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  1. F

    The True Name of God

    haha, I find your post so funny today... yesterday I was chanting something I found on Youtube- george harrison period iskcon stuff- govinda jaya jaya... I was determining what was said in the bad sanskrit translation, and decided it was slightly different to that which we were told it was...
  2. F

    Good bye

    no, ur right, of course, Brian... fine man that u are... I am sorry, Nick A, if I seem like I'm taking the mickey... I am, of course, but not in a bad way... I fail to see how penis is a bad word, though, although c*nt, well... 'tis a bad word, even in my book... It's a derogatory term for...
  3. F


    aw, so, we not weally fwends then, al? just pwetend fwends?
  4. F


    (oh, for some excitement...)...jesting... lol... tis me that's the mad axe murdering naked picture sender!
  5. F


    dunno... will u reveal urself to be a mad axe murderer, or send pics of your naked self to my cutest friends?
  6. F

    Good bye

    didn't mean to laugh, it's just well... he says... I'm going... but before I go I'll stick the boot in Fran... Nick, I might not agree with your beliefs, but... politically incorrect intimidation... sounds heavy, man... whereforth is the offending post, so I may read it and chortle..?
  7. F

    Compassion toward self

  8. F

    Is suicide morally or ethically wrong?

    In the UK suicide was also once a criminal offence, punishable by imprisonment... I think suicide was decriminalised in the UK as late as the 1970's, but will check...
  9. F

    Compassion toward self

    what do I think about karuna...? here's a joke... the four immeasurables are really- brahma vihara- so, should compassion be karuna, or should we see it as... kara- a(a)na, becoming... karuna... kara- causing, making, causing, making, producing, plus ana...breath... after all, breath is...
  10. F

    Compassion toward self

    the four immeasurables, or "boundless minds" or "brahma vihara- abodes, or seats or chariots (dependent on context) of Brahma, they are- maitri bhavana- upeksha- pramudita-karuna- the only one I haven't spelt, is karuna, compassion...
  11. F

    Compassion toward self

    mantra.. often translated as spell, actually... ma, the root for measure, and tra, protect, rescue...
  12. F

    Compassion toward self

    maitra- belonging to or given by a friend, friendly, well disposed, kind, belonging or relating to Mitra (a God) maitreya- benevolent maitrya- friendship bhavana- bhavan, (m) man, living being, creature...