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a figment of your imagination
Christ is the only begotten Son of God, or the one complete idea of perfect man in Divine Mind. He is the embodiment of all divine ideas, such as intelligence, life, love, substance, and strength. In the architect's mind there may be one masterpiece, but that masterpiece is the sum of all the beautiful ideas that have come to his mind. This Christ, or perfect-man idea existing eternally in Divine ind, is the true, spiritual, higher self of every individual. Each of us has within him the Christ, just as Jesus had, and we must look within to recognize and realize our sonship, our divine origin and birth, even as He did. By continually unifying ourselves with the Highest by our thoughts and words, we too shall become sons of God, manifest.
Metaphysical meaning of Christ (mbd) | Truth Unity

From the Metaphysical Bible Dictionary....

Christmas....a time when we celebrate the birth of Jesus. Not his birthday...we know that, but the time we celebrate it worldwide.

Christmas...the birth of the Christ....within

Paul tells us to put the mind of Christ in our mind.

That spark of divinity is within all of us....

Christmas a time to recognize that Christ is born within you...

A time remember to honor that, nurture that, and grow that Christ consciousness....thruout the year.

Merry Christmas.
Metaphysical meaning of Christ (mbd) | Truth Unity

From the Metaphysical Bible Dictionary....

Christmas....a time when we celebrate the birth of Jesus. Not his birthday...we know that, but the time we celebrate it worldwide.

Christmas...the birth of the Christ....within

Paul tells us to put the mind of Christ in our mind.

That spark of divinity is within all of us....

Christmas a time to recognize that Christ is born within you...

A time remember to honor that, nurture that, and grow that Christ consciousness....thruout the year.

Merry Christmas.
A being that is totally love. Mind body and soul. That is Christmas. Its what we all really are.
Donna wrote:
A being that is totally love. Mind body and soul. That is Christmas. Its what we all really are.

Dear Donna,
Christmas is actually a tradition of men, based on the birthday of Mithras, and Nimrod, and fashioned after the pagan festival of Saturnalia, which is celebrated with gifts, and 7 days of excess partying. Something like what we have. The buying of non essential toys and electronics taking the population into more debt, to the benefit of the merchants. Excess eating and drinking, creating more weight problems for an already overweight population. High stress and depression, along with exhaustion for many, plus a period of increased drunken induced auto deaths.
The symbols of Christmas, such as the Christmas tree is a symbol derived from Nimrod's death. The state "Christian" church, in the 4th century, adopted pagan festivals, such as Saturnalia, in order to draw in the pagan subjects of the realm.
Hi 2ndpillar —
Christmas is actually a tradition of men, based on the birthday of Mithras ...
Ah, sorry, this is wrong, although it's a very common opinion on the internet.

The commercialisation of Christmas horrifies me as much as it does you, but I rather seek to get back to being mindful of what Christmas actually signifies and symbolises, rather than get caught up in the chatter.

which is celebrated with gifts, and 7 days of excess partying. Something like what we have. The buying of non essential toys and electronics taking the population into more debt, to the benefit of the merchants. Excess eating and drinking, creating more weight problems for an already overweight population. High stress and depression, along with exhaustion for many, plus a period of increased drunken induced auto deaths.
Yes, this is what you've turned it into.

The state "Christian" church, in the 4th century, adopted pagan festivals, such as Saturnalia, in order to draw in the pagan subjects of the realm.
There are so many 'internet facts' here (stuff that's repeated so often everyone just assumes it's true). Basically if you think there was a 'state' church after Nicea, as we understand 'state' today, then you're quite wrong.

The desire to make Constantine the baddie, and have the Christian faith derailed from then on, is also an over-simplification and bound to lead you to make erroneous assumptions.

Realise that if the Emperor had 'state' control of the Christian church, then the Arian controversy would never have happened.

Realise that if the Emperor had 'state' control of the Christian church, then the schism with the Oriental Orthodox Church would never have happened.

Realise that the 'iconoclast dispute' in the Eastern Patriarchies, which cost so many lives, was an attempt by the emperor to outlaw icons, as a sop to his Islamic neighbours

Realise that if the Emperor had 'state' control of the Christian church, then there would have been no need to kidnap and torture Pope Martin I — an event which came about because Rome steadfastly refused to be dictated to by an emperor.
Thomas wrote:
Realise that if the Emperor had 'state' control of the Christian church, then the Arian controversy would never have happened.

