I am curious to learn about the seal of the believers from Christians and Muslims.
A friend told me that the Christian prophecies mention that the believers the Christ will have a seal on their forhead. Is the seal going to be of a miraculous origin?
Being a Muslim myself, I know that God Almighty in the Qur'an says that the believers' faces and their forheads show their devotion to Him. I personally know that if a Muslim prays the way he/she should, a certain sign does form on their forheads (even non-islamic sources state this). I wonder about any other islamic sources who might help me find more about the seal of the believers in God.
What do Christians think of the way Muslims understand the sign of the believing? What do Muslims believe about Christian understanding in regards to the sign?
Do Jewish people have anything similar that they believe will distinguish/distinguishes believing Jews?
I personally believe all three religious groups have some kind of sign if they have belief in the Almighty, One and Only. I think that I've read in the Qur'an (maybe I am wrong people--Muslims, please correct if I mention something that is not correct, I will appreciate it since I am a new believer in Islam) that the children of Israel have a sign on their faces showing that they believe. Since Jesus Christ, pbuh, was the Messiah, a miracle to the mankind, perhaps the Christian sign of belief will show itself as a miracle. And Muslims are recongized by their submission and constant prayer of devoution, with face down in worship to the Almighty seals their forheads. This is just my thoughts
