Jews Christians and Muslim Brotherhood

Hi, and Peace, Everyone--

juantoo3 said:
Kindest Regards, Blaznfattyz!

It is evident you know very little about either faith. Both faiths have humility, compassion and forgiveness. I would add, that other faiths do as well. Christianity is not unique in all of its teachings, only in its Teacher.
juantoo3 said:
My apologies for my digression. I wanted to insure a little attitude does not get out of hand. With that, I now return ya'll to the regularly scheduled discussion. ;) (wink right back atcha!)
Hey, juan--I did not see you digress at all. ;) My post was in support of your view. Just want to make sure you and all the beautiful folks here know that.:)

InLove said:
Hi, and Peace, Everyone--

Hey, juan--I did not see you digress at all. ;) My post was in support of your view. Just want to make sure you and all the beautiful folks here know that.:)

I think he was setting things up for me. Since i've lived in both the Christian and Muslim world. Ready to play? :D


Hi, Peace to All

Hmmm...ready to play? I don't get off the bench much--only when the Coach sends me in....:)

To salim and blazin

The angels do have free will you can find this in the Holy Al-Quran where Allah explains Oblises choice of arogance.........
You'll find that forgivness if you look deeper into Islam but that forgivness has a time and a place.......
i dont see muslim as a sister religion nor do i think they have anything in common with christianity. although i think we all should see each other as brothers in the world. Christians should love everyone regardless of their ignorance and help them to take that leap of faith and be saved through the Son of God Jesus Christ, and invite the Holy Spirit to guide them. but a religion that ignores the words of the prophets that proclaim the christ was born the son of god, ignores the words of john the baptist who made way for christ the son of god and baptized him, and ignores that crucifixion of jesus christ the son of god and rose again on the third day to be the salvation of the world, a religion that does not believe that the father the son and the holy ghost are one in the same, i dont see how you can even ask if they are related religions.
BlaznFattyz said:
i dont see muslim as a sister religion nor do i think they have anything in common with christianity. although i think we all should see each other as brothers in the world. Christians should love everyone regardless of their ignorance and help them to take that leap of faith and be saved through the Son of God Jesus Christ, and invite the Holy Spirit to guide them. but a religion that ignores the words of the prophets that proclaim the christ was born the son of god, ignores the words of john the baptist who made way for christ the son of god and baptized him, and ignores that crucifixion of jesus christ the son of god and rose again on the third day to be the salvation of the world, a religion that does not believe that the father the son and the holy ghost are one in the same, i dont see how you can even ask if they are related religions.
I don't mean to sound like a smart a** here but if I understand it correctly Muslim is the person and maybe an adjective. Islam is the religion. to put it into something you maybe more familiar with. If you would use the term Jew you say Muslim. If you would say Judaism you would say Islam and if you would say Jewish you would say Muslim or Islamic. Just to clarify. If I'm wrong here could someone else tell me?
Hello, and Peace to All Here--

BlaznFattyz said:
dont see muslim as a sister religion nor do i think they have anything in common with christianity. although i think we all should see each other as brothers in the world. Christians should love everyone regardless of their ignorance and help them to take that leap of faith and be saved through the Son of God Jesus Christ, and invite the Holy Spirit to guide them. but a religion that ignores the words of the prophets that proclaim the christ was born the son of god, ignores the words of john the baptist who made way for christ the son of god and baptized him, and ignores that crucifixion of jesus christ the son of god and rose again on the third day to be the salvation of the world, a religion that does not believe that the father the son and the holy ghost are one in the same, i dont see how you can even ask if they are related religions.
The sixteenth chapter of Genesis (the account of Hagar and Ishmael) might throw some light on the relationship between Islam and Judaism. And the prophecies of the Messiah to the Jews (which you have already brought up yourself) shows, at the very least, why Christians believe there is a connection between the God of Israel and Jesus Christ.

Just my 2 cents

BlaznFattyz said:
i dont see muslim as a sister religion nor do i think they have anything in common with christianity. although i think we all should see each other as brothers in the world. Christians should love everyone regardless of their ignorance and help them to take that leap of faith and be saved through the Son of God Jesus Christ, and invite the Holy Spirit to guide them. but a religion that ignores the words of the prophets that proclaim the christ was born the son of god, ignores the words of john the baptist who made way for christ the son of god and baptized him, and ignores that crucifixion of jesus christ the son of god and rose again on the third day to be the salvation of the world, a religion that does not believe that the father the son and the holy ghost are one in the same, i dont see how you can even ask if they are related religions.
Let us explore this further my friend. "Islam" means surrender or submission to the will of Allah (Arabic for God Almighty), in whose eyes all men are equal, in whose service all men are brothers. Islam centers on the simplest, most straightforward of creeds. There is no god but God, and Mohammed is his prophet.

This latter clause emphasizes Islam's division from other monotheistic faiths. Muslims (one who submits), revere Mohammed as the greatest prophet who ever lived, the last of the messengers sent by God. Muslims honor him and the prophets who preceded him, notably Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus - as human, not divine. Allah rules alone.

Mohammed's role was to bring to a perverse and materialistic society, through the express mandate of God, an absolute and final revelation: The Qu'ran.

At the time of Mohammed's birth the Arabian desert was a realm of wandering tribes and caravan cneters dominated by patrician traders. Men valued manliness and eloquence, demanded fierce loyalty to the clan. They worshiped nature spirits, made pilgrimages to a cube-shaped shrine in Mecca housing dozens of gods. This was the year 570 AD (ACE).

At age 12, Mohammed met a Christian hermit while on his way to Syria, who predicted that Mohammed he would become a prophet.

As a young adult Mohammed was a hard working shepard and camel driver, and earned the reputation of being called al-Amin, "the trustworthy." Later, as a contented married man with four daughters, Mohammed would often reflect on life in a cave on Mount Hira, about three miles from Mecca.

In 610 AD (ACE) in the month of what is now called Ramadan, Mohammed experienced the "Night of Power". This night, the Angel Gabriel appeared to Mohammed and ordered him to recite "In the name of thy Lord who createth, Createh man from a clot. And thy Lord is the Most Bounteous, Who teacheth by the pen, Teacheth man that which he knew not."

This became the first words of the Qu'ran.

At this time, monotheism was beginning to show up in the Arabian area, and "Allah" was considered the Chief God.

Arabs and Jews had in Abraham, a common ancestor.

Arab and Jew, are in fact brothers in blood.