Recent content by satyanarayan

  1. satyanarayan

    I really saw the Holy Spirit or holy Ghost with my own eyes. What does that mean? click here I saw the Holy Spirit in the form of doves spreading golden rays
  2. satyanarayan

    Why do you need Jesus? He saves you from what?

    Jesus Christ saved me from depression:( and I need Jesus Christ for salvation :)
  3. satyanarayan

    I really saw the Holy Spirit or holy Ghost with my own eyes. What does that mean?

    And When I had to go to the hospital. That is to say in car I saw him in left side of wing mirror of car.I saw the Holy Spirit flying as a golden dove. I don't know what my Christian denomination is, I know very little about Christianity, but I love Christianity so much that I saw on the...
  4. satyanarayan

    I really saw the Holy Spirit or holy Ghost with my own eyes. What does that mean?

    I do not lie. I have had cerebral palsy since birth. Because I was sad I couldn't walk. I was in the car I saw him in left side of wing mirror of car.I saw the Holy Spirit flying as a golden dove.
  5. satyanarayan

    I really saw the Holy Spirit or holy Ghost with my own eyes. What does that mean?

    In car I really saw the Holy Spirit or holy Ghost with golden or yellow light with my own eyes. I am very happy to see the Holy Spirit. I just wanted to give good news to all Christian