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  • S
    I read your forums and website on Reform Bahai but I still have some questions. How does one convert to the Reform Bahai faith, do we need to sign a card? Does it have a guardian or leader or are member free to practice their own way of religion? What are Reform Bahai view on gay rights? I know lot of Bahai left to join the Reform because of this question.
    Thank you
    The court cases were far more than "pettiness." You might want to spend some time on the Orthodox Baha'i website: True Bahá'í: Court case
    So, looking at the court cases as proof of pettiness and the "definition of a Bahai" (seems you are no longer one and have no right to use the word--kinda like mojobadshah and the aryan claim to "G!d"-- if you leave the fold) as proof of exclusivity, I have no problem with Bahaism. Now for the more important thing, do you have any really good refences or websights on 4 Valleys or 7 Valleys? Which I believe to be one of the best mystical works of the last century.
    I did notice all the court cases, and that was the overwhelming reason I feel the UHJ is so wrong. Oh, and all of Haifa knows that one cannot wear a yarmulke in the Temple. I just duck the really contentious issues.
    I am reding your messages now. I think a UHJ person runs the Bahai site, I too have been bumped. Thy again and the send results to Wil. I know he has rights to everything and has helped me clean up my posts. I have three threads and you are welcome to communicate on them.
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