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  1. seattlegal

    How would interfaith work with those who are not into worship?

    Some see worship as harmful. I can see noble silence or things like the metta chant, but what about when it comes to those who want to worship and those who find worship harmful?
  2. seattlegal

    I Ching and Tarot

    The I Ching can be mind-blowingly profound--moreso than the Tarot, imo.
  3. seattlegal

    New HOMEPAGE Design by Aupmanyav

    Confucianism is misspelled when you hover over the Eastern Thought button near the botton of the new portal page.
  4. seattlegal

    RIP Thay!

    95 was a good run. I learned a lot from his books. Thich Nhat Hanh was one of the good ones!
  5. seattlegal

    Interfaith prayer...for all?

    Old habits die hard. (Pardon the Khaibit pun.)
  6. seattlegal

    Interfaith prayer...for all?

    You can always start repressing stuff again and build another Shadow. edit to add: Old habits die hard. (pardon the Khaibit pun)
  7. seattlegal

    Interfaith prayer...for all?

    *gasp* How dare I discuss on an open thread on a discussion forum? *gasp*
  8. seattlegal

    Interfaith prayer...for all?

    You were. Do you have the serenity to accept that others might take the subject up?
  9. seattlegal

    Interfaith prayer...for all?

    Is it possible to know the full range of ones psyche? More importantly, isn't development of the mind likely to cease if you cease to push the envelope, and thus the known bounds?
  10. seattlegal

    Interfaith prayer...for all?

    Are you talking to anyone else other than yourself in this instance?
  11. seattlegal

    Interfaith prayer...for all?

    "I AM" can be a two-edged sword: the affirmation "I AM happy" can easily be interpreted by the psyche to repress undesirable content (sweep it under the carpet) instead of addressing it and resolving it. The stated intention of "May I be happy" followed by addressing and resolving repressed...
  12. seattlegal

    Interfaith prayer...for all?

    Then nevermind, I'll shut up.
  13. seattlegal

    Interfaith prayer...for all?

    Alright, let's see what we can do here:
  14. seattlegal

    Interfaith prayer...for all?

    How about Metta Loving Kindness prayer/chant? (can edit out the parts about monks and devas if necessary)
  15. seattlegal

    Do you believe in ghosts?

    It would be so interesting to observe an octopus in a haunted house.
  16. seattlegal

    Do you believe in ghosts?

    The role of L fields and T Fields in camouflage and the art of deception. This may be getting away from ghosts, or it might not be, if "ghosts" might play a role in the quick adaptive camouflage observed in cephalopods. (They cannot pinpoint the exact mechanisms involved, so why not "ghosts?")
  17. seattlegal

    Do you believe in ghosts?

    Octopus neurology:
  18. seattlegal

    Do you believe in ghosts?

    In your opinion, what role, if any, does camouflage play in this?
  19. seattlegal


    Hey, His Sauciness (Pasta Be Upon Him) is most excellent at exposing political foolishness, like all Sacred Clowns are. I have no qualms about teaching my son this Sacred Clown role. ;)