Dear Thomas,
By control, that would in the case of the "Arian" controversy, be the fact that Constantine convened the Council of Nicea at the location of his summer residence, chaired the Council, was basic support provider for the church, had the power to banish the losers of the "Arian" controversy, had the power to burn Arian's books, and had the power to destroy communities that didn't heed the Trinity dogma as his chaired Council had arrived at. Constantine was the Pontifex Maximus of the pagan church, as well as the Roman church. His real concern was consolidation and power. Coming to a consensus had everything to do with power, and nothing to do with the truth of the matter. While Arian died under suspicious circumstances, Athanasius went on to become bishop of Alexandria. If Arian had won the debate, Athanasius would be the one on the outside, and Arian would have been remained a presbyter of Alexandria. As it was, it was Athanasius that wrote the history, and Arian died rather horribly, in a country know for poisons of horrible consequences.
... Constantine convened the Council of Nicea at the location of his summer residence, chaired the Council, was basic support provider for the church, had the power to banish the losers of the "Arian" controversy, had the power to burn Arian's books, and had the power to destroy communities that didn't heed the Trinity dogma as his chaired Council had arrived at...
And yet, when Constantine ruled against Arius, what did he do? Sent him into exile. Who was executed? No-one.

Remember also that Athanasius was exiled no less than five times ... you'd think the emperors would have got fed up and have him killed or poisoned. But no.

So where is the evidence of burnt books, destroyed communities? All rather exaggerated, I think.

Constantine was the Pontifex Maximus of the pagan church, as well as the Roman church.
Not of the Church of Rome.
Donna wrote:
A being that is totally love. Mind body and soul. That is Christmas. Its what we all really are.

Dear Donna,
Christmas is actually a tradition of men, based on the birthday of Mithras, and Nimrod, and fashioned after the pagan festival of Saturnalia, which is celebrated with gifts, and 7 days of excess partying. Something like what we have. The buying of non essential toys and electronics taking the population into more debt, to the benefit of the merchants. Excess eating and drinking, creating more weight problems for an already overweight population. High stress and depression, along with exhaustion for many, plus a period of increased drunken induced auto deaths.
The symbols of Christmas, such as the Christmas tree is a symbol derived from Nimrod's death. The state "Christian" church, in the 4th century, adopted pagan festivals, such as Saturnalia, in order to draw in the pagan subjects of the realm.
I understand the date of Christmas is the date of the pagan holiday but the symbolism and celebration is about the birth of Christ.
Donna wrote: I understand the date of Christmas is the date of the pagan holiday but the symbolism and celebration is about the birth of Christ.

Actually the most apparent symbol of Christmas is the Christmas tree, which supposedly symbolizes Nimrod's rebirth every year from the stump of a fir tree. Nimrod was the ruler of Babylon, the state from which the original Church of Babylon is based. Constantine was the 7th head of the beast upon which "the woman sits" (Babylon the Great). Rev 17:9
Donna wrote: I understand the date of Christmas is the date of the pagan holiday but the symbolism and celebration is about the birth of Christ.

Actually the most apparent symbol of Christmas is the Christmas tree, which supposedly symbolizes Nimrod's rebirth every year from the stump of a fir tree. Nimrod was the ruler of Babylon, the state from which the original Church of Babylon is based. Constantine was the 7th head of the beast upon which "the woman sits" (Babylon the Great). Rev 17:9
The Christmas tree comes to us from Germany. Martin Luther is credited with being inspired by the starry heavens one night, and expressing his feelings to his family by bringing a fir tree into his home, and attaching lighted candles to its branches. Fir meant fire, and fire is an ancient symbol for spirit. The tree also pointed toward the heavens. Evergreens were thought to represent the ever-burning fire of life. The color green signified the life force through the year. Eventually decorative balls represented the planets, while the star that radiates from the top reminds us of Bethlehem. The entire tree and decorations teach us that the universe is witness to the Incarnation.
Red at Christmas reminds us of the fire of the Spirit. Green affirms nature, and the ongoing life. And in the Incarnation, Spirit unites with nature
Actually the most apparent symbol of Christmas is the Christmas tree, which supposedly symbolizes Nimrod's rebirth every year from the stump of a fir tree.
I rather think you've fallen under the spell of one of the many 'online ministries'? This is utter nonsense.

Nimrod was the ruler of Babylon, the state from which the original Church of Babylon is based. Constantine was the 7th head of the beast upon which "the woman sits" (Babylon the Great). Rev 17:9
Ah, more grist to the conspiracy mill.

You guts really lap this stuff up.
Thomas wrote:
Originally Posted by 2ndpillar
Nimrod was the ruler of Babylon, the state from which the original Church of Babylon is based. Constantine was the 7th head of the beast upon which "the woman sits" (Babylon the Great). Rev 17:9

Ah, more grist to the conspiracy mill.

You guts really lap this stuff up.

Dear Thomas,
Do you want to let everyone know who was the head of the 7th beast, "the one that has not yet come" (Rev 17:10)?
How about identifying the "woman sitting on a scarlet beast, full of blasphemous names, having seven heads and ten horns...clothed in purple...adorned with gold...BABYLON THE GREAT.."?
What were the parameters of the pagan religions of the time of Nimrod? What are the parameters of the Roman church? How do they compare?
I kinda of agree that consumerist Christmas could be considered demonic, but how you approach Christ mass is up to you, we don't know when Christ was born but we can
honour his birth at Christ mass :)
Oh, I've no clue if he's been banned....

I figured it was possible that it was Sunday....

my comment was purely cynical, satirical, and pointed.