Metaphysical meaning of Christ (mbd) | Truth UnityChrist is the only begotten Son of God, or the one complete idea of perfect man in Divine Mind. He is the embodiment of all divine ideas, such as intelligence, life, love, substance, and strength. In the architect's mind there may be one masterpiece, but that masterpiece is the sum of all the beautiful ideas that have come to his mind. This Christ, or perfect-man idea existing eternally in Divine ind, is the true, spiritual, higher self of every individual. Each of us has within him the Christ, just as Jesus had, and we must look within to recognize and realize our sonship, our divine origin and birth, even as He did. By continually unifying ourselves with the Highest by our thoughts and words, we too shall become sons of God, manifest.
From the Metaphysical Bible Dictionary....
Christmas....a time when we celebrate the birth of Jesus. Not his birthday...we know that, but the time we celebrate it worldwide.
Christmas...the birth of the Christ....within
Paul tells us to put the mind of Christ in our mind.
That spark of divinity is within all of us....
Christmas a time to recognize that Christ is born within you...
A time remember to honor that, nurture that, and grow that Christ consciousness....thruout the year.
Merry Christmas.