Recent content by donnann

  1. D

    Mankind were one community..

    Its in the heart and having faith in what god is and what he really does. Jesus was a good example of this, his actions.
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    Mankind were one community..

  3. D

    What makes one a Jew?

    True about being a jew I had my dna checked and it said I have jewish in my dna
  4. D

    No second coming

    I havnt heard that from them why would they say that they go by the bible and it does talk about delivery and resurrection and jesus coming back.
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    Does God speak to you?

    When I was born I had an afterdeath experience. In 1996 I had a near death experience and I was given a choice to go then or stay.
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    Rainbow Angels

    The rainbow is the soul appearance.
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    Rainbow Angels

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    Why Christians believe in Jesus although he doesn't fulfill the prophecies??

    personally I believe Jesus is on earth and things have occurred but the public doesn't know about it.
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    Why Christians believe in Jesus although he doesn't fulfill the prophecies??

    prophecies concern the future that's what they are all about.
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    The Ascended Path

    I believe ascension has a lot to do with our own attributes that are associated with god. Love, compassion towards one another and love for god are ways of the ascension path.
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    The Ascended Path

    Who says its not going on. Maybe most people are not aware of it. The bible says it will be like the times of noah when most people didn't know or believe the flood was coming.