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  1. D

    Does the barcode have something to do with the mark of the Beast?

    Which specific barcodes "have three sixes", list them, please. You're now spouting a bunch of stuff made up by men who only use God as a way to con the gullible and fearful. You are doing exactly what Scripture warns us not to do. You are being misled by false prophets only care for their own...
  2. D

    studying judaism in english

    People full of hate and fear, and devoid of love, invent a God who is just like them. If they are unwilling to respond to love, they will deny a God who reaches out in love and substitute a God who threatens and bullies.
  3. D

    Opposers of christian universalism refuted

    A professor's understanding, or lack, of his own field is revealed by how well he can explain it to a kindergarten.
  4. D

    Does the barcode have something to do with the mark of the Beast?

    But you do not fear the Lord, you fear the antichrist. Otherwise, you would have no fear of bar codes.
  5. D

    Does the barcode have something to do with the mark of the Beast?

    "The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?" Psalm 27:1 Evidently, the Lord is not your light and salvation, and the Lord is not the strength of your life. Otherwise, you would not be fearmongering about "prophecy".
  6. D

    Does the barcode have something to do with the mark of the Beast?

    And if one does that, then one can make the Bible or the Qur'an say anything at all, without limit. The prophesy-mongers always love to be "metaphorical" when it comes to their "prophesies", but they then turn around and refuse to be "metaphorical" on everything else.
  7. D

    Does the barcode have something to do with the mark of the Beast?

    What is all the fear about this, anyway? After all, isn't the Coming of the Kingdom to be devoutly wished for and sought, not feared and loathed?
  8. D

    Does the barcode have something to do with the mark of the Beast?

    So, where is he? Where is the King of the North that Daniel prophesies as setting up the Abomination of Desolation? Where is the great conquerer who publically and openly worships a god of fortresses? Name the name. Provide the evidence. Sounds to me like you have decided to become a...
  9. D

    Does the barcode have something to do with the mark of the Beast?

    In the interests of "prophecy", let me extend upon the portions of Matthew (which are echoed in Mark). One specific sign is mentioned that is a certain sign. It is when the "abomination of desolation" is set up (Matthew 24:15). What is the "abomination of desolation"? This is a traditional...
  10. D

    Does the barcode have something to do with the mark of the Beast?

    Let me answer alleged "prophecy" regarding bar codes with a bit of Scripture: --Matthew 24:4-8 All the disasters we see, all the ones our parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, great-great-grandparents, great-great-great grandparents and more have seen are not the signs that the Coming is...
  11. D

    Anti-Islamists banned from Bradford march

    Up to the end of the 19th century, according to Englishmen, they were. They were both separate and inferior races to the English race.
  12. D

    Burn the Qu'ran day?

    If we are no better than they are, we should have the "Burn the Quran Day". If we are better than they are, we should not. A better person is held to a higher standard.
  13. D

    Is Islam in accordance with rationality and science?

    Could you point me to the professional journals wherein this is reported? I can follow the math if given enough time. Thank you.
  14. D

    why muslims fast the islamic way?, and how their fasting services the human Good?

    The first Muslim I really got to know (and the guy who introduced me to RuneQuest) flat-out told me that Muslims who do the starve-and-binge don't get the point about Ramadan, like many Christians don't get the point about Christmas.
  15. D

    Islam on a collision course

    So, you consider Bill Clinton to be a war monger. You consider Franklin Pierce to be a war monger. You consider EVERY SINGLE PRESIDENT before the Holy Savior Obama to be a war monger. Typical, very typical bigotry.
  16. D

    Islam on a collision course

    Bush studied social sciences, too. You're indulging in the exact same academic bigotry that I encountered. "Social sciences good. Natural sciences bad." Social "sciences" try to convince people that social engineering can be done with the same levels of certainty and scope as real...
  17. D

    Why do R-wing Xians hate gays?

    Go read "The Screwtape Letters" and "Screwtape Proposes a Toast".
  18. D

    Why do R-wing Xians hate gays?

    In the USA, it's called the Libertarian Party.
  19. D

    Palestinians must..

    The only reason anyone cares about Palestinians is that the Palestinians are supported by the ruling classes in many petroleum-rich nations. Without that support, nobody would care about the Palestinians. Do you know about the Kashmiris? Do you know about the Yucatan tribes?
  20. D

    Islam on a collision course

    If the rest of the world whine until the USA gets involved when the USA doesn't want to, then they must put up with the USA getting involved when the rest of the world doesn't want them to. They can't have one without the other, and only an idiot or a lunatic would not see this. No, it was an...