The First thing to recognise about the subject matter, "Does the soul die" is that there are few places to seek the definition.
I heard it say, "Many religions teach that the soul is immortal and that it never dies." ---But where does it say that?????????????????
But where does it say that?????????????????
There are un-doubtedly "inferences" written into the three main scriptures of the world, the Koran, the Judeo-Christain Bible, and the Vedic Literatures.
I can attest that I have read in scriptures, where it is exhaustively explained in-depth, what the definition of the "soul" is. ... but I don't know where in the Bible nor in the Koran where the Soul is discussed nor defined, I don't know where and why not the nature of the Soul is not discussed.
You'd think that the Pro-Abortion folks would be conversant in what is Soul. There is plenty of nuanced wordage and in-direct inferences and poetic waxing but where is the Definition of the Soul?
Here my contribution to this topic:
"We are not the body, we are spirit-souls ---in the material world"
When the Jesus Died and Rose again ---he illustrated the above maxim.
That "learning moment" illustrated in Jesu Cristo's pastime shows the soul lives on after this life time ---that indicates "Transmigration-of-the-soul" ---this is an elementary lesson that the Brute status of society of Christ's era had no merit to have known nor learnt ---if not for the causeless Mercy of Christ's pastime in the Square of Public Opinion of Rome's world society.
The Lord said, Whenever and wherever there is a decline in religious practice, and a predominant rise of irreligion--at that time I descend Myself. (4.7)
The rule of thumb has been written:
God advents and preaches, as per "Time and Place" ---as per the conditions of the persons living in that "Time and Place".
Alas, we spirits in the material world [of temporal passing Time] are accorded facility to access the goal of our free-will. That means we are tested repeatedly until we cultivate the proper etiquette required to be "Like our father in Heaven" ---our free-will to be a lover of God is up to our 'free-will'. At least we are present to hear the lessons when those lessons were taught. Now we are on our own recognisance.
Only God Re-Incarnates. All other souls ---"Part-and-Parcel of God's status as Supreme-Soul" --- leave their bodies and take new births that allow for reformation ---through the merciful agency of the Souls taking a new birth (Transmigration of the soul into a fresh birth) ---hard learned lessons can be both Enjoyed and/or suffered through . . . all for the purpose of reformation of seeing all as the property of Godhead.
Contrarily, there are many humans along with the lower life-forms of living entities that spend their time is the definitive pastimes of a] eating b] sleeping c] mating d] defending ---as the all in all of life ---to the point of self-hating frustrating pursuit of eternalilty by dint of their own prowess; when alas, we "Spirits in the material-World" are minute beings that have little control over the elements that afflict our daily weather reports.
But, the cultivation of "Gratefulness" during the short span of waking hours that comprise of daily lives allows for appreciating what is absolute vs what is temporal.
It is written that the Material world is a merciful concession to fallen souls to live lives seperate from the eternal association of face-to-face inter-personal reciprocal exchanges & pastimes with the Coolest Person ---we are in search of the coolest person because we too are indivisiable/individual persons.
BTW, the "Original-Original" form of a Cow-heard boy on a cow-farm playing with his own entourage.
God is an Absolute Persona.
The Blessed Lord said: Many, many births both you and I have passed. I can remember all of them, but you cannot. (4.5)
God as an Absolute Persona ---has his own name, fame, form, personality, paraphernalia, entourage & pastimes ----all outside and transcendent to laws the govern time and space as witnessed here in the material world.
There are 8,400,000 species of life, spanning all forms of living creatures from amoebas in stool to demigods in ccelestialabodes.
Each forms of living creature has a life force present that animates them and also accords them the concomitant level of consciousness that had been previously cultivated and thus accrued to the soul a particular stratum of life (IOW, as per the fruits of work preformed by a soul with its facility & faculty in a bodily birth it has inherited its due rewards ~aka, Karma (actions) accrues Karma-phalam (fruits of actions).
Each birth through any of 8,400,000 species of creatures IS IN CONTRA-DISTINCTION from the "Supreme Personality of Godhead (Dio, La Persona Suprema)" ---such a revelation of the definition of Godhead as an Absolute personality transcendentale ---is available in the Vedas since time-immemorial.
The open-book revelation of just who & by what defintion is the "Supreme Personality of Godhead (Dio, La Persona Suprema)" as an absolute "Persona" can only be spoken of and revealed by the "Supreme Personality of Godhead (Dio, La Persona Suprema)" himself. This is done in The Bhagavad-Gita.
Ego is commensurate with the Vessel containing the soul.
Self-identity is the original identity of the soul in its original position, namely, as an eternal associate of the "Supreme Personality of Godhead (Dio, La Persona Suprema)" in pastimes ---all outside the material world of "repeated births and death" (samsara, sanskrit).
