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  1. Jenn

    nice to meet you all!

    I love the Online Etymology website and use it frequently, haha ;) ... thanks for the other links ... the Arabic music ones have turned out to be really interesting! Grazi x
  2. Jenn

    a perspective on 2012

    I was sent this article by a friend from the Theosophical Society in England, which I thought might spark some interest/debate here. A Theosophical Approach To 2012 Christian Bodhi So what do you think? Do you agree/disagree?
  3. Jenn

    Top 10 required movies.

    You might notice I seem to go for more epic or storied kinds of films ... but I really enjoy a number of the movies you folk have already listed ... just don't ask me to watch lame horror movies (where the scariest part is in the previews), or overtly cheesy chick flicks which make me feel...
  4. Jenn

    Top 10 required movies.

    :D That is my all-time favourite Christmas movie and rendition of Dickens' A Christmas Carol, although the kid in me thinks the Muppets' version is fairly good. I just so love the music and emotion ... yes ... the humanity ... shown in the 1951 version. I've watched it (almost) every year for...
  5. Jenn

    Do you have a soul?

    I've been thinking about this lately myself too and here's some of my present thoughts: I am a body-soul ... a uniquely integrated manifestation here and now. This isn't something that "I" "possess" like on object. We tend to (for clarity's sake in language) refer to parts of ourselves as "my...
  6. Jenn

    The Tantalising Cleverness of the Bible

    Mmm, I've been experiencing that in the past six months or so and it's been an odd feeling. After I managed to wrangle myself away from the dogma and viewpoints of my childhood's fundamentalist Christianity and went on a more animistic pagan earth-centred path, it's given me enough time to heal...
  7. Jenn

    Why can't we all remember our past lives?

    None of the past lives I might remember are glamorous. Some are boring and others pretty horrible and like opening up psychic wounds. But that is where archetypal psychology comes useful.
  8. Jenn

    The Pre-Raphaelites

    Not to ressurect this thread but I must say I love the pre Raphaelites myself although I am partial because of their redheaded women (being a redhead myself who prefers older fashions and styles) and also because the paintings go so well with the Romantic poets. When I was younger I had a real...
  9. Jenn

    Harold Camping sez the world will end 5/21/11

    I want to know where the rest of the date came from. His bday? At least this isn't one of those Bible codes but really. I have heard it all though because my dad is into all the Revelations / End Times prophecy stuff. The UN and the EU are preparing the way for the anti Christ and Obama possibly...
  10. Jenn

    Why can't we all remember our past lives?

    most definitely agree with you .... There are definitely folk who only seem to remember being lords or queens or shamans or whatever else they choose. Now if used correctly, these could be viewed as images of the soul, things that convey the dignity, regalness and power of the soul but this so...
  11. Jenn

    Why can't we all remember our past lives?

    A very good mantra to have too. Even if you are actually right about one interpretation there are always new layers that transcend or include what is truth from one pont or perspective. That's why people who talk about other states of consciousness as 'more real' are missing the point that it is...
  12. Jenn

    nice to meet you all!

    Why thank you. One of the biggest blessings about joining in diverse discussions such as the kind here is that it shows me areas where I hadn't realised I lacked an open mind; ie my unconscious pre and misconceptions become visible. Sometimes I hate that but it certainly challenges the ego and...
  13. Jenn

    nice to meet you all!

    I generally get on very well with Scorpios. :D I'm a Leo rising if you couldn't tell with my Celtic hair. Although my mother is of Welsh, Scottish and English mix, my American father is Scots-Irish so Im more a Celtic mutt than anything lol. Very nice to hear about our shared interests too...
  14. Jenn

    nice to meet you all!

    Hello Nick, Well I am also a member of the Bangor TS Lodge (in N Wales) so in many ways I know where you're coming from when you discuss the Ageless Wisdom. I don't always get on well with Mdm Blavatsky's style of writing (which is very 1st Ray) but I have found the TS a very open place to...
  15. Jenn

    nice to meet you all!

    Hello Earl and thank you for your comments and welcome. I hope my comments below clarify my thoughts. For the "New Agey" bit, now I might put my foot in it ..... but I distinguish between two different kinds of New Ages. The first which I am more understanding and empathic with is the concept...
  16. Jenn

    nice to meet you all!

    Born in US but native to both and my parents divorced so things are a bit split up so depending on the time of year I travel back and forth a lot which does take effort but each place is unique. Over the next few years I might be spending more time in NC. But my heart and thoughts are always in...
  17. Jenn

    nice to meet you all!

    :) very well thank you! More like I have family and homes in both places so at any given time am likely to be in either place.
  18. Jenn

    So whatcha doin on Boxing Day?

    Wikipedia is always interesting. I should clarify that what I was told was not considered a modern cultural expression but one possible explanation for the origin of Boxing Day, or more likely a later tradition. We celebrate Boxing Day at home by opening yet more presents and spending all day...
  19. Jenn

    So whatcha doin on Boxing Day?

    I was told when I was younger that Boxing Day was when uni students broke open their savings boxes and got totally blathered. I rather like this explanation although it leaves one feeling warm and fuzzy for different reasons. :P
  20. Jenn

    Does evil exist?

    Does evil exist? Certainly not an easy question to answer. I'm afraid though that the word "evil" has very little relevance to my understanding of the world. I see suffering and pain being experienced, and I see others inflicting suffering and pain. I don't call those who inflict suffering and...