The Twin Truths for Mankind


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The Twin Truths for Mankind:

(1) Know Thyself: Conceptual Sovereigns = Rulers of concepts
Creators + Interpreters + Innovators + (In)validators of concepts = [Re]Conceptualizers

(2) Nothing to extreme; Surety (fixation) leads to ruin
i.e. Be not overwhelmed, nor ossified by concepts:
Concepts are merely man-made ideas.
Concepts derive their power from people believing in / subscribing to them
Together, such subscribed concepts form our reality
Be PDCA Co-Iteratively [Re]Conceptualizing for Virtuous Cycles of Improvement for All: Paradise on Earth
[PDCA = Plan-Do-Check-Act]

But unfortunately, along the way, Mankind lost perspective of their true position and purpose:
The Rulers of concepts on Earth allowed themselves to be (a) overpowered and (b) overwhelmed by [=self-subjugated to] concepts
[(a) think hierarchy: monarchy, empire, colonialism, indirect "democracy" - also in: fiat money & religion ]
[(b) think mass & social media, chemically-induced addictions, obsessions... )

How then can Mankind be restored?
Watch this short animation for an ELI5 version of the answer & read the comments below - based on The Twin Truths for Mankind:

It is pivotal that humans - as represented by 'Harold':
4:30 reflect & think [= recognize the Twin Truths]
4:45 realize: "This is only a picture" [= this is merely a man-made conceptualization]
4:50 discard the old: "X" Cross out the existing picture [= existing concepts incl. narratives, systems, paradigm]
4:55 re-cognize self: "I am not big or little. I am my usual size" [=Thomas #18: In bliss is he who stands at the Beginning
Mankind = Conceptual Sovereigns = Rulers of concepts]

5:20 going forward - protect against repeating the same mistake: "Yes, I am my usual size" [=Act & Reflect]
5:30 realize one's original purpose: 'A picture for his room' [= Paradise on Earth]

For real life examples:
(1) The People of Cherán, Mexico - who took matters into their own hands and re-established their Sovereignty
(2) The People of Worgl, Austria of 1932 - who unwittingly established PDCA-backed money - invalidating fiat money
(3) The people of Mondragon, Spain
The global manufacturing supply chain was revolutionized through data-driven, continuously improving, PDCA cycles
AIs -- DeepMind and LLM AIs -- are powered by self-directed PDCA at scale
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I enjoyed journeying with Harold, I note with interest that things started to go a bit off for Harold(i.e. he suddenly 'became bigger') when he drew the trainlines diverging, which of course one does when representing 3D in 2D.
I certain can relate the cartoon as similar to my own cycle of looking at my own beliefs/attitudes; continually repeating the cycle and refining/changing , where necessary.
Scientific concepts are based on experiments and their results. All concepts are not man-made lies.
Concepts in Science are put out as theory.
i.e. they are not put out to be firmly held (believed) as dogma, but tentatively held to be disproved by empirical data
Experiment supported "proven" concepts are provisional truths - subject to further scrutiny ie disprovable against more empirical data,
and other provisional truths.

The proving / disproving process is subject to various factors e.g.:
- ability: motivations, knowledge levels, critical & creative thinking
- resources: time, personnel, equipment -- funding
- the experiments: review of design, results, interpretations, (broader) implications
- dissemination: publication, peer & public discussions

Support (or, reward) at each stage - for the proving process, as well as
constraints (or, penalties!) at each stage - against the disproving process
- would have the effect of building/sustaining the status quo.
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I note with interest that things started to go a bit off for Harold(i.e. he suddenly 'became bigger') when he drew the trainlines diverging, which of course one does when representing 3D in 2D.
I believe you meant to say: 'when representing against a perspective'.

The author was showing how Harold (=Human kind) lost perspective of himself, in relation to the things that he drew / conceptualized
The train track, the flower, the bird and the mouse were bigger -- because he drew them bigger:
Fortunately, Harold realized this - for his own good, by himself: I am not big or little, I am my usual size.
i.e. I was the one who made the drawings / conceptualizations BIG
How could i have allowed my own conceptualizations to overwhelm me - I was their conceptualizer. Silly me!

Hopefully, people realize this too
and not allow conceptualizations -- theirs, as well as those of their fellow conceptualizers -- to overwhelm them.
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A scientific theory is a well-supported explanation of how the natural world works. It's based on evidence that has been repeatedly tested and confirmed through observation and experimentation.
@Aupmanyav @wil
I get where you are both coming from but the reality of the scientific community maybe different from what you think it is
Please have a quick look at:
- this short 6 min video (and then the longer video by Sabine Hossenfelder if you are inclined to)
- the review section of this 2012 book.
@Aupmanyav @wil
I get where you are both coming from but the reality of the scientific community maybe different from what you think it is
Please have a quick look at:
- this short 6 min video (and then the longer video by Sabine Hossenfelder if you are inclined to)
- the review section of this 2012 book.
I prefer to see your arguments in your own words.
The titles should help one get the picture:
- Hossenfelder's Bombshell: Fraud in High Energy Physics
- Not Even Trying: The Corruption of Real Science
Well, that is her view .. and we are not qualified to analyze her views. Mainstream science will do that.
"One of her notable contributions is her skepticism towards certain speculative theories in physics, such as string theory and multiverse theories, which she argues often lack empirical support."
That is OK. These theories do not have mainstream science support.