Favorite Bible Quotes

Quahom1;130179 Instead of saying "Come to God because the end is near" said:
And that is why it is goodnews , Gods kingdom is the answer to all of the problems in the world

And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come. matthew 24;14 all of the pain will be a thing of the past when Gods kingdom steps into the affairs of man .

the end of manmade goverments is what will happen and the prince of peace Jesus christ will bring peace to the earth .

(Daniel 2:44) “And in the days of those kings(human rulers) the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms,(manmade goverments) and it itself will stand to times indefinite;

the heavenly kingdom was set up while the manmade rulerships were still ruling , as it says in Daniel 2;44 that it will be in the days of those kings, and this establishing of the heavenly kingdom happened right on time inline with bible prophecy and chronology, and 1914 was the end of the gentile times or the appointed times of the nations , yes bible prophecy always comes true and it is very GOODNEWS indeed.

(Matthew 6:10) Let your kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also upon earth.

and as you mentioned it brings great peace of mind to know that God has it all in control and the earth will be brought back to paradise contions , but first the GOODNEWS about the kingdom has to be preached first

(Mark 13:10) Also, in all the nations the good news has to be preached first.

and yes it is because God loves us that he has put everthing in place to accomplish his original purpose for the earth , and that is for humans to live forever on a paradise earth . Gods purpose has never changed and as soon as the spanner was put in the works right back in the garden of eden ,he right away put something in place to correct it . and its all to do with his son Jesus christ and the ransom .

For God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life. For God sent forth his Son into the world, not for him to judge the world, but for the world to be saved through him. John 3;16-17

(1 John 4:9) By this the love of God was made manifest in our case, because God sent forth his only-begotten Son into the world that we might gain life through him.

but now in this time of the end Jesus is a reigning king in Gods heavenly kingdom and he has been given great power Daniel 7;13-14
Instead of saying "Come to God because the end is near", we should be saying "Come to God, because He Loves you and wants to take away your pain, and fill you with joy and peace of mind".



Very true, I tend to peg down christians as simply a "the end is nigh!!!" End of the world cult that are craving disaster and so on...... I know I shouldn't but yeah... That's habit for you. Kind of changing in that view I have experienced/witnessed a large range of christians via this site... You are like a pick and mix... As wide a scale as Pagans.....
You all are so much better than I at this.

Paraphrased, Look neither high nor low, for the Kingdom of Heaven is in your midst.

Why wait??
You all are so much better than I at this.

Paraphrased, Look neither high nor low, for the Kingdom of Heaven is in your midst.

Why wait??
yes back then Jesus was in their midst as Gods representative , but those ones did not recognise it did they

But on being asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God was coming, he answered them and said: “The kingdom of God is not coming with striking observableness, neither will people be saying, ‘See here!’ or, ‘There!’ For, look! the kingdom of God is in YOUR midst.(Or, “is among you.” )”LUKE 17;20;21

And so it is today ,people do not recognise fullfilled bible prophecy regarding Jesus and the kingdom . just as the ones he was speaking with back in Jesus day did not get the point or recognise that Jesus was the one to look too. he was in their midst it was as clear as anything but no they would not eccept the right way. Today Jesus PRESENCE has been with us since 1914 but so called religious leaders refuse to see it
You're confusing even me now, mee. Since 1914, there has been presence of jesus? As well as satan? Or did you mean to say satan? Or what? 1914 in the JW sense hasn't anything to do with jesus? That is when god cast satan to Earth, forgive me if I am wrong.....
According to one rendition of Jesus’ words to wicked Pharisees, he said: “The kingdom of God is within you.” (Luke 17:21, King James Version) Did Jesus mean that the Kingdom was in the wicked hearts of those corrupt men? No. A more accurate translation of the original Greek reads: “The kingdom of God is in your midst.” (New World Translation) Jesus, who was in their midst, thus referred to himself as the future King. Far from being something that a person has in his heart, God’s Kingdom is a real, operating government having a ruler and subjects. It is a heavenly government, for it is called both “the kingdom of the heavens” and “the kingdom of God.” (Matthew 13:11; Luke 8:10) In vision, the prophet Daniel beheld its Ruler as “someone like a son of man” brought before Almighty God and given lasting “rulership and dignity and kingdom, that the peoples, national groups and languages should all serve even him.” (Daniel 7:13, 14) Who is this King? Well, the Bible calls Jesus Christ “the Son of man.” (Matthew 12:40; Luke 17:26) Yes, Jehovah designated his Son, Jesus Christ, to be King.
Also could you explain to me the logic please?

