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  1. pseudonymous

    Your Two (Words) Cents Worth Presently

    vociferous mute
  2. pseudonymous

    Your Two (Words) Cents Worth Presently

    pedestrian wrangler
  3. pseudonymous

    About me and my faith

    welcome akbar to the finest community of seekers on the will be respected here, and let us know if you need anything at all. :)
  4. pseudonymous

    The Amazing Pseudo-Haiku Chain

    light is all i see now in my rearview mirror dim your highbeams please
  5. pseudonymous

    Your Two (Words) Cents Worth Presently

    thanks juantoo3....great 2 cents, btw feathered boa
  6. pseudonymous

    The Amazing Pseudo-Haiku Chain

    matchbox, forty-one candle refuses to light fear of dark hallways
  7. pseudonymous

    The Amazing Pseudo-Haiku Chain

    the world wide awake me still in my pajamas going nowhere fast
  8. pseudonymous

    Your Two (Words) Cents Worth Presently

    applicable moisture:p
  9. pseudonymous

    The Amazing Pseudo-Haiku Chain

    Pseudo Haiku = the only structure rule is they must be 3 lines of 5-7-5 syllables per line...topic can be anything of your choice. The Chain= you must begin your pseudo-haiku using the last line of the poem before as the first line in your's. I have seen these haiku chains get to 1000+ posts...
  10. pseudonymous

    fave scary movie?

    being halloween weekend, just thought i would ask, since the tv is filled with classics... i can still remember how scary "the excorcist" was for a young boy when i first saw it. to this day, it remains my fave scary film. the other that stands out from boyhood was "the thing (from outer...
  11. pseudonymous

    What's right?

    meditation is the tool i use to connect body with its source. contemplation is the tool i use to connect mind to its source. for me, in my self-awareness disciplines, there is a duality of sources - one passive (for the body/form) and one active (for the mind/Self). there are many who are...
  12. pseudonymous

    What's right?

    for me, seeking externally tends to give one a head full of definitions and beliefs...whereas seeking internally leads to the "truth" about all. not a lot of calories there, but i am between mundane stuff presently. the fact you are seeking is a great indication that you are well ahead of most...
  13. pseudonymous

    Deja vu

    many thanks to you both. oddly enough, it took the internet to make the house feel less empty.
  14. pseudonymous

    Witnessing Death

    I have been blessed to be with both my parents at the moment of their passing. My mother's death last week, followed an 8 day & night vigil in her hospital room. My father's passing 10 years ago followed a 13 day & night vigil in a nursing home room. The experience of being there for both of...
  15. pseudonymous

    Deja vu

    Autumn Matriarch the tears and leaves and crows find their autumn courses inside the vigil room and outside over blue hill bay my breaths unconsciously matching your's in this the dawning of the day drawn within the final hours of your life share this lightening of burdens and walls this...
  16. pseudonymous

    Deja vu

    hello all- just a note to express my apologies for dropping off the face of the forum several years ago. had a detour into poverty (becoming a caretaker for my mother on an island off the coast of maine) which forced me to go offline rather abruptly. i participated for a short stint with a...
  17. pseudonymous

    Phoenix Rising

    Phoenix Rising There were seven crows making a cacophony in the trees overlooking the back field where I knew Gracie was lying in the tall grass. She hadn't eaten in two days, and was prone when sick to finding quiet spots where she would not be bothered in her personal health struggle. I had...
  18. pseudonymous

    Phoenix Rising

    Phoenix Rising There were seven crows making a cacophony in the trees overlooking the back field where I knew Gracie was lying in the tall grass. She hadn't eaten in two days, and was prone when sick to finding quiet spots where she would not be bothered in her personal health struggle. I had...