skeletal remains of
giants ... and you will find more photos than you can shake a stick at, on the web. Also research
Atacama humanoid, which Dr. Steven Greer had DNA-tested by
Garry Nolan at Stanford (as I recall). The latter find is the one
verified ... and the Atacama humanoid is only about a foot tall. Almost certainly, it is PHYSICAL PROOF of other civilizations having visited ours (a slightly different topic). But the proof of giants - and yes, donnann, I mean PHYSICAL giants?
Good luck. Archaeology has skirted this issue as successfully as they have avoided the
PROOF of water erosion damage on the Sphinx, proving that such a monument is older than 13000 years (technically it, as well as the Giza Pyramids are older than 200,000 years, as even Egypt's own
Denderah Zodiac dates more than three cycles of the Greater Zodiac, which means more than
76,000 years).
Do not expect to find confirmation of esoteric science using exoteric dating or means, or chronologies, since these are all TERRIBLY flawed - as are the minds and assumptions of most of those practicing. An example is the dating methodologies used ... such as
radio carbon dating, although astronomy/physics are both extremely jaded in general, and thus their findings echo those of archaeology and anthropology. You see, the assumptions and conclusions have
already been made, and thus they do not, they cannot, fit the facts.
Our own Solar System may well have an age of
many trillions of years. Nick can give a figure more readily than I can. But not a one of you, here, can disprove it - any more than I can prove it. The rest of the research, such as that which dates the Sphinx and Pyramids to hundreds of thousands of years, WILL be proven - and soon enough. But we must approach the Truth one step at a time, and few there are, alive today, who have the capacity to see
the `next level' of awareness on these issues, requiring *several steps* be taken ... rather than one step at a time, as the rest of us must proceed.
Yes, there were PHYSICAL GIANTS, and yes, Lemurian man was perhaps SIXTY FEET TALL, as the excerpt I shared tells us. Thirty feet is given as the size for Atlanteans. Yes, there WILL BE proof of this, and soon enough ...
for all to see, without possibility of question or continued cover-up. But remember, folks, there are ET cadavers still kept on ice, from the Roswell crashes ... and do YOU know about it? Have YOU ever seen one?
Don't bother asking me how I know. Do the research. Do it, as I have done, and
you, also - will either KNOW (not believe, but KNOW) ... or else you will be, or will remain - in denial. Many are in denial, but few of these have actually done the research. Ask Garry Nolan of Stanford what
he `believes' ... having run the findings through a DNA testing program. Or better yet, watch and READ the results, for yourself. Listen CAREFULLY to the test results, to the explanation of the SOFTWARE which was
human-designed, as we do not exactly have a
GOOD, SOLID TESTBED of existing, ALIEN DNA to compare
the Atacama Humanoid with ... lol.
Then tell me that YOU, whoever YOU happen to be, are an EXPERT on these matters,
since after all - YOU have had all the best benefit of expert TRAINING, and degree-seeking on such matters ...
including HOW much time `in the field,' examining Earth's own early Hominids? How many other ET cadavers, or living beings, of
whatever height have you met? And how many subterranean caverns have you visited, containing
LARGE SKELETAL REMAINS of sixty feet tall Lemurian Humanity, or Atlantean *technology* - including what some call
Vimanas, fully functional, at least in Earth's own atmosphere,
without internal combustion - etc., etc. (?)
There are those - living in the late 19th Century, and probably during other eras - who HAVE SEEN ... both the Vimanas, and other Atlantean artifacts, and yes,
PROOF of the giant hominids, whether at Bamian or elsewhere. And yes, THEY have testified as to what they have seen, just as NO RATIONAL PERSON can deny that Earth has
been visited for seven decades in the very least by multiple species of intelligent, non-terrestrial beings (some in ET `craft' ... others, apparently
trans-dimensional in such a way that
no craft were needed). Again, either you know such things, you
suspect them, or you remain unaware - if not in utter denial. And strangely, people DO hold strong opinions regarding what they cannot defend, and what
they certainly cannot prove. My own take on it, is that I believe it is FEAR which holds most folks back. But, as we will learn, in most cases this is
unfounded. Nevertheless ...
Your difficulty arises, 99.9% of it anyway, because of your assumptions. You have too many
a priori's. Each of these limits what you can, or will discover. I suggest tossing those out. Do not throw out the baby with the bathwater; just stop thinking that
you know how things are, because of
X. Yes, most of the time, I assure you - X will turn out to be your mistake.
All that I have said is true, as far as I know it. But the difference between me - and most of you - is that
I do not need to SEE in order to `believe.' And yes, actually ... that's what allows me - next - to KNOW things. True. It won't make much
sense at all to most folks who read this. And I'm sure you think I'm being arrogant, irrational or absurd. Keep thinking that, if it's the only thing you can come up with ...
With our thoughts we make the world. I'm sure Buddha was just working on a nice,
feel-good sentiment with that one. Right?
Good luck. But think about what I have said. Even donnann, who is often the most open-minded among folks posting here, is wrong on this one. Yes, they [Lemurian & Atlantean Humanity] were PHYSICAL. And HUGE ... truly
cyclopean by our standards. That's a word I use
on Purpose!