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  1. Dhammañāṇa Bhikkhu

    I believe in good!

    Sadhu, that's a good deed.
  2. Dhammañāṇa Bhikkhu

    Origin of Creator-God religions

    from the Brahmajāla Sutta: The Brahmā Net
  3. Dhammañāṇa Bhikkhu

    Survival of the kindest...

    Suffering is an effect of taking on what's not required, no refuge, not real, good householder. No. Desire for sensuality, desire for becoming or not-becoming, has always suffering as it's effect. What ever good householder does, moment for moment, is all just a try to escape it. That's a good...
  4. Dhammañāṇa Bhikkhu

    Far apart of each other

  5. Dhammañāṇa Bhikkhu

    Bodhisattva Resolve

    Just to be clear, good householder. Althought developing karuna (compassion) toward all being leads one toward the Brahma realm, if taken on on right view, and put right into practice, and althought right resolve (renouncing, no-ill-will, conflictlessness) leads to right virtue and helps by that...
  6. Dhammañāṇa Bhikkhu

    Survival of the kindest...

    Chosen. Why? Because of not seeing, knowing and craving, being wander on in the circle of birth, aging, sickness and death, good householder.
  7. Dhammañāṇa Bhikkhu

    I believe in good!

    Good householder might not see being aside of human one, as well as not seeing human killed even before leaving the womb. By far, far more humans are killed by their parents then in wars and what one sees as crime. It's to doubt that there had been time where more slaying of being and destroying...
  8. Dhammañāṇa Bhikkhu

    I believe in good!

    Till? No place not at war, and largest ongoing slayings of life everywhere. Hardly an ace not made plane. Blindness in regard of suffering is amazing. What do blind think why there are people going after spirituality? Because there can be even such as heavens in the sensual world? The naive...
  9. Dhammañāṇa Bhikkhu

    I believe in good!

    So let's make a rock out of mythos, put things upright: Right Virtue, moral, good householder, is rooted in right resolve. And what is right resolve? "Being resolved on renunciation, on freedom from ill-will, on harmlessness: This is called right resolve.” Right resolve is rooted in right...
  10. Dhammañāṇa Bhikkhu

    Have you guys heard of this song before? U2's Yahweh - I actually music produced the song : - )

    Thy all "still havn't fond what they should look for..."
  11. Dhammañāṇa Bhikkhu

    Have you guys heard of this song before? U2's Yahweh - I actually music produced the song : - )

    What's spiritual (not sensual) aspect of belly dance, good householder... serious? And don't one say that the misery crying of Gospel is something sages of old praised... bond slaves do such, surely not someone with certain faith.
  12. Dhammañāṇa Bhikkhu

    Have you guys heard of this song before? U2's Yahweh - I actually music produced the song : - )

    May good householder be sure that if not leading the holly life, sublime life, act proper, Sublime can't be reached. It's impossible to reach the Brahma realms for one who as not abound, does not see the danger and bond of sensuality. Sensual entertainment, relay is bond to the sensual sphere...
  13. Dhammañāṇa Bhikkhu

    Have you guys heard of this song before? U2's Yahweh - I actually music produced the song : - )

    So the priest of those followers, and his near disciples, gained his following with the promise to reach the Brahma realm, by playing music, singing dancing... promises that by unrestrained mind, attached to sensuality, peace beyond sensuality is reached, or is the talk about Schralaffenland...
  14. Dhammañāṇa Bhikkhu

    I believe in good!

    ...and a good tool to neglect to see one's own fault, to restrain, and to work out own defilement... Just believe in good doing, good householder. Who ever focus on fruits or is eager in this or that creation, naturally tends to forget himself, doesn't see the harm for himself and others...
  15. Dhammañāṇa Bhikkhu

    Survival of the kindest...

    Highest kindness floats the boot out of the wheel of food chain, doesn't binds one back in it, leads not only toward the Brahma-realm but even beyond, when understanding the truths on cause and effect, good householder. Nothing different would float any boat out of suffering.
  16. Dhammañāṇa Bhikkhu

    I believe in good!

    Good householder, it's important to understand that beings are heir of their own deeds. It's not really possible to help others to do the right thing to gain than fruits. One can, for example, give something own, but it's total in the sphere of the other one whether able to take and able to make...
  17. Dhammañāṇa Bhikkhu

    I believe in good!

    Back on topic more directly: What's What's good to believe? Not taking life is good. Not taking what's not given is good. Not conducting wrongly in fleshly manners is good. Not speaking what's not true is good. Not speaking with intention to break beloved apart is good. Not speaking using harsh...
  18. Dhammañāṇa Bhikkhu

    I believe in good!

    Good householder, Naivety or illusion, not knowing, isn't a protection, but not only a fault but the root cause of suffering. If once joy is beyond craving for sensuality, when one is freed from the bonds in the sensual world, when ever breaking apart from this world, would be a matter of worry...
  19. Dhammañāṇa Bhikkhu

    I believe in good!

    Getting hit by a bus, dying, isn't a problem, yet deluded mind and wrong view, especially when abounding a good live gained, is. Even it dying on a cross.
  20. Dhammañāṇa Bhikkhu

    Have you guys heard of this song before? U2's Yahweh - I actually music produced the song : - )

    That's why both then not even lead into the Brahma realms, but your's might like to investigate since when lack of sense-restrain had become common under those followers. It's not compatible to lead a holly life and enjoy sensual pleasures. It's not even proper for a workless begging debter.