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  1. sara[h]ng


    I am familiar with Cayce's work and have always wondered about those specific dates which seem very black and white and clearly prove him incorrect. But then again, the dates rarely give the century, for example '68 instead of 1968. Don't get me wrong, I'm not offering this as an excuse or...
  2. sara[h]ng


    I suggest that you consider your statements in context and in regard to your own posts. I am withdrawing from this conversation. Sarah
  3. sara[h]ng


    Does anyone know anything about Aztlan, the (mythical or historical?) homeland of the Aztecs? I, myself, knew nothing about it until today when one of my professors was showing me pictures of excavations done on a mountain near where I live. There is an artificial 'floor' and aside from...
  4. sara[h]ng


    Do you realize how offensive and self-centered you are being in this post? That something that does not make sense to you does not mean that it does not make sense to others. There are a few possibilities here. 1: You and your sense of God is wrong, Magnetman's is correct. 2: Magnetman...
  5. sara[h]ng

    Asking about Danish newspaper cartoons of Mohammed

    I guess I wasn't paying much attention to this when I read it, and I thought that the answer above was given in response to the third question: I thought to myself, 'Yes! This is one who sees the truth in religion!' ... pretty disappointing when I matched up the answers to the right...
  6. sara[h]ng


    I really like this idea. I've vaguely heard of this kind of thing before, but it's never really made sense. I totally get it now. Great. : ) Interesting illustration, though a little inflammatory for some. Sarah
  7. sara[h]ng

    Reincarnation Paradox

    I'm not familiar enough with this idea to argue for it, but it is still interesting. I've heard that from a spiritual standpoint, time and space are human creations - that is, time does not exist in the spirit world. Hard concept for the human mind, but that simple fact does not make it...
  8. sara[h]ng

    Is human intelligence the result of Alien intervention?

    I'm no sure I get what you mean. First of all, no genome is perfect or even close to. Are you saying that due to the randomness of the universe, it isn't likely/possible that our intelligence could have reached the level that it has? Sarah
  9. sara[h]ng

    Is human intelligence the result of Alien intervention?

    I'm going to play devil's advocate here. Why couldn't one species, out of a billion, developing our type of intelligence, be due to random chance? How is it any more unlikely than any of the other things you stated? Sarah
  10. sara[h]ng

    preggy hits ground sky diveing

    Exactly my point. It's an egocentric point of view. Sarah
  11. sara[h]ng

    preggy hits ground sky diveing

    Some things happen only rarely, but the fact that they happen rarely does not make them, in themselves, remarkable. Statistics are a funny thing. We humans have a tendency to accept that a given thing may happen NORMALLY once in a thousand occurences, but we still look at that one in a...
  12. sara[h]ng

    The Amazing Pseudo-Haiku Chain

    Long shadows, crisp frost. Leaves crackle as though of ice. Chilly dawn awakes.
  13. sara[h]ng

    Heraldry and Wishing others well

    No, I'm on the other side of the mountains, about 3 1/2 hours west of you. Arctic is right. Hope it turns a little warmer soon. :(
  14. sara[h]ng

    Heraldry and Wishing others well

    Welcome to Colorado :D
  15. sara[h]ng

    The Amazing Pseudo-Haiku Chain

    A priceless jewel yet unpolished and hidden What eyes will find it
  16. sara[h]ng

    neverending group stream of consciousness

    Or a dust bunny into the vacuum of life.
  17. sara[h]ng

    neverending group stream of consciousness

    I do rather like crab cakes...
  18. sara[h]ng

    The Amazing Pseudo-Haiku Chain

    Grass, wind, snow, wild sun Great expanses, sun-kissed world. Asphalt a good trade?
  19. sara[h]ng

    Freud, Hitler, and the atom self.

    I have never thought of this. What a cool idea. :) - Sarah
  20. sara[h]ng

    The Creator of time

    Oh man. I didn't see that last part until now. I like this one. Now I have to find something to get riled up about so I can use it. Thanks - Sarah