Recent content by IowaGuy

  1. IowaGuy

    the BIBLE is clear on being VEGETARIAN

    Good point. The Seventh Day Adventists (who were included in the recent "Blue Zone" studies as some of the healthiest elderly folks on the planet) are a good example of this... I personally think that the human health benefits of vegetarianism are its strongest selling point to the general...
  2. IowaGuy

    the BIBLE is clear on being VEGETARIAN

    Well, of course, the scripture where Jesus ate the fish (which appears in all English translations of the bible except the King Bhakatajan version) is Luke 24:42-43. 42 They gave him a piece of broiled fish, 43 and he took it and ate it in their presence. "Broiled fish" seems pretty...
  3. IowaGuy

    the BIBLE is clear on being VEGETARIAN

    Ummmm... "taking for granted" because that's exactly what the bible says he did??? You don't like the fact that the bible says Jesus ate fish, or multiplied the fish to feed others. Sounds like you have your answers witout even having to read the Bible. That's a very convenient way to...
  4. IowaGuy

    Vegetarianism and anthropology

    Food, Inc. and King Corn are my favorite movies on this subject.
  5. IowaGuy

    the BIBLE is clear on being VEGETARIAN

    Why can't you accept the fact that Jesus ate fish or encouraged others to eat fish? As I'm sure you're aware, Buddha ate meat as well... I am not in the restaurant business. I myself do not eat beef or pork and have not done so for the last 12 years. In fact, I don't eat any...
  6. IowaGuy

    the BIBLE is clear on being VEGETARIAN

    IMHO you're stretching it here, buddy. You think that Luke 24:42-43 and Matthew 6:41-44, where people are hungry and Jesus is said to have broken up fish to feed to others, and eaten "broiled fish" himself, are really just symbolic? That they have nothing to do with eating actual fish? I...
  7. IowaGuy

    the BIBLE is clear on being VEGETARIAN

    I'm no expert in the original Greek manuscripts, so hopefully someone can chime in as to the original greek word for "fish" used in the parable. Another passage to consider would be Luke 24:42-43, where Jesus eats a piece of "broiled fish" (this might possibly be a different Greek word than the...
  8. IowaGuy

    the BIBLE is clear on being VEGETARIAN

    Do you think it was immoral/unethical for Jesus to feed fish to 5,000 people? Matthew 6:41-44 I speculate that this subject of the bible & vegetarianism is on the outer-limits of your intellect. You are ignoring parts of the bible that nullify your argument...
  9. IowaGuy

    the BIBLE is clear on being VEGETARIAN

    OK, I was thinking on the OP topic some more... How about this: If the bible is so clear on being vegetarian, why did Jesus multiply the fish to feed to the masses? Why didn't he just multiply the bread?
  10. IowaGuy

    the BIBLE is clear on being VEGETARIAN

    bhaktajan - are you saying that you believe that Mankind was created in its current from by the Creator? If so, this severely weakens your stance that humans are not "supposed" to eat meat. Why would humans have canine teeth and a longer short intestine if we weren't designed to have some...
  11. IowaGuy

    Vegetarianism and anthropology

    Neither evolution nor anthropology proves that humans have been vegetarians either... For example, can you name one "ancient" society that didn't eat meat? The closest one I can think of are the Ohlone Indians of California, whose diet was estimated to be 70% acorns. However, they...
  12. IowaGuy

    the BIBLE is clear on being VEGETARIAN

    Do you believe it is "wrong" for animals to eat other animals? For example, is it "bad karma" if a wolf eats a moose? Should we try to get rid of carnivorous animals that eat other animals, in order to "save" the lives of innocent animals that would otherwise be eaten? Let's say, for...
  13. IowaGuy

    Metaphysics in Theosophy

    If scientists were to someday prove that quarks & strings can indeed be broken down, how would you reconcile this with your Theosophy beliefs?
  14. IowaGuy

    Metaphysics in Theosophy

    Would you consider pantheism (as practiced by many Native American tribes) to be a simpler, distilled version of this same concept?
  15. IowaGuy

    Are Mormons Christians?

    Let's roll with your logic on this one Radar... How, for example, would you adress the "veracity, verifiability, and validity" of the Revelation of John of Patmos? How would you rationally compare it to, for example, the writing of Baha'u'llah or the Gospel of Thomas?