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  1. D

    Happy Birthday Theosophical Society

    "to develop all forms of intellectual activity — theorizing, debating, analyzing, seeing cause and effect, etc." Maybe. But it's not so unanswerable as it seems to be prima facie. On one hand, Mrs. Annie Besant, Blavatsky's pupil, was saying as you did. She said we must exercise to reach...
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    Most Thought is NOT in Linguistic Form

    "Osmosis--effortless often unconscious assimulation. Plants get neutrition and water from the ground by the process of osmosis." Thanks. It explains, I guess, to Netti-Netti her question - "What am I doing wrong?" I'll say - Maybe you forgot people are a bit different from plants? Osmosis is...
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    Most Thought is NOT in Linguistic Form

    "hominid, began using audible signals to convey meaning about 4 million years ago" Who told you that? I study linguistics for a long time, and there are scientists thinking (not without facts) that humane speech very much differs from animals' sounds. Humane speech too much developed. It has...
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    Happy Birthday Theosophical Society

    I asked for practical books. I mean, for ex, Besant's Power of Thought. There, she gives some theoretical explanations and, then, exercises for everyone to develop his mental body (the lower manas). Ernest Wood advised how to develop one's concentration - no theory, just practice. That's what...
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    Happy Birthday Theosophical Society

    "The story is not Blavatsky's, it is the original story that was told thousands and thousands of years ago. The story is re-told every thousand years or so. Blavatsky is just one more person in a line of story-tellers who is telling the story. The story gets re-told every thousand years or so...
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    The Buddha teaches release from life?

    "levels of reality"... Very much deep phrase! I agree in general with what you'd said. But what is "a level of reality"? For example, how dharmakaya can be in a level, and not be in another?! It lives in all levels. All these levels are just our mind limitations. They don't exist in present...
  7. D

    Happy Birthday Theosophical Society

    I looked through those O Lanoo! pages. I know theosophy has to develop on and on, but there was a strange phrase there - "...and I believe that it is time to re-tell the story hidden in those ancient stanzas". "Re-tell" means "to tell again, in a new way". Frankly speaking, I'm against such...
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    Happy Birthday Theosophical Society

    Thanks to bgruagach. I found some curious things there. For ex, "she herself chose to add in the Ann" - it's very much strange if we could choose names for ourselves! If I tell that I'd read above to my friends they'd never believe. To choose the middle name... But male person can only choose...
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    Coffee Table Christianity?

    I don't care if anyone (dis)agreed with me, but I think such 'news' make us remember once more that christianity stopped to be something serious for people. Look at that! Who in Islamic or Buddhist countries will dare afford Qaran of Lego!!? He'll lose his head from shoulders among Muslims...
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    Happy Birthday Theosophical Society

    Good evening, "Many people do not know about the Senzar language. Senzar is the language of the original book of the story of the beginning of our universe and of humanity. The Bible originally came from this book, written in Senzar." Of cause, so. I hope more people will know about Senzar...
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    The very interesting is here - what cataclismic events make scientists create such unimaginable theories!!!:confused:
  12. D

    Happy Birthday Theosophical Society

    No, not Pureland. I'd say I accept Buddhism only in part where it does agree with Occultism. That's all. Thanks for this mentioning of the Theosophy World. I've never heard of it before. I'm about to look there soon when time allows. But I can't agree Senzar is just a "jargon", slang or even...
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    Are jehovah's witnesses Christians

    I think the same way, Alex. I believe in name of God there's nothing important. It doesn't matter how we call it. Even Parabrahman, Amida Buddha, Vishnu, Christna, Christ, Jehova - choose everything you like!!! Yes, Witnesses are Christians. They use Bible, eventually... But they're a bit...
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    Are jehovah's witnesses Christians

    It all depends on Mazoretic dots, I guess. When rabbis invented them, they can do everything they like with those scriptures. They can read the Scripture how they want. Often, those dots (points) under hyerogliphics change the sense of a text at all!
  15. D

    Happy Birthday Theosophical Society

    I see your informed about Occultism a bit more than I thought before. So I think we could support a new level in conversation. I think I can feel free when speak. "I enjoy discussing the seven principles of man, but most people are not ready for such a discussion." And we do belong to them...
  16. D

    Chicken or Egg puzzle definitively solved!

    It was a great relief to know that... to know that science tries to solve philosophical issues! Laudable, guys! But in this article said a chicken still the first. The first chicken laid an egg. Previous ones were dinosaurical...:)
  17. D

    Are jehovah's witnesses Christians

    Maybe it'd be interesting to explore the origin of this "name". As I know, YHVH consists two parts - YH-HVH => Yah-Havah => Yod-Havah. In ancient language of Jews, Jod stands for "membrum virile" of a man, and Havah is the same Eve (Latin Eva, wife of Adam). So the words "male and female he...
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    Happy Birthday Theosophical Society

    I'm glad we perfectly understand one another. I want to say what I was reminded of when reading your message. If you see our thinking goes on and on - from a fact to a new one. We as if make pace to pace. I remember as Ernest Wood had once said - thinking is like a walking; when we think we walk...
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    Are jehovah's witnesses Christians

    To be frank, I dn't think the witnesses are Christians. Why? For they always talk about that Judish Jehovah when I ask them of their religion. They keep on talking "Jehova said, Jehova did..." But are we Jews? As I understand, Jesus never quoted Jehova or worshipped him. But meanwhile, I'm not...
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    Happy Birthday Theosophical Society

    If only that! It's completely correct that you said, Nick. Buddhism is a part of Gupta-Vidya (Occultism), its ethical part. And theosophy is a exoterical part of an Occultism. Buddhism and Theosophy both are parts of Occultism. They are brothers. But I meant that in people's consciousness...