Goodness can't just sit back and do nothing because of the nature of the situation of life on Earth. Since goodness is the very thing that builds life and worth and evil is that which exploits goodness for its own purposes and life requires goodness to exist then that leaves good vulnerable.
I made no mention of passivity. I'm only saying that evil must thieve from goodness. As humans we come from a place of unknowing, trying to find our way out of darkness. I think good people are not masters of the good way, we are learners. Humans are vulnerable, and error prone.
I suppose a demon is someone who has mastered malevolence or has power in it.
Just as an angel is someone who has mastered benevolence and combatting malevolence and has power in those things.
Demons and Angels are archetypes. Reminds me of the Jedi and Sith dichotomy.
The thing about...
If God(s) exists then it's in total obscurity, with major limitations of power with no ability to intervene.
Defining God is very important to answering the question.
To my mind it makes logical sense that existence is infinite in all directions. Non existence doesn't exist. No one knows how...
Kingship is unstable, while some kings may govern with respect to laws, there's no guarantee the successors of a good king will be good.
It's far better to run government with limited powers checked and balanced. The recent SCOTUS decision giving the President immunity from American law in...
Having a king, or dictator returns modern society to dark ages, and completely stifles human progress. Only a fool would desire to be king, and have everyone subservient to their orders. People are of unique and common experiences both. Only a fool desires a king to rule over them.
My definition of religion is that which people rely on in the face of mystery and the unknown. Often religion comes with a moral code. Religion is unhealthy if and only if it never questions, and never learns, and assumes to have all the necessary answers to being and existence.
My religion is...
If life is the goal and not merely existence then there are virtues which are qualities of character vs. vices which undermine life and rob life of it's worth and quality. Humanity struggles with these things there is no doubt. If there is an absolute truth it's found in virtues that promote...
If you ask two different people what morality is you will probably get little agreement. The more people you ask you'll have even less agreement.
Believing in God, a person will often act out of fear of offense moreso than a desire to do the fair and right thing.
Morality is a desire to do...
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