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    Can spirituality really be taught?

    Thanks for the reply, Mathghamhain . I agree, "I think it has to be something inside & not the shirt you wear." - a good way of putting it, I thought.
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    A Great Response

    Thanks for your reply, Friend, but I stilldon't quite follow. You say: "...impossible we could live in this earth ,and every thing will randomly change." Is not this how the recent Tsunami was for the unfortunate people caught by its power? It appeared random. Perhaps the real nature...
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    What is the meaning of this Life and Death

    This is a personal spiritual experience for me. ============ I enjoyed your account of 'self', OLG, and its personal focus. I especially appreciated your final comment above. ----Well and honestly said, in reason.
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    Natural Justice: Does it exist?

    Thanks Lunamoth for a very brave and honest response. As you say, you like to conceive (imagine, you said) of a 'God' that may rule in the state you hypothesise. You know ;) I would agree that is fine... As you also say, that would certainly represent the end of the world as we currently...
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    Ulitmate Question!

    ========== I have only just seen this, so here is my brief answer. I do not adhere to, represent, or worship in the name of any recogniseable God, Church or Religion. I was a Christian until the age of fourteen, but at the moment of the laying on of hands by the Bishop at my...
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    Your thoughts on Zoroastriaism?

    I can only agree with you. Many of the roots of Christianity can be found in Zoroastrianism... so can reference be made to ancient Egyptian religion with the worship of Aton... and there are other influences at work outside of the so-called 'prophets'. I think, just as a quick comment to...
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    Jesus died: we're all saved?

    Thankyou fror your comment, Drachen: "As Blue is great at pointing out, this is all just personal perspective and validation of feelings, but really, what in our existence can't be narrowed down to personal perspective." I would like to try and answer the last part of that though. Is it...
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    Jesus died: we're all saved?

    Quahom, POST 66. I agree absolutely, and so glad you confirm it. I think others should hopefully learn from your wise commentary, re: the personal nature of Faith. ======== FaithfulServant, I fully understand the reliance you put in the Bible to support your personal faith, but you...
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    A Great Response

    Many thanks, Friend, for your response in your Post to me. I am still fundamentally puzzled as to why your citing of certain scientific, material and objective matters somehow proves what you posted. I do not see the connection, in any logical way, follows. Because there is a solar...
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    Natural Justice: Does it exist?

    SacredStar, I should have thanked you before for the reference to the peer-assessed journal you so kindly posted. I have considered and noted that the people concerned are writing what is often called, quite legitimately I think, pseudo-science. Such metaphysical conceptualisations are...
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    Natural Justice: Does it exist?

    "once the rational and spiritual worlds merge, and there is no choice but to recognize God" This statement, IMHO, embodies an irrationality. If the world/domain of 'spirit' were to become merged with the rational and objective domain, there, in logic, would be no need for the term...
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    Is God omniscient or limited?

    A Happy New Year to you, too. Good points, Aladdin, though you do seem to be ignoring the general thrust of Einstein..., who I have often quoted myself. You quote: "How do we know we are not brains in a vat being stimulated by electrical impulses?" The answer is that we don't. (Unless...
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    "I would add that people generally do not like change because they are not taught at school or by parents how to respond to change. But yet change is as natural as the seasons of nature, it is only when we are not prepared to change that we get stuck on a buoy and then disease can happen." I...
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    What is the meaning of this Life and Death

    "not everyone listens or sees. Hence why Jesus called them blind masters, deaf and dumb." Could this be possibly clarified, SacredStar? It is a value judgement of some importance. How does someone 'know' if a message has been received and listened to or the message has been 'seen' in terms...
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    What is the meaning of this Life and Death

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    Jesus died: we're all saved?

    With due respect, Quahom1, when you say: "Would I want man to act as my defense before a court of God? Forget it." you are only making a personal and affective self-validation. The reality, so far as anyone knows, is that we have no choice... it is a 'man' or 'woman' or no-thing with...
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    A Great Response

    Friend, You said: "Salaam to all This story is good ,but we must know that our God never be absence , he always exists he create us in this life and give us the ability to choose between the evil and good things , and we are in a long test to ready for the life after death , if we choose...
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    What do you live for? Whats your philosophy of life?

    Why is it necessary to hypothesise a 'God' in order to live a full and satisfying life? Yes... it may satisfy something within yourselves, but is that reason enough to claim that you only live for and through your 'Faith'? Are you all saying therefore that is impossible for the Faithless...
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    What is the meaning of this Life and Death

    When the coincidences are one to many...these cannot be explained rationaly. ========= What is 'one too many' OLG? How do you measure...? Is 5, 55, or 555? What 'scale' are you using....? You do not convince me that it is any more than just a 'feeling' you have, and you are making a...
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    What is the meaning of this Life and Death

    But when one looks at such coincidences happening all the time in ones life then it defys rational reasoning. And the only reasoning I can conclude is that it is the result of some higher power or force and which I subscribe to as GOD. Defies rationality? Why? How? It is rational to take...