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    Paul vs. Jesus...the grudge match...

    Dear Juan, I guess it is too early in the day, but I don't get your point. I am only pulling up the tares, the fact that some wheat is disturbed should not bother the wheat heads which are mature.(Mt 13:39) A sign of the "end of the age" is that the tares (sons of the evil one) will be pulled...
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    Paul vs. Jesus...the grudge match...

    Dear kevin, What would that gospel be?
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    Revelation 12 was fulfilled.

    Dear Donna, I am not sure that the "Scriptural" part of the bible can be twisted into whatever point of view you choose to advocate. As for the part filled with the babel of the tares along side of the voices of the good wheat, well that can be affectively read any way you would choose to go...
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    Revelation 12 was fulfilled.

    Dear Donna, Revelation 12:13, refers to the dragon being thrown out of heaven down to earth. His time is limited to time, times and 1/2 a time. The dragon is not thrown out of heaven until just before the 1st resurrection, and the 1st judgment, and the 1000 year reign. (Rev 20:1-4) We are not...
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    Is the Kingdom of God mentioned in the Old Testament?

    Dear exile, The kingdom of God, is best described in Daniel 2, when the "stone cut out without hands, crushes the statue of Nebuchadnezzar's dream. A kingdom will then be set up that will never be destroyed. The timing of this kingdom is best described in Daniel, and the mystery was not to be...
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    Revelation 12 was fulfilled.

    Dear donna, There is no "gather the elect" in Rev 12. There are two wings given to the woman in order for her to fly into the wilderness, while her offspring make war with the dragon. The woman stands for the women who "gave birth to the male child". The woman was in the wilderness 1260 days...
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    Paul's Thorn in The Flesh

    Dear Victor, There are many possible reasons for Paul's problems. My view is different, but here is different medical view with respect to epilepsy, since epilepsy was once called St. Paul's disease: Saint Paul born 5-15 AD in Tarsus/Cilicia, died approx. 64 AD in Rome In old Ireland, epilepsy...
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    Thomas wrote: Quote: Originally Posted by 2ndpillar Nimrod was the ruler of Babylon, the state from which the original Church of Babylon is based. Constantine was the 7th head of the beast upon which "the woman sits" (Babylon the Great). Rev 17:9 Ah, more grist to the conspiracy...
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    The Forbidden Gospel

    Dear Thomas, Your listed "misconceptions" do not bring any new light. No one said Constantine formed the canon at Nicaea. The existing canon was compiled in 367 by Athanasius. It was the power of Constantine's Roman church, which gave Athanasius his soap box and "sainthood". Constantine died...
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    The Forbidden Gospel

    Dear Thomas, My mind, body, and Spirit are at rest. You need to be more specific than to just throw up a link against a wall when responding to a post. I sometimes reply with quotes from "Wikipedia", because it is an expedient source when participating on an internet forum, but I put the source...
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    "How December 25 Became Christmas"

    Dear Thomas, You might want to not believe everything that comes from the church. Any critical thinking was burnt. As for the Mithraic Sol Invictus, the sun god, his birthday is associated with 25 December, and he is associated with with Mithras. Sol Invictus was inscribed on Roman coins. This...
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    The Forbidden Gospel

    Dear Thomas, Constantine decreed that the "day of the Sun", Sunday, would be the day of rest in 321 A.D. Sunday as the day of rest is now part of the Roman church faith. This being in concert with his Mithriac Sol Invictus being the god of his soldiers, and in line with his vision of the god of...
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    The Forbidden Gospel

    The dark print is from 2nd pillar and the light print of from the apologist Thomas.
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    The Forbidden Gospel

    Thomas wrote: OK. Do remember that Pontifix Maximus was a common title in Roman legislature until it was declined by Emperor Gratian in 381AD, and, as the title of a spiritual leader, was accorded to the Bishop of Rome. Dear Thomas, The Pontifex Maximus (Latin, literally: "greatest pontiff")...
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    "How December 25 Became Christmas"

    Jane wrote: By the fourth century, however, we find references to two dates that were widely recognized—and now also celebrated—as Jesus’ birthday: December 25 in the western Roman Empire and January 6 in the East (especially in Egypt and Asia Minor) . . . Dear Jane, The 4th century was the...
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    Who wrote the gospels?

    Yeshua said the greatest commandment is to Love God with your whole heart, mind and soul, or in simplified terms love your neighbor as yourself, because God dwells in your neighbor. Yeshua," Do unto others as you would have them do to you" Confucius," Never impose on others as you would not...
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    The Soul

    Scripture (Lev 19:18) and Yeshua Mt 22:37 commands" YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND". The "SOUL" is your body, the dust of the earth combined with the breath of life. It is separate from your "MIND" and "HEART". There is a...
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    Paul vs. Jesus...the grudge match...

    Donna wrote: You know everyone always makes it soooo complicated. God is love . Its as simple as that. All the things that come from love is what god is and does. Compassion, kindness ect. The gospel and the truth is all based on these facts. There is no other true gospel. Dear Donna, The...
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    Different Christian perspectives

    Dear donna, Actually, Yeshua renamed Simon BarJonas, "Pebble", or little rock. That was done for several reasons. The humorous reason being that a very little rock is a sand particle. Per Mt 7:26, anyone who doesn't build their house on heeding Yeshua's message, such as following the lead of the...
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    Donna wrote: I understand the date of Christmas is the date of the pagan holiday but the symbolism and celebration is about the birth of Christ. Actually the most apparent symbol of Christmas is the Christmas tree, which supposedly symbolizes Nimrod's rebirth every year from the stump of a fir...