The soul is an individual entity existing within a sphere of millions & trillions of other like souls all preforming the same activites (eat, sleep, mate, defend) from amoebas in stool to demigods in celestial abodes ---each preforms actions to satisfiy their senses (sense gratification).
The mundane ego seeks to sublimate its existence by "seeking transcendence" ---this is IN CONTRA-DISTINCTION to mundane sense gratification and self-preservation.
The False ego (the sense of "I am" this one body amongst 8,400,000 species of creatures during this & many countless past short waking life times) seeks short lived mundane gratification as the all-in-all in life.
The Science of self-realisation delineated in the yoga scriptures such as the Bhagavad-gita reveals how the soul's orginal "transcendent Ego" is inseperable from the individual soul of each "Person".
The (false) Ego is temporary as per each body/birth.
The self-identity of the soul* is "eternal associate & servant" of the "Supreme Personality of Godhead (Dio, La Persona Suprema)" in pastimes ---all outside the material world of "repeated births and death" (samsara, sanskrit).
*this is the purpose of yoga disciplines [mind you, all yoga disciplines & such disciples, traditionally, are self-administered by each and every yoga practitioner whilst on their-own recognisance].
Yoga = the path of "Self-realisation"
Enlightenment = knowledge of the nature of both transcendence (ie: the soul's relationship to the supreme Soul)
maya = illusion that repeated actions in repeated births in the material world are the sum-total of the ego's/soul's purpose for existing, and, that the ego/soul is the master of all they survey [rather than, in explicit CONTRA-DISTINCTION to, seeking out the means to return to the pastimes of inter-personal exchanges with "Supreme Personality of Godhead (Dio, La Persona Suprema)"]
1] Ego = a sense of self-identity [as per present Birth-- and thus, a false (temporal) perception]. Ie: Tall or Short; Fat or skinny; Rich or poor; Ugly or beautiful; dog or cat or king or despot or thug or policeman; good or bad; etc. All these are "False ego(s)"
BTW, notice the "duality" factor? This is due to being "spirit souls in the material world".
2] Yes, there is A] eternal ego and there is B] temporal false-ego?
The difference is that the eternal ego is part and parcel of the individual soul [ie: You, me, and everyone that ever existed or ever will in future all each individual individuals. Each soul is indivisable and pervades the entire body, it is indestructible, No one is able to destroy that imperishable soul,
for the soul there is neither birth nor death at any time, the soul has not come into being, does not come into being, and will not come into being. the soul is unborn, eternal, ever-existing and primeval, the soul is not die when the body dies, the soul is indestructible, eternal, unborn and immutable the soul can never be cut to pieces by any weapon, nor burned by fire, nor moistened by water, nor withered by the wind, the individual soul is unbreakable and insoluble, and can be neither burned nor dried, the soul is everlasting, unchangeable, immovable and eternally the unchanged.
The temporal false-ego = the ego garnered via the particular birth. Such a temporal false-ego exists for the span of the life time. The body withers but the conscious life-force [the soul --atma, in sanskrit] continues to another birth ---thus lossing all of its Identity to the dust of time; and then to re-start another life-time . . . as per the Karma-phalam (fruits of actions/works) from the last lifetime. Scripture says that all facilities are accorded to all species without prejudice ---you get a future birth mechanically as per the stratum of cultivated sensibilities that "were remembered at the time of death".
Personal relationships, work skills, wealth, social status are all lost ---and the future birth is determined by the culmination of past works/the final thoughts at the time of death/life-long cultivated desires.
At death, unless one is informed of absolute truths (or that which approximate such absolute truths) one is destined fro repeated "relative" existence of striving to enjoy sans (without) ultimate purpose.
All past associations are lost upon a material body's death ---freeing it up to pursue any available future birth without overt effort ---as per the qualification of the souls level of cultivated sophistication.
"False-ego identity vs eternal-ego identity" ---is like "False cultivated sophistication" vs "Eternal cultivated sophistication"
Not to worry, all facilities are afforded free of charge to the soul to take all kinds of births.
It is only by way of disciplines (yoga ~ 're-link') the the soul's absolute nature can re-link with its absolute purpose/existence.
The common underlying factor is "Action" and "For what purpose the soul IN A BODY performs actions" ---It is a material/mechanical world we are in that is animated by the presence of Consciousness. Consciousness is the essence of the soul. Consciousness is the 'life-force' referred to as "soul".
The ego is temporary.
The souls' identity is a blank slate that is an individual persona.
The souls may cultivate service to Godhead [or nirvana] or it may conversely be led by a ring through the nose (yoni/yoke) by the temporal bodys' sense-gratifitory falculties.
By following the path of Lust (aka, sense-gratification) one thus is succeptable to supra-mundane "karma-phalam" ---namely, ugra-karma (funky-karma).