Would The World Be Better Off Without Religion?

Especially if martyrdom is involved.
My definition of religion is that which people rely on in the face of mystery and the unknown. Often religion comes with a moral code. Religion is unhealthy if and only if it never questions, and never learns, and assumes to have all the necessary answers to being and existence.

My religion is that life has meaning, purposes and values built into existence, and that there is a universal morality that is simple, and best for the common good of all. Humanity is capable of good with the growth of our scientific and technological capabilities, and when we don't absolutely accept error filled blind ideologies. There are things we can know for sure through pure reason in light of relationship, experience, conceivability, and imagination. I think with science and philosophy religion can find its way out of the savage dark ages and we can invent ourselves beyond the current limits of nature. Religion must seek the common good of all to be of any use to anyone.

Humanity is strongest and most worthwhile when people are compassionate, empathetic and believe in their potential for doing good, and too often religion has robbed people of knowing their potential for creating a wonderful reality. The animal nature of humanity has all too often thrust us into an endless cycle of war, and violence both with and without religion. Religion can fill the voids of what humanity lacks, but only if it is grounded in reality, and hopeful of the future it can create.

Religion needs to accept the fact that reality isn't fully known, and that no one has the answers to ultimate questions about being and existence. If religion can do that then it will move forward. If not it will die out. Religion should be a process of seeking spiritual truthes, not a preconceived destination pretending, or deluding itself to have all the answers. Do what works for everyone, and end what doesn't work; that's what religion needs to do. It needs a method of trial and testing to succeed, otherwise religion dies out.
I always find this an interesting question. Asking if we would be better off without religion is like asking if we would be better off without culture. It’s simply a fundamental and unavoidable part of human nature. Plus, religion, like culture, isn’t a monolith.
.. and that there is a universal morality that is simple, and best for the common good of all.

If religion can do that then it will move forward. If not it will die out.
There is no 'universal' morality, it varies from one society to another. Morality and ethics are tools of the societies, but many things are common.

Religion or philosophy cannot answer questions about being or existence, they had ample chance to do that in the past 10,000 years. Now the answers come only through science.
Humanity is strongest and most worthwhile when people are compassionate, empathetic and believe in their potential for doing good, and too often religion has robbed people of knowing their potential for creating a wonderful reality.

God has given us profound ways to follow him, tomorrow's reading comes from Philippians 2.

Brothers and sisters:
If there is any encouragement in Christ,
any solace in love,
any participation in the Spirit,
any compassion and mercy,
complete my joy by being of the same mind, with the same love,
united in heart, thinking one thing.
Do nothing out of selfishness or out of vainglory;
rather, humbly regard others as more important than yourselves,
each looking out not for his own interests,
but also for those of others.
Religion or philosophy cannot answer questions about being or existence, they had ample chance to do that in the past 10,000 years. Now the answers come only through science.
..in your opinion :)
Mankind's scientific observations are just the tip of an iceburg!
In Christianity, Jesus spoke against organized religion but that's what humans seem to do.. organize religion. We add all this stuff that makes it less about God and our relationship with Him and more about our rules.
In Christianity, Jesus spoke against organized religion but that's what humans seem to do
He called them hypocrites, a brood of vipers, they place a burden on the poor, and do nothing to help them, they seek the place of honour.

Jesus taught a profound lesson, to put others first, to help the poor, to forgive and show mercy.
Science is neutral. Science has helped us develop both medication and nuclear bombs, what science do you want to follow?
Depends on the context. For matters of universe, Cosmology.
He called them hypocrites, a brood of vipers, they place a burden on the poor, and do nothing to help them, they seek the place of honour.
Jesus taught a profound lesson, to put others first, to help the poor, to forgive and show mercy.
I agree. Unfortunately, Jesus failed.
Depends on the context. For matters of universe, Cosmology.

People blatantly ignore science. There is far more evidence that says smoking is bad for you, yet millions ignore this convincing science. There is far less evidence to show how the universe happened by natural causes. Thanks to science, I stopped smoking forty years ago. I am just waiting for the same level of convincing evidence, to show how the universe came to be by natural causes.

I agree. Unfortunately, Jesus failed.

Sadly, we failed, Jesus was still right.
People blatantly ignore science.
Sadly, we failed, Jesus was still right.
You seem to be one of those people.
Perhaps you believe that Jesus existed and was the anointed Son of God born to Virgin Mary through the agency of the Ghost.
If he failed to do what God desired, then the all-mighty God and Jesus are to be blamed.
He could not change the critters that he created as perfect and were so faulty.
More sarcasm? Christianity was formed around a martyr and don't you personally prefer the martyr ending because it is what the Wachowski sisters always intended over the Mega-Smith ending?
Does anyone have any clue what I was talking about?

This entire language and text is completely foreign to what I currently have access to.
Yes. Especially if martyrdom is involved.
We attach this epithet sometimes years after the death of a person, and it depends on who is attaching this epithet.

It is loaded with bias. For Christians, Jesus was a martyr, for Jews (if he existed) he was a nuisance.
To you agree with the science that makes better and bigger bombs?
So that means we should go back to banging rocks together to make fire?
To you agree with the science that makes better and bigger bombs?
When we did not have bombs, we had stone axes, bows and arrows, spears, swords, blow guns, slings and not to forget boomerangs. That is life.
And religion has been a cause of many wars.
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