aged hippy Sep 16, 2008 No, i haven't disabled PMs, i just checked. This message system seems very complicated to me... but then - most things do. ;D Warmest Regards, malcolm .
No, i haven't disabled PMs, i just checked. This message system seems very complicated to me... but then - most things do. ;D Warmest Regards, malcolm .
Snoopy Sep 16, 2008 Hi, Godulike seems to be defunct....hoist by its own petard perhaps? Seattlegal lured me here...a far more sociable place I reckon! Snoopy...aka...?
Hi, Godulike seems to be defunct....hoist by its own petard perhaps? Seattlegal lured me here...a far more sociable place I reckon! Snoopy...aka...?
seattlegal Sep 16, 2008 You have disabled PM's from members, so I can't reply, but thanks for dropping by!
seattlegal Sep 16, 2008 Hey, Malcolm! Haven't seen you around for a while. (We've moved from to Hope to hear from you!
Hey, Malcolm! Haven't seen you around for a while. (We've moved from to Hope to hear from you!