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  1. _Z_

    I now believe in god, and invite you to prove me wrong… ;)

    Hi vaj Lets say that reality is nirvana and for the moment put to one side all other considerations, that there is a universe etc. we may for sure define that space as nirvana which would be blissful, but when you say it is ‘not another dimension or realm of existence’ what is it ~ I mean as...
  2. _Z_

    I now believe in god, and invite you to prove me wrong… ;)

    hi paladin thats certainly a tricky one, i would say that ultimately there is a oneness, but that oneness seams to be able to divide itself [although the division is not absolute]. it certainly seams absurd that we are all the same essential thing [esp as concerns sex :p], but its equally...
  3. _Z_

    I now believe in god, and invite you to prove me wrong… ;)

    Thanks everyone, I am still searching of course, perhaps I should stop, I don’t know. Nick the Pilot Hence Aztecs performed human sacrifices based on a misunderstanding of the world and divinity. i kninda know what you mean though, its like letting go and accepting 'truth', but surely one...
  4. _Z_

    I now believe in god, and invite you to prove me wrong… ;)

    I now believe in 'god', and invite you to prove me wrong… :) Hi people, I have been rethinking my entire philosophy, and so as to compare, I invite you all, atheists, Buddhists and religionists to challenge or compare my new understanding… In order to understand ‘the reality map’ completely...
  5. _Z_

    the origin of life and the universe

    egyptians called the grey spirits ‘KHU’S’, try googling that. as i say they are something any initiate into the mysteries would come across, i see them in everything, and most cultures have them by different names. hi tao, firstly; do you think time is empty? if you don’t have...
  6. _Z_

    the origin of life and the universe

    back to creationism btw here is another alternative theory of life, this is one based on the weirder side of druidry/shamanism... you’ve heard of grey spirits [i call them silver spirits like the engyptians did], well life is literally these spirits, they arise from a primal...
  7. _Z_

    the origin of life and the universe

    i havent watched it yet as my pc is very laggy, i’ll be getting a new one soon so i will watch it then. :)
  8. _Z_

    the origin of life and the universe

    an interesting post native, it makes sense about the calendars, and i think myths are a great way to teach, they add colour to an otherwise drab educational system. equally we can find other similar ways to info into little heads! as an example, my twin boys were uninterested in education when...
  9. _Z_

    the origin of life and the universe

    I think that the schools primary focus should be on teaching pupils how to learn, how to figure things out, how to think critically and solve problems. indeed, i agree that schools should be more focused on this, than just knowledge alone. that said they should not teach creationism as fact...
  10. _Z_

    the origin of life and the universe

    insane people always are enthusiastic :D, believing in a made up deity is a bit like believing your teddy bear is alive. the point is that it is not right to teach imagined truths, a school has only one duty and that is to teach knowledge. sure there are things we don’t know about, then that...
  11. _Z_

    the origin of life and the universe

    my children are taught creationism as their school is C of E. this i find highly annoying, i don’t mind it being taught but not as fact! incidentally druidry and many other kinds of spirituality will be added soon nationally, although i doubt if many teachers will mention it. i think the...
  12. _Z_

    the origin of life and the universe

    hmm there are also 7 rays and 7 orb realms in both the tibetan and egyptian books of the dead. maybe a correlation there somewhere, the orb realms exist between worlds/realms. i don’t think we ever arrive at the whole and complete, i think there are just universals in terms of principles and...
  13. _Z_

    the origin of life and the universe

    i certainly agree that we are going through an immense change, this is inevitable given our misuse of our material resources + greed etc. we could easily fall back to an almost stone age way of life. don’t know about the aliens, perhaps that is a confused translation of ancient thought to...
  14. _Z_

    the origin of life and the universe

    yes i read about that, its very similar. :) circle dancing too, the pre druidic britons who built the stone circles were into that so i believe. both are representations of the cyclic nature of things we see around us. the indians also had a 'great spirit' notion which maybe similar to the awen.
  15. _Z_

    the origin of life and the universe

    exactly, there is a connectivity as if reality is a load of points and each has a field, yet all fields are actually one thing [the awen]. the way these points connect has peculiar properties according to their patterns, one pattern correlates with e.g. taurus the bull, which in turn matches...
  16. _Z_

    the origin of life and the universe

    well, most of my posts are about it in one way or another. i am only part celt but the gundlestup cauldron [forgot spelling lols] was found in denmark so who knows what celtic is eh! :) the awen has a very ancient roots, going right back to the 'cave cathedral culture' if i got it right, my view...
  17. _Z_

    the origin of life and the universe

    nick tp i was using that to say how life is non specific, in other words, there is an aliveness which is universal. i think our consciousness is largely dependant on having a brain [although not entirely], however awareness is a universal like life and belongs with the eternal. shawn...
  18. _Z_

    the origin of life and the universe

    can be or it can be the end Z [last letter in the alphabet]. like; the place at the end of the universe is the same as the one at the beginning. :) thanks i don’t know leibniz etc absolutely, we must really start looking at the connectivity as there arent really any edges to things...
  19. _Z_

    the origin of life and the universe

    good thread! mind if i make my own up? :) :cool: as you can take part of a tree, plant it and it will grow into another, and as there is a kind of fish which when the male copulates with the female, it then sticks to the side of her body and dissolves leaving only spermsacks, and as we are...
  20. _Z_

    death of the Übermensch

    francis firstly we have to determine if there is an ‘i’, in buddhism there is not. let us say there is; it would not be of the brain nor of the material environment, hence the ‘i’ is more like an actor and our lives merely the part it is playing. it gives us all a level playing field, we...