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  1. D

    The End of Abraham

    LeoSalinas22, you find Eskimos strange? I saw and heard of things very much more grotesque! Look around and you'll see world of people who must just die for a great price of money, and who could sell their own bodies if they're proposed any 'decent' sum. To be frank, eskimos do not do something...
  2. D

    Others' suffering = our own?

    "It's an individual thing, rather than a cultural thing, imo." said Seattlegal. There is two 'hands' in this case. In one hand, I think it's individually. Yes, but if we look from another side, or hand (as it seems to be usually said), it's hardly agreed. I'm aware we speak the same language...
  3. D

    The End of Abraham

    What are you doing? Every man has its right to say his own opinion on every question he wants to. Where is so lauded democracy? Does it work here? I remember taugh political regimes have always been beginning since "get out to your own place" way. Remember communists and especially Nazi. And...
  4. D

    Others' suffering = our own?

    Yes, unattainable limited list. Incomplete, if you wish. But it's the most cert habit of all the western-world inhabitants - to complete ideas. Am I not right? Maybe the list's not full, but should it be?! We can't give 'completations' to everything in the world. There exist things much wider...
  5. D

    Would paradise on earth really be paradise?

    If no one minds, I'd say my opinion on so-call'd Paradise. All the opinions does smell very anthropomorphic, if it's possible to say so. When reading the above situated posts I was expected something like that. Has anyone ever thought why religion is so powerful in Orient? I'm Russian. Is it...
  6. D

    Hi, Alex P

    Hi, Alex P
  7. D

    Would paradise on earth really be paradise?

    If no one minds, I'd say my opinion on so-call'd Paradise. All the opinions does smell very anthropomorphic, if it's possible to say so. When reading the above situated posts I was expected something like that. Has anyone ever thought why religion is so powerful in Orient? I'm Russian. Is it...
  8. D

    What would it take?

    No. It's hardly believed all that you said to be really correct even for yourself either. If "no further proof was needed" there wouldn't be crimes so widespread in this world. God of this civilization isn't Abraham's, isn't Buddha's, isn't Jesus's but GOD today is Money! It's perfectly clear.