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  1. D

    Worrying generations

    Yeah...a worrying, lost generation...a generation that is really pitiful...there is no safe shore in this consumative world which thinks only about profit, and gaining. Everything is measured by how much one can get back...a world wherein principles are rarely, very rarely reawrded...a world who...
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    This is how Islam will end....

    Salaam, brother I dont stick to hope as defensive strategy, though it works. I am stick to hope because there is a creator who rules this world, and whom the whole things/persons are under his control and dominion... Just look at the economic system how it is suffering now, c0de. What is the...
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    This is how Islam will end....

    @ Nativeastral Actually, my religion teaches that there is no obedience for a creature where there is a disobedience of the Creator. That's why, traditions shouldnt be followed once they are in contrast with what our religion . By the way, there is no Quranic verse which says that women...
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    This is how Islam will end....

    Salam c0de, Gramchi said that we should be endowed with pessimism of thinking, and optimism of will in order to improve things. I have optimism of both:D. Gramchi is clear in his statement. He wants to say that we dont work harder unless we see ourselves in a very critical situation. So...
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    This is how Islam will end....

    @ Nativeastral By the way, I am not a male. Following God's teachings is the supreme goal for any believer… It is true that in Islam, we find many ethnicities and sects. The prophet Muhammed pbuh said that his ummah is going to divided into, I think, seventy two sects, only one is fully...
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    This is how Islam will end....

    Unfortunately, nativeastral, the Islamic World has taken just the peels of democracy:D:D..The sexuality of women: what liberation, equality and democracy!!!!!! By the way, nativeastral, there is no link AT ALL between secularisation/westernisation and demcracy and development. Not an inch...
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    This is how Islam will end....

    Dont worry, brother. I assure they will never ever win. :) My confidence is not based just on emotion. It is based on my certainty in God's Word. God says: "[15:9] Absolutely, we have revealed the reminder, and, absolutely, we will preserve it." Keep in my mind that the prophet's sayings are...
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    Did Jesus (pubh) die for his followers' sins?!

    Peace be upon you all, Actually, what pushes me to write down this thread is our Christian brethren's belief that Jesus pbuh died for their sins... In reality, Jesus pbuh didnt come with this teaching. His teachings are clear in the Scriptures. So, how come that he forgot to tell that he was...
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    What's the real measure of checking a Holy Book?

    Do you mean that we can use science to examine what is there in the Books? How?!! Cant we consider His creation a physical evidence of God?! Your posts are physical evidence of you (your characteristics mainly). Do you you get what I want to say, Tao? Well, Tao, this is not the issue. It...
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    What's the real measure of checking a Holy Book?

    I dont know what to consider it: a good answer or a way to avoid confrontation:D:D...I am is a good answer..Yet, we cannot deny that when science contradicts our Holy Book, it arises in us discomfort... I think that verses which talk about God's creation be it man, earth and heaven...
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    What's the real measure of checking a Holy Book?

    Well, Gloryto God, now you are up to a task. I ve found out many Biblical statements that are contardicting science. I can give you examples if you want. By the way, it is good science. Now what are you going to do? That's why, it is very special for one to undergo spiritual experience to...
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    What's the real measure of checking a Holy Book?

    Hello:) yeah, you are right. There were rise in interpreting Holy Books on the basis of Western Science in order to prove its divine source. The question is: Can science (reason/mind) get to God? Is science (visual proof) the right tool for getting to the truth? yet as 'the age of...
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    Prove that the Bible is full of contradictions-- I double dare you!

    Are you still ready, Marsh? If you are, tell me and let's start...:)
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    Exposing The Trinity

    As Muslims, we believe that trinity is not a divine doctrine. The Quran explicitly refutes it. God says in the following verses: Verse 4:171 People of the Book, do not go to excess in your religion, and do not say anything about God except the truth: the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, was...
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    Can we bargain with God ?

    God bless you, soleil. This is exactly what I was saying from the very beginning. Readiness to sin is the same as a period of growth. How?! Well, in a period of growth, it is very necessary for one to undertake the experience of witnessing the right and the wrong, making mistakes and learning...
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    Can we bargain with God ?

    Since Adam and Eve sinned, then there was a readiness in both of them to sin. Accordingly, we can deduce that man is created weak and sinful from the very beginning. Actually, there are no fallen human beings and unfallen ones. We are all created to be on earth. We are all created weak and...
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    Dates with Destiny?

    You are welcome, Alex. I hope it helps...:)
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    Exposing The Trinity

    I dont know what to say exactly, Azure24. You are coming up to renounce some facts that the Quran comes to show 14 ceturies before. There was a stong discussion between Christian and Muslim scholars about the trinity which the Quran comes to refute and clears up that it is not what Jesus pbuh...
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    Exposing The Trinity

    Yes, Azure24. I mainly follow your posts and those of winner08's... They have some in common with my Muslim faith. Esp, your posts about free will and other stuff...