Nick the Pilot
Well-Known Member
You said,
"…some indian philosophies do not equate mind with consciousness but with matter…."
--> I had not heard that before.
"…Christianities extreme separation of flesh and spirit."
--> I have never heard it said this way before, but it makes sense.
"…materialists can say mind is brain, but still have to account for …."
--> I watched a video where out-of-body experiences were discussed, and how they ‘prove’ that consciousness is separate of the body. One big part of the video is how scientists refuse to even consider things like out-of-body experiences.
"…western science's emphasis on concrete matter, religion's on abstract spirit, with the soul having to be 'saved' or liberated…."
--> I think this reliance is due to religious leaders trying to control the population, rather than science accepting the idea of the forgiveness of sin.
"…the embodied medium of creative energy and of life itself, downgraded in christianity to the snake,dragon,from water and eve's expulsion…."
--> I have a very different interpretation of the story of Adam and Eve. That is a story of snakes pursuing fruit, which is a clear reference to human sexuality. I have a long thread elsewhere on the topic on this Forum, if you are interested.
"…mind is equated with prakrti [the primal substance and insentient or unconscious]…."
--> I do not think prakriti is the primal substance. Mulaprakriti is primal. Prakriti is the temporary, cyclical product of mulaprakriti. Mulaprakriti produced prakriti, which is the real meaning of Mary bearing Jesus.
"…mind is equated with prakrti [the primal substance and insentient or unconscious], composing of the faculties manas [perceptions and cognition] and buddhi [reason,intuition] - the mental, coupled with ahamkara [ego or phenomenal self] which appropriates the mental experiences to itself, posseses them."
--> I would rather say that mind is manas. Things like intuition are at a higher level than manas. I certainly would not say that mind is equated with prakrti. I think of it this way:
Mulaprakriti à prakriti à atman à buddhi à manas à astral à physical (with a few other stages left out)
The question is, where to hang the title of ‘soul.’ (It seems that you and I have a different definition of soul.) I see the soul as being atrman. I see prakriti as being at a much higher level of consciousness than what we call a soul. The easier way to refer to all of this is consciousness. Even prakriti can be easily referred to as consciousness. All these are levels of consciousness. I am sure there are levels of consciousness above atman (for example, purusha). But these are all levels of consciousness.
Prakriti may be referred to as matter, and purusha may be referred to as spirit, although that is a huge over-simplification. But let’s say that spirit/matter is purusha/prakriti. It makes these discussions simpler.
"…the mind or mentality is 'lit up' only from the illuminative purusa via the more refined buddhi 'organ' which is then coloured according to the manas/ego."
--> It is common in some circles to refer to our mind as manas, our intuition as buddhi, our soul as atman, and our Ego as atma-buddhi-manas. The trick is to have everyone understand everyone else’s terminology.
"…I do not know how to multiquote you…."
--> Just use quotation marks, as I do.
"…purusha is conceived as the cosmic man in the rig veda who was sacrificed to create matter then yes prakrti 'emanates' from purusha or spirit [or world soul?]…."
--> You use the term cosmic man. aka heavenly man, aka Adam Kadmon, aka the Kabalistic Sephiroth. Forgive me, but I see no need to anthropomorphise terms that describe the universe. To me, the universe is the universe.
Also, we are all familiar with Christian terminology, where God sacrifices Jesus for our sake. In another form, this purusha sacrificing the cosmic man to create matter. I see no need to use such ‘sacrificing’ terminology. The creation of our universe was a good thing, not someone’s ‘sacrifice.’ Christians tell me I must be good because I owe a debt to someone or something, but I do not see it that way.
--> Here, too, I choose not to use the Christian terminology that the universe was 'created.' I say the universe emanated. There is a huge difference in the two meanings.
"…spirit/matter are two sides of same coin."
--> Yes.
"So how do you define energy in all of this?"
--> Energy is neither spirit nor matter. It is another, unexplainable aspect of super-manifestational reality. It just is.
"I am not sure whether hinduism sees Brahman as Ultimate Reality as eternal and unchanging [therefore immutable]…"
--> It does not. Please see my chart.
Brahman refers to Father in the Father-Mother-Son Trinity. Parabrahman (literally, "beyond" Brahman) refers to Absolute, from which the Trinity emanates. I see the Absolute as immutable, while the Trinity is mutable. Even the Bible says Gods gets angry, which proves his lack of immutablilty and almightyness.
