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Question for @Base12:
Matthew 18:6-9
"... it were better for him that a millstone should be hanged about his neck, and that he should be drowned in the depth of the sea... And if thy hand, or thy foot scandalize thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee... And if thy eye scandalize thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee. It is better for thee having one eye to enter into life, than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire"
So do you suggest we read this literally – that Jesus is proposing and thus validating self-mutilation and suicide?
They could be taken literal or symbolically. The symbolic meaning of the second example is that 'members' of the Body are referring to Gene sequences that are too carnal to keep. They must be 'cut out' of the Genome.
The Law is the Law. It is good. It will be written into the Genome Tables of the Heart. It will be hardwired into us, into our new DNA.
or this Matthew 5:39-42
"But I say to you not to resist evil: but if one strike thee on thy right cheek, turn to him also the other: And if a man will contend with thee in judgment, and take away thy coat, let go thy cloak also unto him. And whosoever will force thee one mile, go with him other two, Give to him that asketh of thee and from him that would borrow of thee turn not away."
So we should scrap the legal system and most of our social moral codes?
That is what some propose. We know it did not work the first time because our DNA is too corrupt to follow the Law. The Glorified Body will follow the Law, however. Rules are rules.