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  1. 2

    Keep the sabbath holy

    James 2:18, "I will show you my faith by my works". Demons apparently have faith, and yet they apparently shutter as well (James 2:19). "Christian" "faith" is not all it is built up to be. They all die, and in general, among the walking dead.
  2. 2

    Keep the sabbath holy

    I will admit, my contact with the Roman Catholic Church basically ended around 1956 when I moved with my family from city to rural, and I basically had little to do with the Catholic church after that. At that time my dad paid 10% of his income to the Catholic Church, and I had to sit through...
  3. 2

    Keep the sabbath holy

    I have run into good economic and historical scholars, but with respect to religious scholars, they appear to be like computers. Garbage in, garbage out. It is all based on the traditions of men which simply leads to a further indoctrination of the precepts of men. Their conclusions are...
  4. 2

    Keep the sabbath holy

    The topic is "keep the sabbath", which correlates with the 4th commandment given to Israel and foreigners who wish to worship on God's mountain (Isaiah 56:6). Do you keep the Sabbath and carry the mark of God (Deuteronomy 6:8), or do you keep the decree/commandment of the beast, written in 321...
  5. 2

    Keep the sabbath holy

    You seem to misunderstand false prophet Paul, foremost of sinners, and son of the devil (1 John 3:9). He is all things to all men, a Greek (without the law) to Greeks, and a Pharisee of Pharisees to the Jews. And why do you, a supposed Gentile, not keep the commandments, such as indicated by...
  6. 2

    Keep the sabbath holy

    The saints with respect to Daniel 7:22, are the people of the book, the Jews, who were crushed by the heads of the beasts (Babylonia, Persia, Greeks, and the Romans) until the kingdom is set up being ruled from Jerusalem (Zechariah 14:16). Daniel 7:22 22until the Ancient of Days came and...
  7. 2

    Keep the sabbath holy

    He appears to not be debating but making assertions with no credible backing. That may influence you, but then it appears you do a lot of the same.
  8. 2

    Keep the sabbath holy

    In the "beginning" (Genesis), the alpha, precedes Abraham, it does not precede the creator. As per the Law/commandments, Paul asserted that the law has been nailed to the cross, which is removing ascribed (written) decrees. That is apparently why you think you are no longer under the law...
  9. 2

    Keep the sabbath holy

    Natural law has its roots in spiritual law. Yeshua spoke in parables so that "you will keep on seeing, but will not perceive", and "you will keep on hearing, but will not understand" (Matthew 13:14 & Isaiah 6:9-10) The beginning of wisdom resides with those who fear God, a fool would not be...
  10. 2

    Keep the sabbath holy

    Whom ever does the will of God is a child of God, and a brother and sister to Yeshua. Whom ever does the will of God is the sanctuary of the Holy Spirit, and a son or daughter of God. The house of Israel is destined to be washed clean, receive a new heart and Spirit, and become the sanctuary...
  11. 2

    Keep the sabbath holy

    Yeshua came not to "abolish the law", but to "fulfill" (Matthew 5:17). Anyone who tries to "annul" the least of the "commandments" will be called "least", such as Paul means "little", and as Paul wants to be known as the greatest, such as the greatest/foremost sinner, and least means the...
  12. 2

    Keep the sabbath holy

    You have gotten the cart before the horse. What is important is that there are multiple witnesses to any fact. Whether that be Matthew or John, to what Yeshua is reported to have said. What is important is the testimony of Yeshua, which shines a light onto the Law and the prophets, for which...
  13. 2

    Keep the sabbath holy

    There are two types of "wise". The elites, who think their education makes them wise, and those given wisdom by God (Matthew 11:27). The wise of Daniel 12:10 would refer to those who were given their insight by God. The "wicked" went on in their delusions (Daniel 12:10), and would not...
  14. 2

    Keep the sabbath holy

    Matthew, the tax collector, would be a first person witness, which is required to establish any truth (Deuteronomy 19:15 & Matthew 18:16 & John 8:17). As for John 13:34, keeping the commandments is how one loves God and his neighbor. If you murder, rob, or make false witness against your...
  15. 2

    Keep the sabbath holy

    I don't follow your thought process. Who was "he" of Daniel 11:45, and who was "Michael" of Daniel 12:1, and what were the time stamps of each event? And who was the "beast" of Daniel 7:11, who was "slain" (Revelation 13:3), who ruled 42 months, and who were the "rest of the beasts" whose...
  16. 2

    Keep the sabbath holy

    Not being there at the time, I depended on a written source which apparently was not correct. Starting from scratch, Daniel 7:24 reads "will subdue three kings", which would be Maxentius, Licinius, and Licinius Junior, who had been declared Caesar by Constantine and Licinius. As for the rest...
  17. 2

    Keep the sabbath holy

    Constantine defeated Daia Constantine defeated Daia, Severus, and Licinius. I suggest that you read all of Daniel. Daniel told Nebuchadnezzar that he was the head of gold (Daniel 2:28) of the statue, the first nation to crush Jerusalem. The statue also had breast and arms of silver, which...
  18. 2

    Keep the sabbath holy

    Matthew 19:17 New American Standard Bible 17 And He said to him, “Why are you asking Me about what is good? There is only One who is good; but if you want to enter life, keep the commandments.” At the "great white throne" judgment, all the dead are resurrected and judged. Those not found in...
  19. 2

    Keep the sabbath holy

    Genesis 2:7 defines the "soul" as a combination of the "dust from the ground" and the "breath of life". When you die, the breath of life returns to God, and your body returns to the dust from which it came. There is no "Mary" walking around in heaven, despite whatever the pope wishes. You...
  20. 2

    Keep the sabbath holy

    The size of the land that the Catholic church owns, is in the realm of the size of Alberta Canada. If you read the description of the "women"/"Babylon the Great" (Revelation 17:4), it pretty much parallels the image of the Catholic church. While the Catholic church is not as rich as the queen...