Maundy Thursday


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Does anyone who is familiar with Maundy Thursday, the day during Holy Week which commemorates the last supper of the Messiah with the apostles know what part of Thursday that this took place - during the night time at the beginning of Thursday, or during the daytime toward the end of Thursday?
Well, as it's a 'supper', and Scripture says 'evening', and the Passover meal generally occurs around dusk, and the events recorded prior were daylight, and after were dark ... ?
Well, as it's a 'supper', and Scripture says 'evening', and the Passover meal generally occurs around dusk, and the events recorded prior were daylight, and after were dark ... ?
So, you're saying that it occurred during the night time at the beginning of Thursday?
No, it seems to me the Scripture implies the supper took place around sunset ...

Regarding the day of the week, I follow the ancient tradition of the Paschal Triduum, the three days from Holy Thursday evening to Easter Sunday evening. However, alongside that, as you know, I follow a Johannine chronology which puts the crucifixion at least a day earlier than the Friday.

What part of what day do you think it was?
Jewish tradition...sun sets it is the next day...

So I think they are asking is that the modern Wednesday night? (Which would be the beginning of thursday?)

I see the confusion... but since maundy Thursday to me means foot washing...I am guessing the Thursday 'night' supper was actually the beginning of good friday?
No, it seems to me the Scripture implies the supper took place around sunset ...

Regarding the day of the week, I follow the ancient tradition of the Paschal Triduum, the three days from Holy Thursday evening to Easter Sunday evening. However, alongside that, as you know, I follow a Johannine chronology which puts the crucifixion at least a day earlier than the Friday.
You say, "no". I'm getting confused here.

First let me say that this topic is based on the idea that a calendar day is defined as a period of time between sunsets.

So, let's try this -

Thursday I Friday I Saturday
"x" equals night time and "o" equals daytime.

When did the supper take place - during the x's or during the o's on Thursday?

What part of what day do you think it was?
I don't know. That's why I started this topic to try to get an authoritative consensus of when it was.
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OK ... I don't think it was a Thursday at all, as you know.

I'll leave it up to someone more skilled in the calendar thing @RabbiO? to decide if a 'supper' is eaten late in the day towards dusk or early the next day before midnight...

The Thursday-Friday-Saturday thing is a tradition going back centuries.
OK ... I don't think it was a Thursday at all, as you know.

I'll leave it up to someone more skilled in the calendar thing @RabbiO? to decide if a 'supper' is eaten late in the day towards dusk or early the next day before midnight...

The Thursday-Friday-Saturday thing is a tradition going back centuries.
And because of that, this topic doesn't apply to you. But perhaps someone new looking in may have the information.
And because of that, this topic doesn't apply to you. But perhaps someone new looking in may have the information.
Maundy Thursday to me means foot washing.

Not just washing others feet but others washing your feet.

There are so many aspects of this...physical, economic, social, spiritual, intimate....

I think if everyone started there...with washing each others feet...all our conversations would be quite differemt.