How did a Hindu became an atheist.


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New Delhi, India
@TheLightWithin asked: "How did you arrive at it? Did you ever believe differently? You could start a thread on the topic... if you wanted to."
Since you asked.
First thing, my orthodox Hindu grandpa believed in > Big Bang, Evolution, Paleontology, Plate Tectonics. He did not have any formal education in science. He had a Master's degree in Sanskrit (Acharya). His was the Jodhpur State head of History and Archeology. That is when doubts about existence of God and Soul come in, we used to discuss that. He remained orthodox, I too am an orthodox Hindu, but 'Advaita' Hinduism (non-dualism) has provided me an opening where I can be a Hindu and an atheist too. It does not necessarily require a belief in God. Not a new thought, this was propounded by 'Chandogya Upanishad' before 500 BCE (Chandogya Upanishad - Wikipedia). It said:

"yathā somya ekena mṛit piṇḍena sarvaṃ mṛin mayaṃ vijñātaṃ syād vāc arambhaṇaṃ vikāro nāmadheyaṃ mṛit iti ekeya eva satyam. Tat twam asi."

(O sincere enquirer, by knowing a single lump of soil you know all objects made of soil. Just like that, all names are mere distortions in naming. Soil alone is the reality. That is what you are.)

So, call it a stone, a tree, a dog, an elephant, a humans; these are just names. The reality is the blob of hot pressurized ions (plasma) which existed at the time of beginning of the universe (Hindus term it as Brahman). I do not need God or soul.
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So, call it a stone, a tree, a dog, an elephant, a humans; these are just names. The reality is the blob of hot pressurized ions (plasma) which existed at the time of beginning of the universe (Hindus term it as Brahman). I do not need God or soul.
While I doubt many Advaita Vedantins, let alone Hindus, would describe Brahman as a blob of plasma, your post does give me a bit more insight into your materialist view of Advaita Vedanta. Thank you for sharing it.
I too am an orthodox Hindu, but 'Advaita' Hinduism (non-dualism) has provided me an opening where I can be a Hindu and an atheist too. It does not necessarily require a belief in God. Not a new thought, this was propounded by 'Chandogya Upanishad' before 500 BCE
Do some Advaita Hindus believe in God, or is it a generally nontheistic sect?

I have heard of Advaita Vedanta but never knew the theology of it.
The reality is the blob of hot pressurized ions (plasma) which existed at the time of beginning of the universe (Hindus term it as Brahman). I do not need God or soul.
That is the physical reality, which evolved into later physical realities, galaxies, solar systems, planets and such.
Which, I would imagine, exists right alongside non-physical entities such as God, gods, angels, djinn, fae, soul, spirit, what have you.
Do some Advaita Hindus believe in God, or is it a generally nontheistic sect?
I have heard of Advaita Vedanta but never knew the theology of it.
Most take 'Brahman' as the 'Supreme Soul', of which all other souls are a part, human or animal. 'Advaita' is mostly theistic.
My spin is personal but not going against 'Advaita' (non-duality).
That is the physical reality, which evolved into later physical realities, galaxies, solar systems, planets and such.
Which, I would imagine, exists right alongside non-physical entities such as God, gods, angels, djinn, fae, soul, spirit, what have you.
I have seen no evidence of non-physical entities, FSM or Unicorn, and therefore, do not subscribe to their existence.
I have seen no evidence of non-physical entities, FSM or Unicorn, and therefore, do not subscribe to their existence.
What about reported visions, dreams, prophecies, NDEs, reported psychic phenomenon, and the longstanding existence of theological speculation?
Is it not perfectly cromulent to speculate they all point to something?
What evidence would you expect to see if they exist?
Any. Any that anyone can provide. No limitations.
What about reported visions, dreams, prophecies, NDEs, reported psychic phenomenon, and the longstanding existence of theological speculation?
Is it not perfectly cromulent to speculate they all point to something?
..reported visions, dreams, prophecies, NDEs, reported psychic phenomenon: Mind plays many game. Even our perceived existence is that.
.. and the longstanding existence of theological speculation: started by psychologically imbalanced people or plain scammers. People looking for power, money or sex.
Is it not perfectly cromulent to speculate they all point to something?: Go ahead, but do not accept anything without evidence.
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I have seen no evidence of non-physical entities, FSM or Unicorn, and therefore, do not subscribe to their existence.
What evidence would you expect to see if they exist?
Any. Any that anyone can provide. No limitations.
That does not answer the question, you know.
Give some examples, perhaps..
I understand the dialogue, but not why the person asking for evidence needs to provide examples of what constitutes evidence?
I understand the dialogue, but not why the person asking for evidence needs to provide examples of what constitutes evidence?
Well, I have asked God to prove his existence by bringing clouds to Delhi today. The weather sites say we will have clear sky today.
Well, I have asked God to prove his existence by bringing clouds to Delhi today. The weather sites say we will have clear sky today.
ok, so are you saying you are looking for control of weather as a sign?
Here I was thinking that @muhammad_isa was asking you for something like the rules of evidence, what constitutes evidence for you.
Well, what does one mean by "evidence".
I mean, as G-d is not of the universe, then how could one detect Him?
Prove the existence of the realm where Allah resides. Don't just talk, give evidence. Prove existence of heaven and hell.
Delhi weather at the moment: Mostly clear. Temperature 71 F. God has not moved his magic wand. Should I expect clouds by the evening?
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God has not moved his magic wand..
G-d is not a person .. human activity affects the weather, amongst other things.
..and G-d affects human activity. ( the minds/souls )

He is closer to us than our jugular vein. :)

..and regards afterlife .. it is not empirically provable one way or another.
We will have to see when we die. I am confident, that this life is not the sum total of all that is.
Well, what does one mean by "evidence".
Ok, that could be a clearer question, asking for the rules of evidence or what constitutes evidence.
My guess is something that can be perceived with the senses and is not too ambiguous or too open to interpretation
I mean, as G-d is not of the universe, then how could one detect Him?
There you go, though. If one cannot detect... what are the expectations? I'm not an atheist, but I can't fully explain why not.
Atheists don't rattle me at all, and they ask good questions. I have some of the same questions but don't draw the same conclusions based on the absence of clear cut answers.