actually, DIB, japan did precisely that, during the meiji period. however, she did do it in a sustainable way, planning for the future and preserving the essential features of language, culture and the like. there was not the idea that japan was "culturally backward", as has happened in the middle east since the decline of the ottoman empire. i'd recommend you read bernard lewis' "the crisis of islam" for an insight into this. the rot set in when the ottomans refused to adopt the printing press.
I confirm that the middle east is witnessing culture backwardness. The problem of Muslims now has to do with their attachment to the world of "things", rather than the world of "ideas".
Muslims now are a consumative nation. They are very attached to "things" they bring from the West. They think that it is the missing of these "things" that hinder their development and progress. That's why, they keep importing "things" from the West in a very savage, pointless, foolish way. They think the more Western things they have, the more developed they are. To sum up, Muslims now are still living childhood stage wherein children are attracted to things.
The problem of Muslims, bananbrain, is that they havent yet understood that it is the wrold of "ideas" that create the difference, and not the world of "things". To simplify, brother, it is not Television, computer, rocket,....that create the difference, but it is rather the world of "ideas" that were behind creating those "things".....
Once Muslims start to be aware of this idea, and start encouraging, and developing the world of "ideas" and stop the childish attachment to the world of "things" that they will start devloping....
That's why, brother, I believe that it is the cultural unity/ "My" world of ideas that is the right start of any nation...
PS: I find in Bernad Lewis' writing the copmlex/agenda of orientalistm that Edward Said pointed to in his book "Orientalism" and "coverage of Islam"
whilst at the same time bitching about how inferior the "winner" really is and maintaining that they're actually not really the winner. it's a bit sad. the problem is not imitation per se; rather, it is ignorance of cultural factors. otherwise, modernity is experienced as brutal, invasive and foreign. you should really read karen armstrong's "the battle for G!D" - this is where fundamentalism really came from; it's an essentially modern phenomenon. look at nasser - "pan-arab socialism" was a damfool idea because it ignored some important things about both the arab world and socialism and addressed the challenges and weaknesses in neither, papering over the cracks with ideology and shouting. and that is *still* going on.
The problem of Nasser is that he was also out of the world of "ideas" of Muslims. That's why, his idea was incomplete....
if what you say was correct, why the arse is everyone so keen to move to the "west"? are you seriously telling me that if you were offered a green card and a house in the US, you wouldn't go for it? because you are in the minority if you say so. millions say otherwise. there are boatloads of people trying to get into spain from north africa. why is that? look, i'm not saying that western society has all the answers and is inherently better; it doesn't and it isn't and it has caused as many ills as it has cured. BUT there is another way. religion, if you ask me, is part of that, so is cultural uniqueness. that's something i always thought moroccans really *got*. don't be suckered into this "it's all the west's fault" discourse; everyone has responsibility for their own betterment at some level.
Of course, brother, for me, I believe it is our fault. The West is looking for its benefit, why dont we?!!! Why do we submit to others' agenda!! If one doesnt make his own plans, he would be under and within others' plans!!
I am not saying it the West's main fault, I entirely believe it is ours. Victory always comes from within, not outside..
Yet, what I extremely dislike is the Westerner intelligencia giving up their role. Many of them still look at the third world as inferior, uncivilized people just because they lack power...
Intellectuals in any part of the world should never ever give up their role which is to speak the truth no matter how painful it is, and to support human being no matter how weak they are...
PS: Those who migrate from Morocco are doing so for mere economic reasons....
DIB - islam *has* changed, frequently. are you telling me that moroccan islam is the same as taliban islam? is moroccan islam even the same as it was under the almohades and almoravids when they were running andalusia?
Well, brother, you are refering to somthing different. Islam is a universal religion, and its universality come from the fact that it doesnt abolish others' culture. When you say "Moroccan", "Saudian", "Taliban" islam, you, in other words, say Moroccan Muslims, Suadian Muslims, and Taliban Muslims. The difference between the former and the later is very huge, brother. Islam is one, and it is the same since the prophet Muhammed pbuh. Yet, when you say Moroccan Muslim, you then refer to a human being, his culture, traditions, language, and that what makes the difference....Almohades and almoravids were a cultural identity that is different from Moroccans nowadays, and that what create the difference...Yet, Islam remains the same...
well, i beg your pardon, but that is BOLLOCKS. i've addressed it here:
and i will not accept this lazy assertion which is based on nothing other than assumptions and opinions.
I beg your pardon, too, brother. Didnot Jesus pbuh said:
"I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel." Mt 15:24 ?! Jesus pbuh was sent to the Jews, right? The question is " why did Jesus pbuh said that those sheep are lost!!?