Here I am mighty father to my sons, I have a very aggressive pitbull..... It is getting too much for me, I could remove it from the house, but instead I go and put it with my children which I love..... Have I failed to see what possible outcome this will have? This dog, is going to chew my childrens faces right off their skulls..... Why would I do that?
You're confusing even me now, mee. Since 1914, there has been presence of jesus? As well as satan? Or did you mean to say satan? Or what? 1914 in the JW sense hasn't anything to do with jesus? That is when god cast satan to Earth, forgive me if I am wrong.....

if you were into the accurate knowledge of Jehovahs teachings you would not be confused about the PRESENCE at all. thats what happens when a person goes into the darkness outside they become dark in there understanding , but if you were not a baptised witness then taking in more knowledge would be the best thing to do then you would not be confused at all.
if you were into the accurate knowledge of Jehovahs teachings you would not be confused about the PRESENCE at all. thats what happens when a person goes into the darkness outside they become dark in there understanding , but if you were not a baptised witness then taking in more knowledge would be the best thing to do then you would not be confused at all.

How aboot's you quit stallin' ;) And tell me why jesus has an increased presence from 1914?
Also could you explain to me the logic please?

Here I am mighty father to my sons, I have a very aggressive pitbull..... It is getting too much for me, I could remove it from the house, but instead I go and put it with my children which I love..... Have I failed to see what possible outcome this will have? This dog, is going to chew my childrens faces right off their skulls..... Why would I do that?
some dogs just have to be put down because they are just so angry

On this account be glad, YOU heavens and YOU who reside in them! Woe for the earth and for the sea, because the Devil has come down to YOU, having great anger, knowing he has a short period of time.” revelation 12;12

2 Timothy 3:1) But know this, that in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here.

(Romans 16:20) For his part, the God who gives peace will crush Satan under YOUR feet shortly. May the undeserved kindness of our Lord Jesus be with YOU.
some dogs just have to be put down because they are just so angry

On this account be glad, YOU heavens and YOU who reside in them! Woe for the earth and for the sea, because the Devil has come down to YOU, having great anger, knowing he has a short period of time.” revelation 12;12

2 Timothy 3:1) But know this, that in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here.

(Romans 16:20) For his part, the God who gives peace will crush Satan under YOUR feet shortly. May the undeserved kindness of our Lord Jesus be with YOU.

So put him down.... Don't put him with your children (mankind) Put him out of his misery... Instead of letting it get worse... To the point he is now in the same room with the children.
How aboot's you quit stallin' ;) And tell me why jesus has an increased presence from 1914?
“When will these things be, and what will be the sign of your presence [Greek, pa·rou·si′a] and of the conclusion of the system of things?”

we need to keep the right outlook toward all that is involved in Jesus’ presence and act accordingly. That will enable us to ‘endure to the end and be saved.’ (Matthew 24:13)

In the course of giving the prophecy that we find in Matthew chapters 24 and 25, Jesus provided wise advice that we can apply, to our lasting benefit.

To obey the command “keep on the watch” requires constant vigilance. Five virgins let their oil run out and went to buy more. A Christian today might similarly be distracted so that he is not fully prepared for Jesus’ imminent arrival. It happened to some first-century Christians. It can happen to some today. So let us ask ourselves, ‘Is it happening to me?’—1 Thessalonians 5:6-8; Hebrews 2:1; 3:12; 12:3; Revelation 16:15.
Be vigilant; be diligent, especially when the sign of Christ’s pa·rou·si′a is seen. That is now.
message- Jesus, grilled by the Pharisees on when the kingdom of God would come, answered, "The kingdom of God doesn't come by counting the days on the calendar. Nor when someone says, 'Look here!' or, 'There it is!' And why? Because God's kingdom is already among you."

KJV- And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: 21Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.

So Mee you are saying that God's Kingdom was with them then? But gone when Jesus left? So you are saying that Jesus left us? And that it was heaven when Jesus was accused, sentenced, tortured and crucified?

