Something I read earlier today that I don't know where to put

The gentleman from Washington State is wheelchair-bound due to his particular illness/stage in his illness's progression, yet he spoke at the meeting of the Electoral College. I hope that I'm as strong as he is when it's my time.
Wow ... that was something ...
I'm not sure where to post this:

Basically the article is about how an Orthodox Jewish man accommodated a couple of his foster children during the coronavirus pandemic by "transforming" into Santa Claus (the children are Christian.) The kids couldn't visit any of the mall Santas this year (the gentleman usually brings them [he's Jewish, not them!])

Here's the same/similar article (in case the other link is taken down:

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Just found out that a particular neighbor passed away Tuesday (it was posted in the main corridor of the complex.) He was the one who presented all of the movies (most of them I didn't go to due to disinterest) plus he would chat with one other neighbor about stuff that neither had any knowledge of (but that's another topic for some other day.)

I'm not looking for sympathy or anything, just posting the news.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
A brother got Coronavirus. He is back home, still on Oxygen, walks with a crutch, and I am told that the hospital costs were very high even for him.
Wishing him a good recovery.