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  1. Gatekeeper

    The Art of War vs. The Art of War

    It has been tried in the past, and more often than not, it comes back to bite us on the buttocks. The act of attempting to make friends of enemies by buying the friendship. I'm thinking 1 Corinthians 13 could possible and more than likely apply. Like coins falling to the ground having no...
  2. Gatekeeper


    I had never understood numerology and still don't, but from I do understand, is that it's all based on name and birth dates. Similar to astrology, only in mathematical applications. Like words, and art, and communication, well .. like the logos … I guess...things like this have power. Say...
  3. Gatekeeper

    The Logos

    Well, in all reality it is... It doesn't require much to understand it, per the Greek definition of. It all boils down to "the gods got creative, came together and expressed an idea, a thought, something desired, then through the art of communication and act of expression .. created. Like a...
  4. Gatekeeper


    I could have replied Capricorn, but where's the fun in that? Instead I gave my life path number, which in all honesty, just sounds better in writing. I was once told by an old associate that "it's all about the numbers". Life path number 22 The life path number 22 holds more power than any...
  5. Gatekeeper


    She said: Hey baby, what's your sign"? I replied: "01010100 01110111 01100101 01101110 01110100 01111001 00100000 01110100 01110111 01101111" Well, that just kinda rolls off the tongue doesn't it?
  6. Gatekeeper

    The Art of War vs. The Art of War

    Common sense will tell you that he who funds an enemy to no longer be an enemy might be a ummm ... quasi ok strategy. Uncommon sense will show you that an enemy who becomes a friend is no longer an enemy. The art of war ... What happens when there are no enemies left? What happens when...
  7. Gatekeeper


    or was it 36, or was it 17, or was it 12, or was it 100? 42361712100 that's a binary code in case you're wondering. Where's Charles? I mean RadarMark, our resident quaker/quantum physicist? Can anyone translate? I just spoke in tongue ... go figure. ;) I mean literally .. go figure.
  8. Gatekeeper

    The Logos

    Thank you for that one, and for the Raven comment in your profile ...
  9. Gatekeeper

    Been a While - A few Questions

    Time is timeless in the eyes of time, yet time is the essence of all things. I guess in umm another time zone, some 13 billion light years away, the kid is ls coming and going as he folds the universe like a piece of paper ... just to say: "I came, I saw, I got the hell out, but not before I...
  10. Gatekeeper

    Been a While - A few Questions

    Isn't now the big picture?
  11. Gatekeeper

    Been a While - A few Questions

    Great post and points made in it. The thing is, the bible is true. The way some view the content therein is where the troubles stem. When read, and the words contained within the pages are powerful, some get lost very easily. It's extremely easy to get lost in that book, but ... It's true...
  12. Gatekeeper

    The Logos

    Jake reminds me of someone I know fairly well. The story line, well ... let's just say it runs in the family. I use the logos the way it is meant to be used and utilized. I bring it into the light. I dislike the way some keep the logos in the dark all censored n stuff. Btw, freedom of speech is...
  13. Gatekeeper

    The Logos

    Also known as the Word. Freedom of speech, a fundamental right in America. Freedom of expression, the freedom of communication, whether through music, vocabulary, movies, body language, signs, art such as paintings, sketches, architecture, a warm embrace, a sexual encounter, a smile, a frown...
  14. Gatekeeper

    Joke Thread (Revisited)

    REVISITED Ok, so this guy was due to get married right. So a few days before he's getting nervous and pacing n stuff. He's pacing and keeps saying day, two day, weddingday ... one day, two day, wedingday, one day two day wedingday. He just keeps pacing and repeating this. So...
  15. Gatekeeper

    Finish the sentence: "I love it when...."

    I love it when ... A plan comes together
  16. Gatekeeper

    Been a While - A few Questions

    I have nothing to say expect I think I agree completely. Science, spirituality, religion ... life. O.k. so ... umm ... I had something more to say. It's all life and since all three fields deal with life, I think it beneficial to at least consider them all in our (some of our quest) to...
  17. Gatekeeper

    Been a While - A few Questions

    When you say spirit what do you mean? If you mean the intangible, unseen space in and outside ourselves and all it entails I would agree. Spirit means so many different things to so many different people it's difficult sometimes to know what is meant when the term is used. Like air or breath...
  18. Gatekeeper

    Been a While - A few Questions

    Ohh I know ... believe ... it's like it's in the air or something ... I like eyes too and hope we can capture frames with a blink of the eye. no biggie. It's been like this for as long as I remember. Ever watch City of Angels? Great flick and the song Iris rings a bell or true or something...
  19. Gatekeeper

    Been a While - A few Questions

    I meant the big picture as the individual meant it in the post I replied to. Ultimate picture? I guess that's as individual as moral values.
  20. Gatekeeper

    Been a While - A few Questions

    What's the big picture? I can see a bigger picture, but in your opinion, what's the big picture?