Recent content by spockrates

  1. spockrates

    Conversation, discussion, debate.

    Oh, you’re fine! Good talking with you! :)
  2. spockrates

    Conversation, discussion, debate.

    It does if one is to hold the opinion that nothing illogical can possibly be true. Then why are you using words to describe spirit if no words can describe spirit? Isn’t it better to say nothing about God at all, since anything we say will be untrue?
  3. spockrates

    Conversation, discussion, debate.

    I prefer embracing birch to other barks. Hope that doesn’t make me a tree bigot! ;)
  4. spockrates

    Conversation, discussion, debate.

    Sorry for being clear as mud! I was speaking of actual — not metaphorical — light. Yeah, yeah! I think I get it: The noun God is accurate, but our definition of a noun is too narrow. One might say a noun can be a person, place, thing or spirit. Since these are exclusive categories, we might...
  5. spockrates

    Conversation, discussion, debate.

    Affirmative. But is it possible light is also both not a particle and not a wave at the same time? If the Lord, the Spirit, God, or whatever noun we choose is not something that a noun can be used to describe, then should we trust any religious book that uses a noun to describe this Lord...
  6. spockrates

    Conversation, discussion, debate.

    Over my head. Perhaps because I’m a dog person? Let me try to explain why I’m having difficulty grasping your meaning: When the writer of Proverbs uses the word, Lord, that word is a noun. It’s an accepted fact that a noun can only be a person, a place or a thing. By saying the Lord is never a...
  7. spockrates

    Conversation, discussion, debate.

    I’m interested in learning about Hinduism, and I think that’s a quote from one of the religion’s texts. But I’m a logical thinker, as my user name suggests. Isn’t it illogical to say both all and none are the case? I mean, it sounds like you are saying the Lord God is a sometimes a what and at...
  8. spockrates

    Conversation, discussion, debate.

    Fascinating! Are you saying the Lord is a what, but not a who? Or are you thinking the Lord is one what in three whos? Or are you of the opinion the Lord is one what in one who? Or do you have some other understanding of the Lord cited in the passage you quoted?
  9. spockrates

    Conversation, discussion, debate.

    Sure! I mean, consider the Tree of Trust: It’s a given that one may and perhaps usually should trust a trustworthy person, and the trustworthiness of a person is contingent on the person knowing what’s best and having one’s best interests at heart. Therefore, I see no reason to not believe a...
  10. spockrates


    Vague, but perhaps true. Do you have an example of a particular application we may consider together, or may I provide one? Edit: We may continue this in our other discussion, if you want.
  11. spockrates


    I know! Right? I like how Socrates put it: “To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom.” But I suppose one who has a strong beginning to a race might still fail to cross the finish line?
  12. spockrates


    The details: You mean making it clear to you what you should trust or do?
  13. spockrates

    Conversation, discussion, debate.

    Thanks for the reply. It’s a nice grove. Pleasant to see and hear from a distance! Shall we walk through it and take a closer look at the trees?
  14. spockrates

    Conversation, discussion, debate.

    Hi Muhammad. It would be nice to be so certain that sincerity is enough!