Recent content by EddieC

  1. E

    The Twin Truths for Mankind

    The titles should help one get the picture: - Hossenfelder's Bombshell: Fraud in High Energy Physics - Not Even Trying: The Corruption of Real Science
  2. E

    The Twin Truths for Mankind

    @Aupmanyav @wil I get where you are both coming from but the reality of the scientific community maybe different from what you think it is Please have a quick look at: - this short 6 min video (and then the longer video by Sabine Hossenfelder if you are inclined to) - the review section of this...
  3. E

    The Twin Truths for Mankind

    I believe you meant to say: 'when representing against a perspective'. The author was showing how Harold (=Human kind) lost perspective of himself, in relation to the things that he drew / conceptualized The train track, the flower, the bird and the mouse were bigger -- because he drew them...
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    The Twin Truths for Mankind

    Concepts in Science are put out as theory. i.e. they are not put out to be firmly held (believed) as dogma, but tentatively held to be disproved by empirical data Experiment supported "proven" concepts are provisional truths - subject to further scrutiny ie disprovable against more empirical...
  5. E

    Unification of all religions: The four heavenly items Chapter one (The basics)

    Thanks very much indeed, Brian. Greatly appreciated!
  6. E

    Unification of all religions: The four heavenly items Chapter one (The basics)

    It IS a discussion piece - If people are able to read it and are interested to know more, I would be happy to discuss it The post is just a short summary of the idea. Others from other backgrounds can refer to the post and respond with their thoughts. For starters, I have linked the idea to...
  7. E

    Unification of all religions: The four heavenly items Chapter one (The basics)

    iBrian, My post on 'The Twin Truths for Mankind' -- to 'Philosophy' as they align with the Delphic Maxims -- has disappeared without any reason / notification.
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    The Twin Truths for Mankind

    The Twin Truths for Mankind: (1) Know Thyself: Conceptual Sovereigns = Rulers of concepts Creators + Interpreters + Innovators + (In)validators of concepts = [Re]Conceptualizers (2) Nothing to extreme; Surety (fixation) leads to ruin i.e. Be not overwhelmed, nor ossified by concepts...
  9. E

    What would you advise the self-entrapped?

    Watch this gif: The constrained one does not realize that, its unyielding grip on its belief - its own conceptualization of reality is what keeps it constrained. What would you advise the self-entrapped?
  10. E

    How would you share the Good News to the Self-Entrapped?

    Watch this gif: The constrained one does not realize that, in respect of its predicament, its own conceptualization of reality: - is the cause - and is what will keep it constrained, - is the solution - but only if it would re-conceptualize. How would you...
  11. E

    The Ambiguity of Early Christianity: How we misread Paul

    Correction: = Thomas 50: Movement with Repose
  12. E

    The Ambiguity of Early Christianity: How we misread Paul

    Conceptual Sovereigns = Makers, Rulers and (In)validators of Concepts Watch this animation for an ELI5 version of what that means: In the process of creating concepts - and organizing their world - Mankind lost perspective of who we are - Mankind allowed concepts - that are merely man-made...
  13. E

    The Ambiguity of Early Christianity: How we misread Paul

    Indeed - because Mankind are Conceptual Sovereigns, we have royal authority over our own conceptual capabilities Why is why Jesus said; In Thomas 2, "He who seeks .....shall reign" In 'The Emperor's New Clothes', the Child's sole retort to everyone lauding the emperor's nakedness, proved the...
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    The Ambiguity of Early Christianity: How we misread Paul

    Click on the words below for the links to the dictionary showing their meaning include 'Sovereignty' Greek basiliea Hebrew malkuth Coptic ⲘⲚⲦⲈⲢⲞ = kinghood = reign, rule = Sovereignty Consider synonyms then. Perhaps you missed this part: (I assume you know the story of 'The Emperor's New...
  15. E

    The Ambiguity of Early Christianity: How we misread Paul

    My comment above referred specifically to the Breadmaking Parable and to all the other parables - in Thomas. Outside of Thomas, there is another set of issues: If we compare the first principles - based imperative that is Thomas 35+21.b=103... ... with the Synoptics: Mark: Mark 3:27 =...