Recent content by juantoo3

  1. juantoo3

    A question to anybody of the Jewish faith

    So I am certain I understand your response - You are disagreeing with me for agreeing with you Wiki is a wonderful resource, but it is limited, and now we know it has been shepherded by the CIA, so even their material should be taken with a grain of salt. Prometheus was a part of the formal...
  2. juantoo3

    Evolution is Unscientific

    Actually, they have found an older Australopith, a juvenile, dated several million years older. I think why Lucy was set apart is bipedalism, and association with the Leakey family name. So "they" have specimens even older than Australopiths.
  3. juantoo3

    Is politics philosophy since Plato talked about politica?

    Only in the most oblique and distant manner. Since political discussion has been quelled here, and it is crystal clear that poli sci discussions will only devolve, I would think it prudent to leave the subject alone. Suffice to say, in an oblique and distant manner, politics existed among...
  4. juantoo3

    A question to anybody of the Jewish faith

    Looking again it would seem Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus" is one such retelling of the themes.
  5. juantoo3

    Evolution is Unscientific

    You appear to base your atheism on a great deal of unfounded faith. Science, all science, is an attempt at Truth, primarily using logic. Science is a form of Truth. But Science is not the be all and end all sum total of Truth, because parts of the universe are illogical. Love and beauty are...
  6. juantoo3

    The physics of enlightenment

    Here's the path to enlightenment!
  7. juantoo3

    Christian Nationalism

    Another politics masquerading as religion thread?
  8. juantoo3

    Evolution is Unscientific

    Arthur C Clarke. Care to add the 3 Laws of Robotics by Isaac Asimov as well? Very well...prove it. If the subject is logical, it should not be difficult at all. :)
  9. juantoo3

    Evolution is Unscientific

    Love Beauty Spooky Action at a Distance What is it about a cooing infant that can turn a strong man into mush?
  10. juantoo3

    Evolution is Unscientific

    Oh, evolution is VERY scientific. Science isn't Truth. Science, all science, is an attempt at Truth, primarily using logic. Science is a form of Truth. But Science is not the be all and end all sum total of Truth, because parts of the universe are illogical.
  11. juantoo3

    Suspending the politics board

    Fair enough.
  12. juantoo3

    Evolution is Unscientific

    I don't fear death. Today is a good day to die. Seems to me we've already established your illogic and faith based beliefs many times in the past few weeks.
  13. juantoo3

    Evolution is Unscientific

    Conversations have a habit of wandering around here...seems I was forewarned of that ages ago by a certain site administrator... ;)
  14. juantoo3

    Evolution is Unscientific

    If you're correct, what do I have to lose? If I'm correct...? ;)
  15. juantoo3

    Evolution is Unscientific

    That is called Pascal's Wager