"…but certainly atman or soul within the individual must be capable of change/purification due their belief in karma and reincarnation?."
--> Yes. (By the way, I like your use of atman as meaning human soul.) We are on a path to a higher level. Our atman/soul is on the same path of ‘purification.’ (I prefer to say it is a path of spiritual evolution.)
"Yet In this article purusha is regarded as ontologically different from prakrti…."
--> It is. Purusha is spirit. Prakriti is our universe, a product of mulaprakriti (pre-matter).
"…purusha…is the undifferentiated Self, pure awareness and unchanging consciousness, manifested through the 'organs' of the mind, and having no gunas or tendencies."
--> It is said that Purusha/Father differentiates from Mulaprakriti/Mother. They then re-unite, and Mahat/Son manifests from them. There is some deep distinction between differentiating and manifesting, but I am not really sure what it is. But it is said that Purusha/father is differentiated yet unmanifested. I would disagree that Purusha is undifferentiated Self. Purusha is changing. It manifestes indirectly via Mahat/Son, then further indirectly via Atman/Human .Soul. I agree that Purusha has no gunas or tendencies.
"So prakrti is merely the medium for spirit purusha to manifest, not the source of consciousness, hence the 'problem' for science."
--> I like to ask people, which came first; their soul or their physical body? Most people answer that their soul came first. (I agree.)
Prakriti/Manifested Matter is the medium by which Purusha/Spirit manifests. Purusha/Spirit is the medium by which Prakriti/Manifested Matter evolves along a spiritual path. Each one is ‘useless’ without the other.
We discused,
"You say that 'soul is the marriage between spirit and matter'. I think that really depends on the definition of 'soul.' --> So what continues to the higher level? the soul as a vehicle?"
--> Consciousness. There is nothing that is not consciousness.
"… l intuitively see a truth in reincarnation [if we believe in the law of conservation] but have no definite ideas, prefering the mystery of it all."
--> I, too, find great logic in the idea of reincarnation. The mystery of it is that we must all work it out for ourselves. (No one has the right to dogmatically tell us what to believe.)
You said,
"…some indian philosophies do not equate mind with consciousness but with matter…."
--> I had not heard that before.
"…Christianities extreme separation of flesh and spirit."
--> I have never heard it said this way before, but it makes sense.
"…materialists can say mind is brain, but still have to account for …."
--> I watched a video where out-of-body experiences were discussed, and how they ‘prove’ that consciousness is separate of the body. One big part of the video is how scientists refuse to even consider things like out-of-body experiences.
"…western science's emphasis on concrete matter, religion's on abstract spirit, with the soul having to be 'saved' or liberated…."
--> I think this reliance is due to religious leaders trying to control the population, rather than science accepting the idea of the forgiveness of sin.
"…the embodied medium of creative energy and of life itself, downgraded in christianity to the snake,dragon,from water and eve's expulsion…."
--> I have a very different interpretation of the story of Adam and Eve. That is a story of snakes pursuing fruit, which is a clear reference to human sexuality. I have a long thread elsewhere on the topic on this Forum, if you are interested.
"…mind is equated with prakrti [the primal substance and insentient or unconscious]…."
--> I do not think prakriti is the primal substance. Mulaprakriti is primal. Prakriti is the temporary, cyclical product of mulaprakriti. Mulaprakriti produced prakriti, which is the real meaning of Mary bearing Jesus.
"…mind is equated with prakrti [the primal substance and insentient or unconscious], composing of the faculties manas [perceptions and cognition] and buddhi [reason,intuition] - the mental, coupled with ahamkara [ego or phenomenal self] which appropriates the mental experiences to itself, posseses them."
--> I would rather say that mind is manas. Things like intuition are at a higher level than manas. I certainly would not say that mind is equated with prakrti. I think of it this way:
Mulaprakriti à prakriti à atman à buddhi à manas à astral à physical (with a few other stages left out)
The question is, where to hang the title of ‘soul.’ (It seems that you and I have a different definition of soul.) I see the soul as being atrman. I see prakriti as being at a much higher level of consciousness than what we call a soul. The easier way to refer to all of this is consciousness. Even prakriti can be easily referred to as consciousness. All these are levels of consciousness. I am sure there are levels of consciousness above atman (for example, purusha). But these are all levels of consciousness.
