Recent content by Nomad

  1. N

    Gospel of Thomas

    It takes plagiarized thieves to know one! Paul's Christ was certainly a de-fleshed version compared to the four gospels claims of foot prints in the sand. The new age christenings of prior traditions formulated it's own version that can be transposed on every ancient motif it belittles with...
  2. N

    Bliss.... Again

    And he did not do many miracles there because of their lack of faith. Jesus said to them, "A prophet is not without honor except in his own town, among his relatives and in his own home." 5He could not do any miracles there, except lay his hands on a few sick people and heal them. According to...
  3. N

    Disgusting Missionary.

    I don't recall David being drunk when he plotted to kill the husband of Bathsheba, secrets expose us all so I prefer not judge another man's cultured opinions, reconciling the man is a better option than condemnation because he's asleep spiritually, hopefully this will wake him up.
  4. N

    Common Figure of Speech/Colloquial Language?

    If the shoe fits your foot then the intent of the allegory is risen in you, the son of man, marred clay reformed to contain a everlasting new testament, the lamb/innocents slain from when the spiritual law started building the foundation of your world which started at your dawn of higher...
  5. N

    Bliss.... Again

    The bliss cupid doesn't care what character your playing in this game he may strike when you least expect it.
  6. N

    Which Early Christian Heresy are You (good silly fun quiz)

    I see trees of green, red roses too I see them bloom for me and you And I think to myself What a wonderful world I see skies of blue and clouds of white The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night And I think to myself What a wonderful world The colors of the rainbow, so pretty in the...