Recent content by Aetius

  1. Aetius

    Any Freemasons around?

    The lodge is not a place but the people being made up of the Worshipful Master, Senior and Junior Wardens and the secretary. There are other stations but those are needed, I've seen native Masonic lodges in the trees, with no building. Its out in the open. In past times rooms were rented and the...
  2. Aetius

    Believers Sealed on the Forhead?

    Dispensational Christians would say the mark is literal, like a branding or something, but most of Christianity would disagree with this wooden, literalistic understanding of Revelation. Eschatology is not an area of dogmatic theology unless you're a Fundamentalist. There is a lot of room for...
  3. Aetius

    A Manual for the Gnostic

    For anyone interested in the L'Eglise Gnostique Apostolique Catholique de l'Amerique du Nord or The Gnostic Apostolic Church of North America this little manual, A Manual for the Gnostic, will supply you with a general understanding of the prayer and practice of the French Gnostics.
  4. Aetius

    Holy Order of MANS

    I'm a little familiar with Rosicrucianism, a lot of my brother Masons belong to various Rosicrucian groups, but know very little about this Order.
  5. Aetius

    Any Freemasons around?

    Just checking in.
  6. Aetius

    What music are you listening to?

    Rosary Sonatas.
  7. Aetius

    What is Masonry?

  8. Aetius

    Bhagavad Gita Recited in English

    Yes, the entire Gita. It doesn't take long.
  9. Aetius

    Bhagavad Gita Recited in English

    I agree with Emerson and try to read the Gita every few months. "I owed a magnificent day to the Bhagavad-Gita. It was as if an empire spoke to us, nothing small or unworthy, but large, serene, consistent,the voice of an old intelligence which in another age and climate had pondered and thus...
  10. Aetius

    What is Masonry?

    I can understand that. Lodge may take up a lot of time if you pursue York or Scottish Rite, join the Shriner's and volunteer. Family is always first in the Lodge and guys with children often miss meetings. That's life. That's pretty cool. If you know any Masons you can have them contact the...
  11. Aetius

    What is Masonry?

    Blue Lodge or Craft Lodge refers to the Three Degrees of Masonry.
  12. Aetius

    What is Masonry?

    You could do both but York tends to be a legit continuation of the first Three Degrees of Blue Lodge. Shirner's are a club for Masons but separate from the degrees of Masonry. You have to be a Freemason to join but not all Masons become Shriner's. It's often called the 'fun house' in...
  13. Aetius

    Questions for class....

    Convert to Christianity, raised atheist. The love Christ demonstrated by his death on the cross. Prayer is the lifesblood of the faith. Sometimes, when deep in prayer, I feel a loss of self into the divine. The first time this happened is a favourite memory of mine. Easter. I have...
  14. Aetius

    What is "the godhead"

    In Christianity the godhead refers to the essence of deity and not the personality of God. When Paul writes, "For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily" (Col. 2.9) he means that Christ is in His very essence divine and the perfect revelation of God to man. Godhead in reference to...
  15. Aetius

    What is Masonry?

    The Orange Order a Protestant fraternity that seeks to shed Light and Wisdom using symbolism, allegory and tracing boards. Similar to Freemasonry. Unlike Freemasonry, the OO only accepts Protestants. Orange Order tracing board. A Freemason tracing board. Each image alludes to a...