which makes our hearts dark, and when we embrace him, he allows us to be free from these things.

Good fruit, imo...

Much Love,
I think we all may listen to the snake and decide to bite of the apple at some point in time. But I do not see us all with this evil carnal nature, as it were natural for man. We are often raised in environments which are cultivators of the potential for us to take the wrong path. If not at home, while we are at school or partaking in life we run into others who have strayed. And then we choose, our snake, our eve, offers us an alternative...or maybe we are the snake or the eve offering it to some other adam...

But I see it is as perfectly possible, perfectly logical that someone be raised in a gloriously loving environment and making choice after choice that keeps them on the path of righteousness.

Heaven knows that wasn't me...I played with, slept with and was the snake for decades...but that was my path...I don't see that as everyones. Are we likely to make the wrong choice, is it an internal battle between our cain and able nature....sure...but I don't see it as all powerful human drive toward our detrement.

Choose love.

All absolutely wonderful stuff.
I think life itself is an enviroment for the carnal to take hold. I think our true nature, is infact a God nature, but life creates the carnal in us, and many cleave to the carnal, and live the like. Then there are many others who choose a better path...

Much Love,
Do you think the carnal is in all of us? Or do you think some are born without it. BTW, I read over the posts from last night, and I have to ask, Cage, when did the Love start to take hold and was there one specific thing that triggered it? (I hope I phrased that right) If it's not too personal to ask.


The Jews don't believe in original sin, and they wrote the book! I don't believe the carnal is born in any of us. We have free will and live in a land (earth) that provides us opportunity. Our choices create our destiny...and the only way to prove who is worthy is through the temptation and learning.

The hot stove, the red apple, the fermented grape, mold, chemicals, gunpowder.....need we go on...all present choices..which way to use them...
I don't think one can honestly deny that if you are born in the flesh the carnal (flesh) nature is in you. It simply comes with the body and includes to some degree in everyone , the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life. If it were not true than there would be nothing to overcome. And Jesus himself was an overcomer.

Love in Christ,

PS As to the original question of why do people try to change Christianity. I don't think they are trying to change it. They are just trying to get back to what it originally was before ruling powers and church organizations perverted it to meet there own agenda.
Do you think the carnal is in all of us? Or do you think some are born without it. BTW, I read over the posts from last night, and I have to ask, Cage, when did the Love start to take hold and was there one specific thing that triggered it? (I hope I phrased that right) If it's not too personal to ask.



I do think the carnal is in all of us, just as I think Love is in all of us. It's not a one way street, imo. I think we need to experience both in order to appreciate that which is good, and worthy, and of God.

Ephesians 6:12

12. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

We wrestle against our carnal nature, and our carnal nature wrestles against the Love of God. We decide what we embrace, and what we reject. God allows us to choose, and that is the way it should be, imo.

I have valued Love for a very long time, Kelly. Even so, it took a very long time for that seed to sprout in my heart, and even longer to grow, and when it started to bear fruit, I began to understand Gods Love for me.

It is a process that takes a great deal of time, and nurturing, but once you embrace Love, and allow it to grow inside yourself, it increases and you start to 'feel' its power. After that, all thats left is to enjoy the fruit, continue to resist the rulers of the darkness, and sow some seeds. :)

I would say the process for me took a couple years, and I have just recently began to 'understand' my purpose. Although, I have been studying the Bible since childhood; I am now 35...

Much Love,
Kindest Regards, RevKelly, and welcome to CR!

Love is Good True or False
Hate is Good True or False
Joy and Happiness are Good True or False
Misery and Despair are Good True or False
Mercy and Compassion are Good True or False
Cruelty and Malice are Good True or False
Patience is Good True or False
Outrage is Good True or False
Courage is Good True or False
Terror is Good True or False
Good? In what sense? In other words, what exactly do you mean by "good?"