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  1. Nick the Pilot

    Your religious/spiritual journey

    What do you think happens to a person after they die?
  2. Nick the Pilot

    Your religious/spiritual journey

    It seems to me that levels of depression and anxiety in our society are a lot higher than 50 years ago.
  3. Nick the Pilot

    Your religious/spiritual journey

    Exclusive? No. Every human who has died and gone on to a higher level of consciousness (although no longer “human”) is also part of universal consciousness. All human thoughts are part of universal consciousness. Any separateness we feel from universal consciousness (and from other people) will...
  4. Nick the Pilot

    Your religious/spiritual journey

    The concepts of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ fit quite nicely into my belief system. I believe in what I call ‘universal consciousness’, which I see as being at a much higher level of consciousness than human consciousness. The way I see it, this universal consciousness has its own clear idea of what it...
  5. Nick the Pilot

    Your religious/spiritual journey

    TLW, you said, Exactly. You are also correct in saying this effects both this life and the next. Our actions and intentions certainly can be positive or negative. Simply said, when we do something to someone (good or bad), somewhere down the line (in this lifetime or a future lifetime) the...
  6. Nick the Pilot

    Your religious/spiritual journey

    Hi TLW, It sounds like you may be open to ideas like karma and reincarnation. What do you think of the idea of karma?
  7. Nick the Pilot

    What is Taoism (Daoism)?

    I think there is a reason for this vagueness. It is fun to think about things that happened billions of years ago or will happen billions of years from now. But Dao de-emphasizes this and has us only think about what is ‘important’ right now, what we need to do right now to get us to the next...
  8. Nick the Pilot

    What is Taoism (Daoism)?

    I can give you an answer, but it is a Theosophical answer, not a Taoist answer. (Taoism is quite vague on answering this question.) The path is the path to enlightenment, reincarnation, and beyond.
  9. Nick the Pilot

    The self

    Hi Wil, I thought I'd give a Theosophical response to your idea. In Theosophy, the idea is that the ego is only temporary and will eventually disappear.
  10. Nick the Pilot

    What is Taoism (Daoism)?

    It is true that 道 (dao) can mean to say, speak, talk. But I do not think this is the meaning of 道 in 道可道, (Dao ke dao), I think it only means the way or path, that we are on the path (Dao) to...
  11. Nick the Pilot

    What is Taoism (Daoism)?

    If you have any more questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
  12. Nick the Pilot


    Hi Michelle and welcome to the forum. I am in the same position as you, as I left Christianity many years ago when I found it didn't work for me any more. Have you taken a look at other religious traditions? Which ones have you looked at?
  13. Nick the Pilot

    If everything is alive. Life as we know it consists of spirit ensouling matter. Death consists of spirit removing itself from the ensouling of a piece of matter. So, yes, this type of 'death' occurs. But neither spirit nor matter cease to exist or 'die' during any...
  14. Nick the Pilot

    I Ching and Tarot

    Leveller, I use tarot cards everyday and they are helpful. Feel free to ask questions about them.
  15. Nick the Pilot

    Hello everyone

    Hi Leveller and welcome to the forum. If you are interested in studying Taoism from the original Chinese please let me know.
  16. Nick the Pilot

    I am interested in buddhism can someone explain to me the basics?

    It is not. Theosophy's membership has been continuously increasing since the 1870's. If I remember correctly, about 30,00 people around the world identify themselves as Theosophists.
  17. Nick the Pilot

    I am interested in buddhism can someone explain to me the basics?

    I thought I would contribute the Theosophical definition of Tathagatagarbha, which is "Buddha Nature".
  18. Nick the Pilot

    I am interested in buddhism can someone explain to me the basics?

    I am sorry to hear of your suffering. My life has not exactly been a bed of roses either. We can only hope that our high levels of suffering will accelerate our progress towards enlightenment and then nirvana.
  19. Nick the Pilot

    What is Taoism (Daoism)?

    Taoism is very metaphysical, so it is not for everyone. I don’t know if you are interested in the metaphysical aspects of the creation of the universe. For example, as I posted in a previous post in this thread, the very first line of the Tao Te Ching talks about the manifest vs. unmanifest...
  20. Nick the Pilot

    I am interested in buddhism can someone explain to me the basics?

    All I can do is give you answers from the perspective of a Buddhist who believes is karma. (By the way, there are a number of Buddhist traditions that do not believe in karma.) Why do you think you were born as a Korean? I wonder if you were Korean in a previous incarnation, or will be were...