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  1. Jayhawker Soule

    Grave Yard or Dumpster

    In that case, I'll vote however you wish. :)
  2. Jayhawker Soule

    Jewish gematria.

    Enough said. :D
  3. Jayhawker Soule

    God....He or She

    No, there is not. apologist absolutely
  4. Jayhawker Soule

    God....He or She

    Please stop babbling. To the best of my knowledge the Jesus Seminar 'vouches' for precious little. Furthermore, whatever you might hold to be "the (probable) veracity of this explanation of the Chr!st [sic]" in no way addresses the point made in my previous post.
  5. Jayhawker Soule

    First question ...

  6. Jayhawker Soule

    First question ...

    I find value in viewing scripture (or, for that matter, any other meta-narrative) as an evolutionist, always remembering that evolution is not a ladder but a sieve.
  7. Jayhawker Soule

    Sin and Salvation

    Neither - Christianity was an after-effect.
  8. Jayhawker Soule

    Are you alone in your house right now?....

    What is the value of these endless and inane OPs cloned from another site?
  9. Jayhawker Soule

    Three Curtains

    Switch ... if only to piss off Monte Hall.
  10. Jayhawker Soule

    God....He or She

    We do not know what Jesus said. We know only what later apologists claim Jesus said.
  11. Jayhawker Soule

    First question ...

    Agreed, and relevant is one is a literalist. But I do not view the Cain-Abel narrative as historical, much less as holy writ. It is, rather, a narrative that has survived the process of oral transmission/refinement to make its way into scripture. Of interest to me is why this particular...
  12. Jayhawker Soule

    First question ...

    Brilliant ...
  13. Jayhawker Soule

    First question ...

    Are you asking a question or pushing an agenda? Never mind; it has nothing to do with Judaism.
  14. Jayhawker Soule

    Grave Yard or Dumpster

    My apologies for failing to note your response. And I guess there must be some reason you find it necessary to distort what I say. But, for the record, I distinguish between you and the forum you seem to feel personifies you.
  15. Jayhawker Soule

    Grave Yard or Dumpster

    For the record, I'll take that as a vote for 'graveyard.' :)
  16. Jayhawker Soule

    First question ...

    And perhaps such a view says more about the person than about the text. No ... you don't have a question; you have a mild sophistry.
  17. Jayhawker Soule

    First question ...

    I'm not sure what you're seeking to imply nor how it relates to the OP.
  18. Jayhawker Soule

    First question ...

    Jews cycle through the Torah once a year, one parashah per week. We are now back at the beginning, back at Parashah B'reishit (Genesis 1:1 thru 6:8). Humanist geographer Yi-Fu Tuan once wrote: "All human beings are religious if religion is broadly defined as the impulse for coherence and...
  19. Jayhawker Soule

    Grave Yard or Dumpster

    That reeks of condescension.
  20. Jayhawker Soule

    God....He or She

    Well said. Shalom/Salaam.