Recent content by wil

  1. wil

    How would you share the Good News to the Self-Entrapped?

    Me thinks the question is your problem....younseem to have your psyche rapper around a desire you cannot get out of the jar. Could it be your assumption that they are is because you are looking in a mirror?
  2. wil

    imagination and reality

    I find it funny the globe has an "up" and the "only" reason it does is the lettering! An aside.... i think ya missed one? I know which way to point when I say the direction we are spinning, do I point the same direction to say the direction we are rotating around the sun but a little south...
  3. wil

    Honor thy Father and thy Mother

    Not much of an effect...we are smaller in numbers than most other fragments of denominations or religions. Lol...tar all Christians? That is funny...I have specifically decried the hypocrites that can't wait to get out of the parking lot after service or want thebten commandments in classrooms...
  4. wil

    Honor thy Father and thy Mother

    Yes, I believe there is good out there, we do see it all the time. But we are clouded because yes we have a ton of evidence that humans are not humane...the word implies a misnomer simply by its etymology
  5. wil

    Honor thy Father and thy Mother

    Its rough out here Thomas...they put up billboards, pay for commercials, pay for whole hour long television slots to pay for the passenger jets they own to fly from fleecing to fleecing and you speak of new thought prosperity churches which are a drop in the perverbial bucket from these...
  6. wil

    Honor thy Father and thy Mother

    To further explain, I like the words and teachings purported to be of Jesus. Beatitudes and Book of Thomas...for much of the rest of the Bible for me to hold on I prefer the new thought understanding particularly Unity's resonates most. I'm inclined to believe from 13 to 30 he did some...
  7. wil

    imagination and reality

    A chain letter? Really? If you post to five and they post to five...did you write this? Or were you just one of five?
  8. wil

    Honor thy Father and thy Mother

    The work of fiction...just about every orphan house from decades.past now has stories of physical and sexual abuse...houses of "God" especially.
  9. wil

    What are you currently reading?

    At the heart of this novel is humor and the reminder to “lighten up.” Even Robbins’ description of what comes after life is humorous and witty. Jitterbug Perfume seems to suggest that when we lighten up, and remember the connection we have with our natural selves, the possibilities may be...
  10. wil

    Honor thy Father and thy Mother

    This does not mean every man and woman should procreate... Oh my! Yeah, just keep spitting them out that is quite the culture... And that ain't enough?
  11. wil

    Death is an illusion

    A luncheon yesterday, an early wake yesterday afternoon, the viewing overnite wake set for two weeks from now and already over a hundred rsvpd....he was loved and will be missed
  12. wil

    Honor thy Father and thy Mother

    I am afraid that has mostly to due with the vocal American Christians of which I am surrounded by millions of hypocritical statements. The saying "I like your Christ, wish Christians were more like him." In all its variations comes to mind. It would be different if I saw different examples...
  13. wil

    Shiva vs Shiva

    Yeah me neither, no clue what is coming next, currently anticipate nothing, so anything will be interesting.... death tho, been there, done that woke up...have enjoyed this second chance. These give me a chance! They both not only seem doable but I think I have been practicing unknwingly....
  14. wil

    Honor thy Father and thy Mother

    Yes, I taught my kids and kids at Sunday school...everyone is a mentor...some for wat TO do...other for what NOT....
  15. wil

    Honor thy Father and thy Mother

    Therein lies the rub... I was a little jerk, my father used the tools he had...the experiences he had, the norms of the time, to deal with the raucous I accept that...but also grew from that...also fell into his footsteps on alcoholism as well...but learned to count to two after my...