I don't understand it as that. I understand Jesus telling us that it is a matter of choice, of perspective, life is here and now, whether you perceive this as heaven or hell you are right.
So put him down.... Don't put him with your children (mankind) Put him out of his misery... Instead of letting it get worse... To the point he is now in the same room with the children.
he has been in and out of that room since the beginning of his bad ways . but not for much longer because Jehovah and Jesuschrist have it all in hand . A good goverment can only work right if there are no rebellious ones in it to mess things up . and the heavenly kingdom goverment is now well along in this time of the end . thats because there are no rebels up in the heavenly goverment , get the goverment right and then everything falls into place . and before we know it the whole world will be a paradise as well.

Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified. Let your kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also upon earth. matthew 6;9-10

And the dragon grew wrathful at the woman, and went off to wage war with the remaining ones of her seed, who observe the commandments of God and have the work of bearing witness to Jesus.revelation 12;17

(Galatians 4:26) But the Jerusalem above is free, and she is our mother.

this woman has given birth and the child she has given birth to has Gods protection........... the child is Gods kingdom and it was born in 1914

And a great sign was seen in heaven, a woman arrayed with the sun, and the moon was beneath her feet, and on her head was a crown of twelve stars, and she was pregnant. And she cries out in her pains and in her agony to give birth. revelation 12;1-2

And the dragon kept standing before the woman who was about to give birth, that, when she did give birth, it might devour her child.revelation 12;4

yes there is great opposition to Gods kingdom that was born in 1914, and to any of those who uphold that kingdom .
message- Jesus, grilled by the Pharisees on when the kingdom of God would come, answered, "The kingdom of God doesn't come by counting the days on the calendar. Nor when someone says, 'Look here!' or, 'There it is!' And why? Because God's kingdom is already among you."

KJV- And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: 21Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.

So Mee you are saying that God's Kingdom was with them then? But gone when Jesus left? So you are saying that Jesus left us? And that it was heaven when Jesus was accused, sentenced, tortured and crucified?

I don't understand it as that. I understand Jesus telling us that it is a matter of choice, of perspective, life is here and now, whether you perceive this as heaven or hell you are right.

we cant see the kingdom it is in heaven and so is jesus, so anyone claiming to be Jesus is a no no i was saying that the future king was in their midst at that time .
ok another favourite bible quote

“My kingdom is no part of the world. If my kingdom were part of this world, my attendants would have fought that I should not be delivered up to the Jews. But, as it is, my kingdom is not from this source.” JOHN 18;36

its in heaven
we cant see the kingdom it is in heaven and so is jesus, so anyone claiming to be Jesus is a no no i was saying that the future king was in their midst at that time .
But that is not what he said. He spoke of the Kingdom, being there, of Heaven being there. I see no interpretation that mentions the King being among them. The question of the Pharisee and his answer did not reference he, or a king, but asked when the Kingdom of G!d would come...and Jesus indicated it was there.

You then indicated that was while Jesus walked the earth.
mee said:
“My kingdom is no part of the world. If my kingdom were part of this world, my attendants would have fought that I should not be delivered up to the Jews. But, as it is, my kingdom is not from this source.”

its in heaven
And heaven is among us?

He also said he was in this world but not of it, as are we. We are all spiritual beings in G!ds image, taking up temporary residence in these bodies on this planet.
He also said he was in this world but not of it, as are we. We are all spiritual beings in G!ds image, taking up temporary residence in these bodies on this planet.
yes Jesus was in the world but he was not a part of its bad ways ,the same way that his followers would not be part of its worldly ways , they live in the world but they are no part of it .

“They are no part of the world, just as I am no part of the world.”—JOHN 17:16.

Jesus, Speaking of his followers, he said to his father ,I have given your word to them, but the world has hated them, because they are no part of the world, just as I am no part of the world. I request you, not to take them out of the world, but to watch over them because of the wicked one. They are no part of the world, just as I am no part of the world.”—John 17:14-16. sticking to Gods ways makes the world in general hate followers of CHRIST thats because the world goes along in its own ways, but followers of Christ are taught by Jehovah.
wil;[/quote said:
Wil said ..... And heaven is among us?

the bible says the following

As regards the heavens, to Jehovah the heavens belong,
But the earth he has given to the sons of men.psalm 115 ; 16

(Psalm 11:4) Jehovah is in his holy temple. Jehovah—in the heavens is his throne. His own eyes behold, his own beaming eyes examine the sons of men.
sticking to Gods ways makes the world in general hate followers of CHRIST thats because the world goes along in its own ways.
If there was one thing that I could accomplish in this life, it would be to eliminate pessimism and the less than worthy burdens that folks decide to carry.