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  1. JJM

    Faith, Works, and Salvation

    Ok I understand now and I really think you've got me wrong though there were no word games. I honestly wanted nothing other than a clarification on what you meant. At the moment I'm really taking offence to such claims so you know what maybe you need to take a little lesson from you own...
  2. JJM

    Faith, Works, and Salvation

    Alright man. I just want to say I didn't mean to act as Judge over you. Honestly I never thought until now that anything I ever said to you pissed you off. With the volunteer work you suggested are you saying that by doing such things God will touch me as you say and I won't be able to forget...
  3. JJM

    Faith, Works, and Salvation

    Wow sorry. I didn't mean to offend you. Show me what you mean. I'll shut up and listen. I was just trying to clarify that I didn't mean to say that we need to earn the grace but that we could separate from and reject it through our action. Is that not what Mortal Sin is? I guess I'm wrong...
  4. JJM

    would you vote for a jewish or muslim President of the U.S.?

    Yes if they were a better candidate than the other guy.
  5. JJM

    Faith, Works, and Salvation

    Situations are different. Like I said it's more of a rejection of Christ. The man on there death bed would receive salvation for he hasn't rejected Christ by he actions. However a person can accept Christ as God and absolutely mean it but if 2 days later they go kill someone without any remorse...
  6. JJM


    If someone did this we would never no because after a certian amount of time it is impossible to learn language.
  7. JJM

    Choosing your religion!

    1. Eastern Orthodox (100%) Browse Eastern Orthodox related books. Click here for info 2. Roman Catholic (100%) Browse Roman Catholic related books. Click here for info 3. Mainline - Conservative Christian Protestant (84%) Browse Mainline - Conservative Christian Protestant related books...
  8. JJM

    Faith, Works, and Salvation

    I think one is Saved through Grace which is achieved by the acceptance of Christ. Or I guess better it would be better phrased as a lack of a rejection of Christ. However one can reject Christ by both belief and action (or lack a there of), so one needs both Faith and Works to achieve...
  9. JJM

    Different 'types' of Christianity

    There are different types because different groups believe different things. As Pope Benedict said before the conclave "In Christ, truth and love coincide. To the extent that we draw near to Christ, in our own life, truth and love merge. Love without truth would be blind; truth without love...
  10. JJM

    angels or demons?

    Re: Praying to the wrong god.... Yes some do fortunately for us they are wrong I think that nearly all Christians believe this except for those who think demons are metaphors of our evil
  11. JJM

    angels or demons?

    This is exactly why I believe that if a God exists that wishes us to know the truth he would have created a way of guiding us. This is why I think the existence of a divine institution is so necessary and one of the biggest reasons why I'm Catholic. I agree though that we must be ready to...
  12. JJM

    Jews Christians and Muslim Brotherhood

    I don't mean to sound like a smart a** here but if I understand it correctly Muslim is the person and maybe an adjective. Islam is the religion. to put it into something you maybe more familiar with. If you would use the term Jew you say Muslim. If you would say Judaism you would say Islam...
  13. JJM

    Judgement day

    Hello Salim Judgment day is one of the most controversial issues in Christianity so you won't get one answer. I'm defiantly no expert but from the way I understand it Satan Bound 1000 Years happened at he crucifixion and resurrection it symbolizes Satan’s defeat. The Saints Reign with Christ...
  14. JJM

    Jews Christians and Muslim Brotherhood

    However if I understand correctly Muslims don't view demons as being evil angels but a completely different creation.
  15. JJM

    Jews Christians and Muslim Brotherhood

    Just to note I think that Angels have free will they are just so overwhelmed by the grace of God by experiencing heaven that they will that God's will be their own as we will in heaven. (wow! that was a lot of wills and they aren't all the same will either ) I think I understand the Muslim...
  16. JJM

    Jews Christians and Muslim Brotherhood

    hi Salim I think that I feel closer to Judaism. This is because in general Christians (or at least I as a Christian) view Judaism as a precursor to the teaching of Jesus. That as humanity grew as a race He gave more and more revelation culminating in Christ himself. In actuality, a Christian...
  17. JJM

    Daily Wisdom Saying

    But someone will say, "You have faith; I have deeds." Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do. You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that-and shudder. -James 2:18-9
  18. JJM

    Daily Wisdom Saying

    it doesn't mean it's not funny
  19. JJM

    Daily Wisdom Saying

    Stupidity is also a gift of God, but one mustn't misuse it. ~John Paul II
  20. JJM

    Historical doctrine (question)

    It depends what you mean by Mainstream. If you mean the majority then I think this would be hard to know for sure because they didn't take opinion polls. But the majority of Christians at the time were Catholics and the Catholic Church teaches that angels had free will but after the fall their...