Prakriti may be referred to as matter, and purusha may be referred to as spirit, although that is a huge over-simplification. But let’s say that spirit/matter is purusha/prakriti. It makes these discussions simpler.
"…the mind or mentality is 'lit up' only from the illuminative purusa via the more refined buddhi 'organ' which is then coloured according to the manas/ego."
--> It is common in some circles to refer to our mind as manas, our intuition as buddhi, our soul as atman, and our Ego as atma-buddhi-manas. The trick is to have everyone understand everyone else’s terminology.
"…I do not know how to multiquote you…."
--> Just use quotation marks, as I do.
"…purusha is conceived as the cosmic man in the rig veda who was sacrificed to create matter then yes prakrti 'emanates' from purusha or spirit [or world soul?]…."
--> You use the term cosmic man. aka heavenly man, aka Adam Kadmon, aka the Kabalistic Sephiroth. Forgive me, but I see no need to anthropomorphise terms that describe the universe. To me, the universe is the universe.
Also, we are all familiar with Christian terminology, where God sacrifices Jesus for our sake. In another form, this purusha sacrificing the cosmic man to create matter. I see no need to use such ‘sacrificing’ terminology. The creation of our universe was a good thing, not someone’s ‘sacrifice.’ Christians tell me I must be good because I owe a debt to someone or something, but I do not see it that way.
--> Here, too, I choose not to use the Christian terminology that the universe was 'created.' I say the universe emanated. There is a huge difference in the two meanings.
"…spirit/matter are two sides of same coin."
--> Yes.
"So how do you define energy in all of this?"
--> Energy is neither spirit nor matter. It is another, unexplainable aspect of super-manifestational reality. It just is.
"I am not sure whether hinduism sees Brahman as Ultimate Reality as eternal and unchanging [therefore immutable]…"
--> It does not. Please see my chart.
Brahman refers to Father in the Father-Mother-Son Trinity. Parabrahman (literally, "beyond" Brahman) refers to Absolute, from which the Trinity emanates. I see the Absolute as immutable, while the Trinity is mutable. Even the Bible says Gods gets angry, which proves his lack of immutablilty and almightyness.
"…but certainly atman or soul within the individual must be capable of change/purification due their belief in karma and reincarnation?."
--> Yes. (By the way, I like your use of atman as meaning human soul.) We are on a path to a higher level. Our atman/soul is on the same path of ‘purification.’ (I prefer to say it is a path of spiritual evolution.)
"Yet In this article purusha is regarded as ontologically different from prakrti…."
--> It is. Purusha is spirit. Prakriti is our universe, a product of mulaprakriti (pre-matter).
"…purusha…is the undifferentiated Self, pure awareness and unchanging consciousness, manifested through the 'organs' of the mind, and having no gunas or tendencies."
--> It is said that Purusha/Father differentiates from Mulaprakriti/Mother. They then re-unite, and Mahat/Son manifests from them. There is some deep distinction between differentiating and manifesting, but I am not really sure what it is. But it is said that Purusha/father is differentiated yet unmanifested. I would disagree that Purusha is undifferentiated Self. Purusha is changing. It manifestes indirectly via Mahat/Son, then further indirectly via Atman/Human .Soul. I agree that Purusha has no gunas or tendencies.
"So prakrti is merely the medium for spirit purusha to manifest, not the source of consciousness, hence the 'problem' for science."
--> I like to ask people, which came first; their soul or their physical body? Most people answer that their soul came first. (I agree.)
Prakriti/Manifested Matter is the medium by which Purusha/Spirit manifests. Purusha/Spirit is the medium by which Prakriti/Manifested Matter evolves along a spiritual path. Each one is ‘useless’ without the other.
We discused,
"You say that 'soul is the marriage between spirit and matter'. I think that really depends on the definition of 'soul.' --> So what continues to the higher level? the soul as a vehicle?"
--> Consciousness. There is nothing that is not consciousness.
"… l intuitively see a truth in reincarnation [if we believe in the law of conservation] but have no definite ideas, prefering the mystery of it all."
--> I, too, find great logic in the idea of reincarnation. The mystery of it is that we must all work it out for ourselves. (No one has the right to dogmatically tell us what to believe.)