Nick the Pilot
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  • Hi Nick,
    I think this is the closest thing I can find to a PM... So I'd like to learn a bit more about Theosophy. I'm in Denver, CO. I would much appreciate some links to explore. How long have you been a Theosophist? What is it that you like about it the most? The least?

    Hi Nick,
    When did you live here? I love Kapa'a, however, I'm moving to Honoka'a on the Big Island next month. Reason: Table Tennis.
    My best to ya!
    Aloha.. Allen
    Hi Nick, I'm new here. I was reading your post about Heaven Without Spouses. Your heaven is what I think of it to probably be. A state of mind kind of like a dream with the ability to interact with other minds/dreams.

    The thing is, I don't know if I agree with the reincarnation part because it scares me. What if I don't want to reincarnate? I really don't want to forget everyone I love and I don't want them to forget me. I don't want to have another husband that isn't my husband.
    What happens if I am in heaven and my husband wants to reincarnate...then would I have an imaginary husband? =(
    Was it you? Into fencing? Sabres? Someone else? My son just joined the club at his school hence my inquiry....there was someone....
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