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  1. J

    Proofs for existence of God

    As far as I can see, it makes sense. No I don't believe so, an unlimited range of imaginary beings could be fantasised as have power extending beyond humans. Modern humans have potential to create and destroy in what would surely appear to be a superhuman fashion to the Cro-magnons. Would it be...
  2. J

    Proof for God's Non-Existence

    I'm afriad I'm a sorry excuse for an atheist, I've never tried to disprove the existence of any deity. As a humorous sidenote it is worth mentioning I've never tried to disprove the existence of the Loch Ness monster, Peter Pan, Santa Claus, myself, etcetera. (My apologies I had to redeem myself...
  3. J

    Proofs for existence of God

    I apologise. I have asked that you back your assertions while failing to do so myself. Sorry about that. For your information: Castor canadensis I'm sure if you looked around (encyclopedias, zoology journals etc) you would find many examples of animals "bend[ing]"...
  4. J

    Proofs for existence of God

    Which one? In what way is your evidence for your god not evidence for the Invisible Pink Unicorn? More importantly, how does the discovery of DNA lend any credence to the existence of supernatural deities? The other animals accept it happily I suppose. :rolleyes: Could you...
  5. J

    Isn't beleif in God overrated?

    Which am I arguing? Neither really, but "I don't believe in god" is the nearest to my position. I'm confused, what are you saying here? :confused:
  6. J

    Isn't beleif in God overrated?

    When there is no reason warranting belief in a diety of any description it would be rather absurd to speak to one, don't you think? If despite the lack of evidence your all-powerful and all-loving god does exist is it likely it will cast people to suffering for using their ability to reason...
  7. J

    Isn't beleif in God overrated?

    Or naturalists.
  8. J

    Money root to all evil.

    Does my question of whether evil could have existed prior to money make me one the "smart asses" you were explaining to?
  9. J

    Your Favourite Quote

    This is a favourite among many atheists and a quote I particularly admire: "I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours." (Stephen Roberts)
  10. J

    but who created the atoms, energy?

    I'm not sure I understand the relevancy of this statement, Bandit.:confused:
  11. J

    Favorite Song Lyrics

    Not my favourite lyrics, but it's stuck in my bloody head. I think it's something to do with the groups of Israeli Jewish vandals who terrorise Palestinian communities. The Brews - NOFX Friday night we’ll be drinkin’ manashevitz Goin’ out to terrorize goyem Stompin’ shagitz, screwin’...
  12. J

    but who created the atoms, energy?

    There will always be gaps for gods to hide in.
  13. J


    I think he would explain the world by supernatural forces. It seems to be recurring theme of human intuition.
  14. J

    Questions: 101 Judaism

    Ironically, Amica, there is a Judaism 101 article at: that is quite useful to us goyim (:p couldn't resist it) with an interest in Judaism. Hope that is some use to you.
  15. J

    Arent atheists at risk?

    Hmm, maybe this god is a Star Trek fan who nips onto comparitive religion for a little healthy debate...
  16. J

    Arent atheists at risk?

    Although I am commiting selection bias here, I have never met an atheist who claimed to possess evidence that god/s does not exist. My own atheism, and that of every atheist I know, is a position of lacking evidence and no reasons warranting belief in a deity. Good post though man.
  17. J

    Proofs for existence of God

    How can I differentiate this evidence from personal delusion? The absence of consciousness is unconsciousness, not death. Have you any reason to believe that consciousness is the body's driving force? Feel free to elaborate...
  18. J

    Arent atheists at risk?

    Please, feel free to enligten me regarding the evidence. There is in fact a thread for that purpose.
  19. J

    The Use of Spirituality

    Well. I've decided that I've either got this spirituality and don't understand it or I don't have don't need it. I appear to be doing fine whichever it is.
  20. J

    Proofs for existence of God

    Well said. A guy I've spoken with on another forum says something like "proof is the object of liquor and logic." As for the evidences, it comes down to what we term evidence. We can get all mystical and talk of conciousness and knowledge and existence and how god is the source, but if you...