Jewish gematria.

heard another interesting one....about a knot which is called either a camel or a is a bulbous knot that is tied at the end of a rope to keep it from slipping through....

easier for a camel (or lion knot?) to go through the eye of the needle?

or in reality easier for 867 to go into 395 than for a 564 899 to get into 999
Very interesting. Cubic numbers multiplied by 10 are seal openings and bindings. There are 10 seal openings total. 101010 X 10 is completion and then the continuous life cycle is started all multiples of 10. This is infinite life.
What interests me is that the end and beginning of the life cycle is binary codes which is used in computer programming to create pictures and words.
ROFLMYO, wil and thomas!;)

I have this theory that the hebrew scriptures because they all have numerical significance can mathematically (equations for healing things) be calculated. You take two YHVH with the vowels one male and one female , opposite each other and calculate that and then extend it outward. YHVH written vertically forms the figure of a man in hebrew. YHVH are Elements : Fire, Air,Water,Earth. The vowels are the 5th element spread out. The 5th element is spirit. The vowels all as one is the place of oneness. I wish I had the education or the time to do this on my own. I believe not only are there equations but also it forms a picture of the kingdom of heaven. What do u think?
Have you seen this book?
Gematria: The Numbers of Infinity by Marke Pawson

I think you may find it very interesting.
Here is the review from amazon.

It is extremely interesting to see reference to the work of Lea and Bond (type Lea and Bond in Amazon browser).

Mark Pawson marries Greek and Hebrew nicely this has long needed doing.

Greek Gematria although just a part of this book is found in the Greek New Testament and Gnosticism and is a profoundly Christian mystery. It is also a profoundly British mystery as the measurements of Megalithic sites such as Stonehenge equate to those of the Great Pyramid.

The author The affirmation of identical word number associations in Hebrew and Greek Gematria suggest they are probably earlier than either culture possibly from Aramaic or Phoenician sources or even earlier. The Phoenicians traded with Britain at a time when their navigational mathematics was par to none and a good guess as to how The Bible became a source of hidden number meanings.(It is asserted it is named after the Phoenician city Byblos)

Western civilization based on the Greek mathematical genius of Pythagoras's mystery school was dominant until the Arabs invented our present numeral system and presumably was the source (through the Romans?) of our historical measurements of acres,feet,inches,rods and perches and barleycorns!! and the building of our churches and cathedrals etc.

The maths and geometry of Gematria lead to concepts of Infinity? This book would testify so as others before. Not for the closed mind.
Could anyone who understands Hebrew and Greek gematria tell me if the number 1806 has any meaning?
I have this theory that the hebrew scriptures because they all have numerical significance can mathematically (equations for healing things) be calculated. You take two YHVH with the vowels one male and one female , opposite each other and calculate that and then extend it outward. YHVH written vertically forms the figure of a man in hebrew. YHVH are Elements : Fire, Air,Water,Earth. The vowels are the 5th element spread out. The 5th element is spirit. The vowels all as one is the place of oneness. I wish I had the education or the time to do this on my own. I believe not only are there equations but also it forms a picture of the kingdom of heaven. What do u think?
Inkblot theology is more than a little silly.
Inkblot theology is more than a little silly.
Its not inkblot theory. It is based on the name of god that does form the figure of a man when written vertically. You then take the female opposite and place her standing in front of him. Since the Hebrew letters have numerical value and based on the 5 elements in the figures you can calculate equations. The vowels were not written after a time but are known. YEHOVAH. It forms the figure of a man when written in Hebrew with YHVH. The female equations should mirror the male just like the bodies are opposite of each other. Its the Hebrew bible code and its based on mathematics.
Its not inkblot theory. It is based on the name of god that does form the figure of a man when written vertically. You then take the female opposite and place her standing in front of him. Since the Hebrew letters have numerical value and based on the 5 elements in the figures you can calculate equations. The vowels were not written after a time but are known. YEHOVAH. It forms the figure of a man when written in Hebrew with YHVH. The female equations should mirror the male just like the bodies are opposite of each other. Its the Hebrew bible code and its based on mathematics
Inkblot theology is more than a little silly.
5. Elemental Magic: Fire Water Earth Air / Wind Correspondences Chart Table and Element Symbols North-South-East-West, Spring-Summer-Autumn-Winter
Upon the first Series of talismans thou shalt engrave the Letter Yod, symbolized by the Flowering Rod of Aaron.
Upon the second the Letter Hé, symbolized by the Cup of Joseph.
Upon the third the Letter Vau, symbolized by the Sword of David my father.
And upon the fourth the Hé final, symbolized by the Shekel of Gold."
That is to say :
YRod of Aaron one makes fire with a rodFire/SummerTarot RodsHCup of Josephone drinks Water in a cupWater/WinterTarot CupsvSword of David, my fatherone fight in the air with a swordAir/Spring/FatherTarot SwordshShekel of Goldthe shekel is related to materialism, matter, earthEarth/AutumnTarot Shekels

As you can see each letter represents a different element. Elements have equations and specifically when you combine them. The vowels are aoe which would be the 5th element representing spirit spread out in three points that generate out to the whole body.
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5. Elemental Magic: Fire Water Earth Air / Wind Correspondences Chart Table and Element Symbols North-South-East-West, Spring-Summer-Autumn-Winter
Upon the first Series of talismans thou shalt engrave the Letter Yod, symbolized by the Flowering Rod of Aaron.
Upon the second the Letter Hé, symbolized by the Cup of Joseph.
Upon the third the Letter Vau, symbolized by the Sword of David my father.
And upon the fourth the Hé final, symbolized by the Shekel of Gold."
That is to say :
YRod of Aaron one makes fire with a rodFire/SummerTarot RodsHCup of Josephone drinks Water in a cupWater/WinterTarot CupsvSword of David, my fatherone fight in the air with a swordAir/Spring/FatherTarot SwordshShekel of Goldthe shekel is related to materialism, matter, earthEarth/AutumnTarot Shekels

As you can see each letter represents a different element. Elements have equations and specifically when you combine them. The vowels are aoe which would be the 5th element representing spirit spread out in three points that generate out to the whole body