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  1. R

    Why Sunday?

    Paul said the law was added because of transgression. During the time in Egypt the people lost sight of what God required. They may have started worshiping idols. So God needed to teach them. Before that time Abraham did not need these laws because he had a better idea of what was required...
  2. R

    Why Sunday?

    When you've experienced grace, does that lead to lawlessness? Rom 6:1 What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? Rom 13:8-10 8 Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for he who loves his fellowman has fulfilled the...
  3. R

    Do we have souls?

    Saul thought he was doing God's work till he met Jesus on the damascus road. Trusting to feelings leaves us open to be deceived. I'm not against feelings, or listening to the Holy Spirit, but if we don't test our experience with the Bible we cannot be sure that it is the Holy Spirit. 1 John...
  4. R

    Why Sunday?

    Jesus knew how to correctly interpret the laws about the Sabbath. He said it was not his purpose to abolish the law. He never broke the law, that would have been against his teachings. What he did was reject the legalistic interpretation of the law by the Pharisees. God Bless Marc
  5. R

    Do we have souls?

    Feelings can be deceptive, we can be inspired by the Holy Spirit, or our own feelings or from the Devil. So its important to check things by the Bible, that way we can be sure our feelings are right. The Holy Spirit would not contradict what is written in the Bible. God Bless Marc
  6. R

    Do we have souls?

    But what is your view? I don't think it good to rely too heavily of others to interpret the Bible, I think we should study it for ourselves and make up our own mind. This is what Paul praised the Bereans for. God Bless Marc
  7. R

    Why Sunday?

    1. I do keep Sabbath from sunet to sunset 2. the command about burdens was to stop people carrying thier goods to sell in the market on the Sabbath 3 & 4. making a fire in ancient times required a lot of work, as did cooking they had the preparation day to prepare things 5. we are not living...
  8. R

    Why Sunday?

    Sunday keeping did not begin until about the 2nd century. The resurrection was the main reason given, but the apostles did not keep Sunday or teach that we should keep it. The reason for change was more about anti-Jewish sentitments in the Roman Empire. The resurrection was a good excuse for...
  9. R

    Do we have souls?

    here Paul is taking of a complete sanctification, rather than going into details about the nature of our souls. the word for soul - psuche is also translated as "persons" in other places: Acts 7:14; 27:37; 1 Pet 3:20 etc. rather than being contrasting words, I would suggest they are...
  10. R

    Why Sunday?

    The seal is the Holy Spirit, but how do we know someone has that seal. Jesus said by their fruit you will know them. So obedience to the commandments is an outward sign of the inner sign - the Holy Spirit. Entole means commandment, that is the meaning given in my Greek dictionary...
  11. R

    Why Sunday?

    They were quoted when the situation needed it. There was no need to quote the Sabbath commandmnet, because there was no dispute as to which day it was. None of the first four commandments are not quoted directly, only alluded to. God Bless Marc
  12. R

    Why Sunday?

    The word used here can also be a transliteration of the Aramaic shabbatha, and so can be singular, a sabbath day, this fits in with the other parts - a feast, a new moon, a sabbath day. None use the define article. Paul could have made it refer specificially to the weekly Sabbath by saying "the...
  13. R

    Why Sunday?

    The indwelling of the Spirit is the inward sign that is shown outwardly by obedience to the commandments. The NIV and NRSV both say commandments, I have not checked the other versions. The new commandment of love did not abolish the 10 commandments, it enhanced them. Christ gave...
  14. R

    Why Sunday?

    This speaks of the whole Mosaic system. But before the Mosaic law, was it not a sin to murder, as Cain murdered his brother. Even in heaven Lucifer sinned by coveting God's place. The 10 commandments codified what was already true. And they are still true today. Because their origin preceed...
  15. R

    Why Sunday?

    The Jerusalem council was about the ceremonial law, some thought the Gentiles needed to become Jews and be circumcised. The result was a practical decision mainly of which parts of the ceremonial law they needed to keep, it was a light burden, and helped to get the Gentiles accepted. The...
  16. R

    Why Sunday?

    Jesus taught that death was like a sleep. If our soul went to heaven, why the need for a bodily resurrection? The two concepts do not harmonise. We do believe that the description of Michael sounds like Jesus. Who's voice calls the dead from the grave? We are told it is Jesus' voice that...
  17. R

    Why Sunday?

    The Sabbath was made holy before the fall. Even in paradise it was important for Adam and Eve to spend a complete day with the Lord. They had been given the task of looking after the garden. But the Sabbath was a day to set aside ordinary work. The law of love does not abolish the 10...
  18. R

    Why Sunday?

    I'm put some info on my web site main from the NT but also some historical quotes to show why Saturday is still the Sabbath. Have a look at The ECF are interpreted different ways, but no ECF from the 2nd century says Jesus changed the Sabbath. Basically, after the...
  19. R

    Why Sunday?

    Some Christians do keep Saturday as the Sabbath - Seventh-day Adventist's are one group. The Sabbath goes back to Creation, before the fall, showing it was meant for all mankind and also to be kept eternally. There is no text in the NT to show that the Sabbath was changed. The silence supports...